Lionel is slime

As slimy as his hair gel. While he presides over futility, his style of leadership is to walk with his chest out and micromanage but when things go wrong, he blames subordinates for not executing on "his direction." He truly is the worst type of person to be in a leadership position. A good solo contributor who somehow made it a few levels above his capacity with zero ability or interest in managing people which is why our culture is completely non-existent. Poor results and awful leadership at Sanofi is why he got booted out of there which is hard to do when you are French!

Too much of a narrsasitic, only cares about himself. Thinks he is "above" you and he can do no wrong. No wonder people don't trust or follow him. Makes you feel like he is boss and you are a peasant.

Thanks for weighing in Lionel. No go back to polishing your pointy shoes with the heel lifts
Lionel! From the African Education Conference!

Yah, mon, I was Director of Cultural Activities at the Haile Selassie Pavilion.

I remember the pavilion - we had big fun there!

Boo-boo yah, boo-boo yah, boo-boo yah, hah! Boo-boo yah, boo-boo yah, boo-boo yah, hah!

Oh, memories!