What is the pay?


I have an interview coming up but don't want to waste my time. What can I truly expect to start at with 4 years? Pay is most important second would be how many ride alongs and how often? Please no responses saying why am I looking here, look somewhere else etc. If I don't like it I'll eventually leave. I'm just trying to provide for my family, father to 1 month old triplets with a 5 and 3 year old so pray for me.

I have an interview coming up but don't want to waste my time. What can I truly expect to start at with 4 years? Pay is most important second would be how many ride alongs and how often? Please no responses saying why am I looking here, look somewhere else etc. If I don't like it I'll eventually leave. I'm just trying to provide for my family, father to 1 month old triplets with a 5 and 3 year old so pray for me.
Fuck off, pharma rep.

My friend was offered $155k, but he turned it down due to the toxic work environment. Arrogant, clueless, narcissistic management driving good trips to quit. Culture of mistrust from these big pharma drones. This company holds the record for highest turnover! Not worth any amount of money!

My friend was offered $155k, but he turned it down due to the toxic work environment. Arrogant, clueless, narcissistic management driving good trips to quit. Culture of mistrust from these big pharma drones. This company holds the record for highest turnover! Not worth any amount of money!

I was part of the charter sales team hired at the start of COVID. The environment then was terrible, and I have heard nothing has changed in four years. There is insane pressure to perform and goals are beyond unrealistic, which is why I quit to take a lower paying job and forfeited all of my stock options. Great reps and managers are constantly leaving because of the toxicity and those that are left probably have early adopter doctors supporting their success in territory. The company leaders are not afraid of a PIP and readily put reps on them with ridiculous metrics and admin work expected during the warning period. So many better jobs out there.

I was part of the charter sales team hired at the start of COVID. The environment then was terrible, and I have heard nothing has changed in four years. There is insane pressure to perform and goals are beyond unrealistic, which is why I quit to take a lower paying job and forfeited all of my stock options. Great reps and managers are constantly leaving because of the toxicity and those that are left probably have early adopter doctors supporting their success in territory. The company leaders are not afraid of a PIP and readily put reps on them with ridiculous metrics and admin work expected during the warning period. So many better jobs out there.

There were directors and managers who couldn’t lead through the initial launch in the pandemic. Poor ranking? PIP. COVID restrictions keeping you out of your offices and clinics? PIP. State regs keeping your CMHCs shut down? PIP. So many douchebags showed who they really were in a difficult situation. We got rid of a lot of them but their replacements aren’t much better. Shit rolls downhill here fast. And there is a lot of it.

My friend was offered $155k, but he turned it down due to the toxic work environment. Arrogant, clueless, narcissistic management driving good trips to quit. Culture of mistrust from these big pharma drones. This company holds the record for highest turnover! Not worth any amount of money!
is this for newest openings calling primary care? If not what is range for these new openings?

What is the "real" answer. Bi-weekly or semi monthly?

Except a couple years ago he was constantly talking about how taking your family to church was necessary for a strong family relationship, how he and a bunch of other parents (probably his swingers group too) set up a commune style home school situation to keep their kids out of the degenerate public schools