Mike P. has surpassed Expectations!


I understand that losing a job is very difficult. This was necessary and expected. I do agree that the timing and the delivery of this information was less than optimal. These kind of things are never easy. We need to keep Northbrook and this Corporation lean & mean. I would expect more change to follow. Mike P. good luck to you and Thank You.

I understand that losing a job is very difficult. This was necessary and expected. I do agree that the timing and the delivery of this information was less than optimal. These kind of things are never easy. We need to keep Northbrook and this Corporation lean & mean. I would expect more change to follow. Mike P. good luck to you and Thank You.
Thank you for losing jobs?? I guess you have no reason to worry. Just terrible

This dude ain’t fucking around. He killed the sacred cows and we are moving in a new direction. He may be our only hope to keep this ship afloat. At least we aren’t playing grab-ass on stage with corny jokes anymore. We need to put our big boy/girl pants on and sell some shit!

He was completely incoherent - no clue what he was talking about. Except at the end - oh, we’re firing everybody. You think we in the SF aren’t next?

He was run out of ZS for similar stuff - making changes that no one agreed with. Has one flake ZS consultant that he listens to. Apparently no one here knew what he was doing.

Buckle up, we have a castoff wannabe just making things Up

I understand that losing a job is very difficult. This was necessary and expected. I do agree that the timing and the delivery of this information was less than optimal. These kind of things are never easy. We need to keep Northbrook and this Corporation lean & mean. I would expect more change to follow. Mike P. good luck to you and Thank You.
You need the A team to be successful at lean & mean, not the motley crew..

We need managed care coverage!!!!! The Abandoned and Rejected List doesn’t lie!! We are selling shit! Get the shit covered!!!!!!
if you need coverage to sell you are not a good salesman. that aim’t happening anytime soon. it’s call payer access barriers for a reason. go back to the old 80/20 rule. google that ish and grow where you have business. we have started it and it’s working

if you need coverage to sell you are not a good salesman. that aim’t happening anytime soon. it’s call payer access barriers for a reason. go back to the old 80/20 rule. google that ish and grow where you have business. we have started it and it’s working
Would love to learn your secret to success.

This is all about McKinsey Consulting and their recommendations. They do the same thing for every PhRMA company. They make lots of cuts and give all the executives bonus and pay raises.

This is all about McKinsey Consulting and their recommendations. They do the same thing for every PhRMA company. They make lots of cuts and give all the executives bonus and pay raises.
You are half right. McKinsey and ZS are also the go-to agencies that we use when we look to expand head count. So to paraphrase, they giveth and they taketh away. We're a bit hypocritical when we love their recommendations when it benefits us, and have issue when they recommend that we "right size" and cut management layers and headcount in general.