BMS Manager Checklist


  • **Narcissistic Leaders' Traits**: Narcissistic bosses often lack integrity, lie frequently, and may promise things they do not intend to fulfill, leading to a toxic work environment.
  • **Power and Control**: Narcissistic individuals are attracted to leadership positions for the power and control, not necessarily for the responsibility or the betterment of the organization.
  • **Impact on Workplace Culture**: Such bosses can create a culture of fear, mistrust, and backstabbing, where employees feel constantly on edge and demoralized.
  • **Documentation is Key**: Due to the manipulative nature of narcissistic leaders, it's crucial to document interactions and agreements to catch inconsistencies and lies. Documentation may not be enough, as they will simply need ignore any evidence presented to them if it doesn’t further their point of view.
  • ️ **Grandiose Goals**: Narcissistic bosses set ambitious goals that are more about self-aggrandizement than the success of the organization or team.
  • **Lack of Team Advancement**: These leaders often do not promote or prepare others for bigger roles, preferring to keep a tight grip on power and control. They may only promote and hire those they believe pose no threat to them. It is a red flag if you are a high performer and never publicly praised for your efforts by your leaders.
  • **Inhibition of Innovation**: The fear and intimidation in such workplaces can stifle innovation and growth, as employees focus on self-preservation rather than creativity.
  • **Personal Criticism**: Narcissistic leaders often give personal and cruel feedback, which can be demoralizing and counterproductive for personal and professional development. They may criticize your ideas only to copy them and claim it to be their own. Narcissistic bosses are easily angered (they may not show it) and cannot accept even minor criticism without a narcissistic injury.
  • **Moving Goal Posts**: Promises of opportunities, raises, or resources are frequently made but rarely materialize, with the leader moving the goal posts to keep employees in a state of uncertainty and dependence.
  • **Charm and Deception**: Initially, narcissistic leaders may charm and deceive new hires with charisma and false promises, creating a false sense of security and opportunity.
  • **Career Derailment**: Over time, working under a narcissistic leader can derail careers, leading to long-term disability, burnout, or even departure from the industry.

  • **Narcissistic Leaders' Traits**: Narcissistic bosses often lack integrity, lie frequently, and may promise things they do not intend to fulfill, leading to a toxic work environment.
  • **Power and Control**: Narcissistic individuals are attracted to leadership positions for the power and control, not necessarily for the responsibility or the betterment of the organization.
  • **Impact on Workplace Culture**: Such bosses can create a culture of fear, mistrust, and backstabbing, where employees feel constantly on edge and demoralized.
  • **Documentation is Key**: Due to the manipulative nature of narcissistic leaders, it's crucial to document interactions and agreements to catch inconsistencies and lies. Documentation may not be enough, as they will simply need ignore any evidence presented to them if it doesn’t further their point of view.
  • ️ **Grandiose Goals**: Narcissistic bosses set ambitious goals that are more about self-aggrandizement than the success of the organization or team.
  • **Lack of Team Advancement**: These leaders often do not promote or prepare others for bigger roles, preferring to keep a tight grip on power and control. They may only promote and hire those they believe pose no threat to them. It is a red flag if you are a high performer and never publicly praised for your efforts by your leaders.
  • **Inhibition of Innovation**: The fear and intimidation in such workplaces can stifle innovation and growth, as employees focus on self-preservation rather than creativity.
  • **Personal Criticism**: Narcissistic leaders often give personal and cruel feedback, which can be demoralizing and counterproductive for personal and professional development. They may criticize your ideas only to copy them and claim it to be their own. Narcissistic bosses are easily angered (they may not show it) and cannot accept even minor criticism without a narcissistic injury.
  • **Moving Goal Posts**: Promises of opportunities, raises, or resources are frequently made but rarely materialize, with the leader moving the goal posts to keep employees in a state of uncertainty and dependence.
  • **Charm and Deception**: Initially, narcissistic leaders may charm and deceive new hires with charisma and false promises, creating a false sense of security and opportunity.
  • **Career Derailment**: Over time, working under a narcissistic leader can derail careers, leading to long-term disability, burnout, or even departure from the industry.
I have experienced many of these here and it sucks. My manager has gone out of his way to be unkind to several members on the team. He has openly bad mouthed them to others. It’s sad because he doesn’t care for anyone that actually has an opinion and cares enough about their job to voice it.

A manager free environment is best for productivity and mental health. Trainers instead of managers would benefit but the trainers should not be mediocre. Managers are pretty much not required. Managers were useful when you worked in a company for 30-40 years and retired. The way everyone gets tossed around now, a manager free environment would be beneficial. Gen Z are not able to accept the current toxic environment that baby boomers, Gen X and millennials absorbed. There will be hordes with mental health issues as US deteriorates in the next 30-50 years. If leaders don’t wake up now, Americans will be jobless and the unimaginable high revenues that are generated in this country will disappear.

A manager free environment is best for productivity and mental health. Trainers instead of managers would benefit but the trainers should not be mediocre. Managers are pretty much not required. Managers were useful when you worked in a company for 30-40 years and retired. The way everyone gets tossed around now, a manager free environment would be beneficial. Gen Z are not able to accept the current toxic environment that baby boomers, Gen X and millennials absorbed. There will be hordes with mental health issues as US deteriorates in the next 30-50 years. If leaders don’t wake up now, Americans will be jobless and the unimaginable high revenues that are generated in this country will disappear.
What a dumbass

What a nitwit
Are you one of those managers with nothing to do? No work, no transparency, attending meetings and acting blind. I bet you present 1-2 slides, hang around and get paid for nothing draining all resources. Go home.

Slides taken from the work of three people, and probably a vendor like ZS too, for which he or she will take credit for, but never be able to speak to or understand what's in the presentation.

The problem isn’t the hierarchy, bosses are there to be great mentors, align the work with what the org needs, show you how to get to the next level and be successful in your role.

This is sometimes not the case and incapable or downright malicious employees are put into leadership roles.

Having been a manager at BMS for decades, the truth is the company sees managers as police to keep people working, kind of an 18th century approach to business. It’s really pretty sad.

The problem isn’t the hierarchy, bosses are there to be great mentors, align the work with what the org needs, show you how to get to the next level and be successful in your role.

This is sometimes not the case and incapable or downright malicious employees are put into leadership roles.

Best practice is to read more leadership books and get more certificates.