Generic Maintena coming this fall.

Let’s see how quickly Aristada sales plummet.

cuts are coming folks.
Confronted manager on CC about Maintena going generic and she said absolutely no way that’s happening, sounds like a coverup and drinking the koolaid from leadership and feeding us a line. Not looking pretty and VIV is going generic too.

It would make sense that the 2 rep territories move to one. ALKS is all about the bottom line.

EB was all about riding Sunovion to the end. His experience is reduction and end of franchise retention. Remember that Sunovion reps would definitely be getting a new drug as Latuda went generic. That didn’t happen. Maybe he will tell us there is a narcolepsy future?

send your manager this link haha - it doesn’t look good for us.


Stock analysts from the bank and institutional brokerage organizations all stating it's a dual patent expiry and will immediately put downward price pressure on the one month formulations. Not good news. Maybe they will wrangle an authorized generic to hold things off a few more months. Maybe till first quarter 2025 but one month injectable aripiprazole is game over starting in fall of this year. Sad to say and sad to see. Those who don't are either delusional or in denial.

It would make sense that the 2 rep territories move to one. ALKS is all about the bottom line.

EB was all about riding Sunovion to the end. His experience is reduction and end of franchise retention. Remember that Sunovion reps would definitely be getting a new drug as Latuda went generic. That didn’t happen. Maybe he will tell us there is a narcolepsy future?

That drug that Sunovion was pinning their hopes on started their phase 3 trials about 6 months before Covid lockdowns hit, and about half their sites were in Russia and Ukraine which were wrecked by the war in early 2022. Everything that could go wrong in the world went wrong and derailed those studies.

That drug that Sunovion was pinning their hopes on started their phase 3 trials about 6 months before Covid lockdowns hit, and about half their sites were in Russia and Ukraine which were wrecked by the war in early 2022. Everything that could go wrong in the world went wrong and derailed those studies.

Interesting, looks like everything and anything that could go wrong at ALKS is happening as well. History repeats itself…

That drug that Sunovion was pinning their hopes on started their phase 3 trials about 6 months before Covid lockdowns hit, and about half their sites were in Russia and Ukraine which were wrecked by the war in early 2022. Everything that could go wrong in the world went wrong and derailed those studies.
Doesn't matter. The reality is that phase I drugs have about a 1.3% chance of ever getting approved. Phase II a better chance at 3.8% to 4.4% depending on the formula applied. If a investigational compound makes it to phase III thenthe chances of it getting approved shoots up to 16.2%. And if a drug gets approved it has a 37% chance it will ever become a $100 million dollar a year (low hurdle) priduct. 21% chance it will become a $250 million a year product. 9% chance it becomes a $500 million a year product. So no matter where you work, if your company is excited about or worse telling you a phase I or II product is going to save the company you should laugh in their face and realize they are ignorant or trying to manipulate you.

Doesn't matter. The reality is that phase I drugs have about a 1.3% chance of ever getting approved. Phase II a better chance at 3.8% to 4.4% depending on the formula applied. If a investigational compound makes it to phase III thenthe chances of it getting approved shoots up to 16.2%. And if a drug gets approved it has a 37% chance it will ever become a $100 million dollar a year (low hurdle) priduct. 21% chance it will become a $250 million a year product. 9% chance it becomes a $500 million a year product. So no matter where you work, if your company is excited about or worse telling you a phase I or II product is going to save the company you should laugh in their face and realize they are ignorant or trying to manipulate you.

Exactly, so in summary anyone who works at Alks is a passenger on the titanic!