How can this mess be fixed?


Clearly Alkermes is in trouble. 40% turnover and increasing by the week. Stock price has done nothing for years. No pipeline. Salary is competitive but bonus's are embarrassing given over half don't hit the ridiculous goals. Forecasting is so far off it's pitiful. So where do they start to right this sinking ship?

Sadly, as loyal and nice as a few of them are, there must be a change starting at the highest levels. Richard has been here decades. We need fresh leadership and ideas. Todd Nichols has single handed destroyed the field force. He has not a clue what is going on in the field. He's just so far out of touch it's visible to everyone but the one that put him there. Richard and Todd need replaced with pros. If that's done, more may need to go in the C Suite once their abilities are assessed by someone who knows what the hell they're doing. If any rep had sucked as long as they have they'd be gone.

I'm sorry, but it's time. This isn't just one Regional or District Manager problem. It's the top. They need to own it.

Clearly Alkermes is in trouble. 40% turnover and increasing by the week. Stock price has done nothing for years. No pipeline. Salary is competitive but bonus's are embarrassing given over half don't hit the ridiculous goals. Forecasting is so far off it's pitiful. So where do they start to right this sinking ship?

Sadly, as loyal and nice as a few of them are, there must be a change starting at the highest levels. Richard has been here decades. We need fresh leadership and ideas. Todd Nichols has single handed destroyed the field force. He has not a clue what is going on in the field. He's just so far out of touch it's visible to everyone but the one that put him there. Richard and Todd need replaced with pros. If that's done, more may need to go in the C Suite once their abilities are assessed by someone who knows what the hell they're doing. If any rep had sucked as long as they have they'd be gone.

I'm sorry, but it's time. This isn't just one Regional or District Manager problem. It's the top. They need to own it.

No one cares what you think and it is obvious you don't work here. Every company has problems in this industry dip shit.

Nerve Struck I doubt because anyone that defends this shit hole is drinking so much Kool-Aid they will need diabetic meds soon. There is so much nepotism in this company that it’s the only way they know how to operate. Middle Management is so proud of themselves they can’t even see the misery they promote. Management is scared of being good people and they promote he/she/it that affirms their position with the utmost conviction. So suck hard and long from the teet of the mother because the milk will run dry eventually. But take the paycheck as long as you can continue to swallow your personnel pride. Trust no one I mean no one!