Sinking Fast


First quarter results are even more proof the Joey and the Board are taking Baxter down to the bottom! How in the hell did this guy make $43 Million the past three plus years while employees and stock holders have gotten taken! There’s not a competent leader at Baxter or on the Board!
Get on the first life boat off this Titanic!!!!

I am dumbfounded that Joe is still here. He has totally screwed this company and has miserably failed as a CEO. What does it take to get fired?

Does the stock need to nose dive more than it already has? $93 to $38?

People are outright speaking out about him on large Team internal calls. No one disagrees including senior leaders. He is an absolute mess. No one has any confidence in his ability to lead.

Seriously, Who makes the decision to let him go?

Meanwhile people are let go without blinking for doing their jobs very well. It's a very disturbing culture/climate to work in to say the least.

I am dumbfounded that Joe is still here. He has totally screwed this company and has miserably failed as a CEO. What does it take to get fired?

Does the stock need to nose dive more than it already has? $93 to $38?

People are outright speaking out about him on large Team internal calls. No one disagrees including senior leaders. He is an absolute mess. No one has any confidence in his ability to lead.

Seriously, Who makes the decision to let him go?

Meanwhile people are let go without blinking for doing their jobs very well. It's a very disturbing culture/climate to work in to say the least.

I imagine it is the board who decides.

So glad I was let go last summer and got severance and new gig right away and then an even better one some months after that.

I don't see how Baxter remains to be a company any longer

That the board has not taken action is a failure of corporate governance. The CEO is the chairman of the board at Baxter. That seems like a conflict of interests given the string of poor decisions taken at the top. Any monkey can cut costs but the art of “efficiencies” is making the leaner corporation work better through 1) improved organizational structures, 2) process and governance streamlining and last but not least 3) culture. Baxter has failed at all 3 unfortunately.

That the board has not taken action is a failure of corporate governance. The CEO is the chairman of the board at Baxter. That seems like a conflict of interests given the string of poor decisions taken at the top. Any monkey can cut costs but the art of “efficiencies” is making the leaner corporation work better through 1) improved organizational structures, 2) process and governance streamlining and last but not least 3) culture. Baxter has failed at all 3 unfortunately.

And guess who appointed members of the board? Joe. You guys are totally screwed.

I am dumbfounded that Joe is still here. He has totally screwed this company and has miserably failed as a CEO. What does it take to get fired?

Does the stock need to nose dive more than it already has? $93 to $38?

People are outright speaking out about him on large Team internal calls. No one disagrees including senior leaders. He is an absolute mess. No one has any confidence in his ability to lead.

Seriously, Who makes the decision to let him go?

Meanwhile people are let go without blinking for doing their jobs very well. It's a very disturbing culture/climate to work in to say the least.

I am dumbfounded that Joe is still here. He has totally screwed this company and has miserably failed as a CEO. What does it take to get fired?

Does the stock need to nose dive more than it already has? $93 to $38?

People are outright speaking out about him on large Team internal calls. No one disagrees including senior leaders. He is an absolute mess. No one has any confidence in his ability to lead.

Seriously, Who makes the decision to let him go?

Meanwhile people are let go without blinking for doing their jobs very well. It's a very disturbing culture/climate to work in to say the least.

How is it possible to allow the CEO of this company drive this stock to decrease over 50% and still sinking without any action from the board?
What about the employees that invested and hold stock they will never recover from the loss?
There needs to be a petition signed and sent to the board for some action that they should be made accountable to answer for a reason that they have allowed the company to become garbage.

How is it possible to allow the CEO of this company drive this stock to decrease over 50% and still sinking without any action from the board?
What about the employees that invested and hold stock they will never recover from the loss?
There needs to be a petition signed and sent to the board for some action that they should be made accountable to answer for a reason that they have allowed the company to become garbage.

I just keep checking the news to see who is going to buy the rotting corpse that is Baxter.

Wonderful strong almost 100 year old American company destroyed from the inside by a non-domestic plague known as Alemdia Disease.

I just keep checking the news to see who is going to buy the rotting corpse that is Baxter.

Wonderful strong almost 100 year old American company destroyed from the inside by a non-domestic plague known as Alemdia Disease.

Rotting corpses do not usually attract investors unless there is a certain level of necrophelia on the buyer side