Layoff coming?

With Norwich filing a new ANDA for the IBS-D indication a few days ago I am hoping it won’t be long. Honestly do not need this job but why not stay and get the severance and commission payout lol? Was planning to just leave this dumpster fire after payout in June but now I think I am going to stick it out. Kind of looking forward to watching people freak because I TOLD everyone on our team to start looking once we got the decision in April. Every one of them said that they believe our leadership and that “they will defend our intellectual property” and there is no need to worry.

With Norwich filing a new ANDA for the IBS-D indication a few days ago I am hoping it won’t be long. Honestly do not need this job but why not stay and get the severance and commission payout lol? Was planning to just leave this dumpster fire after payout in June but now I think I am going to stick it out. Kind of looking forward to watching people freak because I TOLD everyone on our team to start looking once we got the decision in April. Every one of them said that they believe our leadership and that “they will defend our intellectual property” and there is no need to worry.

you’re a clown. Of course everyone is worried to an extent; they just don’t trust or respect you enough to tell you that. You’re one of those people that when your name pops up on their phone when you call, they think “ugh, this guy again”

the severance isn’t even that good and it’s embarrassing to stick around for it

With Norwich filing a new ANDA for the IBS-D indication a few days ago I am hoping it won’t be long. Honestly do not need this job but why not stay and get the severance and commission payout lol? Was planning to just leave this dumpster fire after payout in June but now I think I am going to stick it out. Kind of looking forward to watching people freak because I TOLD everyone on our team to start looking once we got the decision in April. Every one of them said that they believe our leadership and that “they will defend our intellectual property” and there is no need to worry.

With the new patent challenge, Even before we file any any appeals there is an automatic 30 month stay on any action, so you are still looking at a minimum of 2 1/2 years, but it will likely drag out until 2028ish .... Unless you are an Integra rep or in a territory that gets dissolved you have a while to wait for any type of severance.

Someone pull the plug already! The constant and useless field rides are insane! Soon more offices are going to start banning reps all together! The managers provide absolutely nothing!!!!!

The call today was such a joke. This company can’t capture the data so it makes us look like we aren’t doing our job, my docs are writing this drug hand over fist but I’m getting credit for about 40% of my scripts.
We have 10 reps in our area that are all looking for new jobs.

Just make sure that you are “checking the box” lol. I spend more time making sure I complete my actions these days. What happened to letting us run our business and sell? Ridiculous. Sad that most people on my team actually are still drinking the kool aid and believe that everything is fine.