
What the hell is wrong with Medtronic HR??? Tried to call several times and only voicemails!!! I have never seen an HR group as unprofessional as they are!! They apparently couldnt give 2 shits about employees! Maybe an EEOC complaint would get some attention from their useless asses!!!!!

What the hell is wrong with Medtronic HR??? Tried to call several times and only voicemails!!! I have never seen an HR group as unprofessional as they are!! They apparently couldnt give 2 shits about employees! Maybe an EEOC complaint would get some attention from their useless asses!!!!!

Guys, a lot of our HR is now handled out of India. Most of our finance departments are now at of Bogata Columbia. I wish I was kidding and when I first heard both I thought the person telling ,e this information was crazy. Until I started asking questions and well, there it is. Customer Service is also being handled by third world countries.

What the hell is wrong with Medtronic HR??? Tried to call several times and only voicemails!!! I have never seen an HR group as unprofessional as they are!! They apparently couldnt give 2 shits about employees! Maybe an EEOC complaint would get some attention from their useless asses!!!!!
HR at Medtronic only supports vice presidents. Everyone else needs to call askhr. I left Medtronic HR in 2019, as I disagreed with only providing HR support to VPs and sending everyone else to call
Centers managed by Cognizant in countries with cheap labor.

HR at Medtronic only supports vice presidents. Everyone else needs to call askhr. I left Medtronic HR in 2019, as I disagreed with only providing HR support to VPs and sending everyone else to call
Centers managed by Cognizant in countries with cheap labor.

The service of HR at Medtronic has been on a downward spiral for years. The old model where a generalist took care of a department replaced by an collection of service organiations each doing a bit or a piece of the job. There was a functionl while I was there called, I kid you not "Human Capital Insights". They were the Global voices people. Then theres the team that levels job descriptions, the one that sets pay, the one that gets resumes, the one that reviews performance, the one that that looks a DEI, the one that does succession planning.... getting further and further from the organization all the time ,

HR only cares if you are in the protected class of employees and/or belong to one of many discriminatory DEI programs.
If you’re brown, black, Asian or an Alphabet, you’ll get a call back.