
I came into this meeting feeling good about where the company was going. I read all the posts on here and thought it would be different but was I wrong. What happened to the Elanco I knew.

Day 1:
They require us to be here by 1 but start at 3:45 The president of your company shows up late. I don’t care what excuse you have or what flight issue you have, you don’t show up late. Especially with everything going on this year.

SM’s speech today was actually pretty good. I thought he had some solid points. It’s been a while. He tells us he wants us all to forget about 2017, what about all the people who busted their hump for you in 2017?? Forget about it. It’s over.

“Marketing” shows up and tells us a story about Alaska and eating penguins! Where are you going with this story?!? No wonder why we suck. We can’t even afford a laser pointer. Ha!

Two regional managers go on stage and I fell asleep. Typical “I can’t hear you” at the beginning. Yawn. Zzz

Simmons goes on stage. Half of his slides work, half don’t. Typical sports analogy story. Yawn again. Tells us a story about a rainy day in May that he couldn’t sleep and went for a walk; imagine not being able to sleep every night because of job security Jeff. He tells us a stock market expert moved Zoetis to a Sell position instead of hold or buy. He took notice off that.
What about your stocks Jeff? Tell us about that.

Speech ends? “Q&A” session but not an actual Q&A because the questions are completely rehearsed as SM has a piece of paper and a strangle hold on the mic.

Head to be after party for chicken nuggets and burgers. Really?!? That’s the food. What are we kids?!? Where the pizza?
Can I have a bottle of water? I ask the referees outside about botted water and they tell me they’ve never had a meeting here that didn’t have bottle water but this is a first and you guys don’t have it. What?!? We don’t even have BOTTLED WATER here?!?!

Can’t wait for tomorrow.

Be the change. Maybe the change needs to start with you?

Standard Simmons speak...keep those cliches at 32,000 feet with zero tactics at ground level. That's exactly what got Elanco in to this dismal downward spiral to begin with ... bunch of walking self-help books with no real strategies, or substance for that matter. What's your why...WIN...blah blah blah.

Several have left but there is still plenty of incompetence around Greenfield. I know Simmons has offered stay bonuses to several. 2018 is the year the lights get turned off, too bad a bunch of arrogant, weak-minded individuals destroyed a once well respected company

Some may think the theme of this national sales meeting was “be the change” the real theme was “we have no money”. It was felt from day 1 through 5. It started with the food as mentioned above and continued all week. Looking around the room during meeting it looked plain and dusty. No signage, nothing. Instead of reserving the whole banquet room we get half and are packed like sardines.

They served us the same Tex mex lunch two days in a row. Come on. Instead of getting a band for the awards night they go the CHEAPEST way possible.... Karaoke!!!! For drinks they may just have served us box wine as well because it was gross. The only reason people drank was to ease the pain of listening to the leadership on stage. Go out on a free night they said with a group but don’t spend more than 60 dollars!?!?!? Hahaha what a joke. Box lunches for departure? Nope nothing, travel to the airport hungry. Sigh.

Instead of being fired up to go sell after a sales meeting I was reminded what a desolate place this has become. It’s eerie.

Awards night “college night theme”, dress in your alma matter or wear your favorite college team.

Aaaaaahahahahhahahahhahahahha. Is this real life? Are we grown ups? Hahahhahahahhahahaha. I haven’t laughed that hard in months!! I’ll have to borrow my nephews football jersey! Better yet, I’ll buy a Bobby Boucher jersey from the Waterboy, full pads and all!! Aaaahhahahhahaha.

Image search sales award ceremony on google. See how real companies dress with class. Step up your “game” elanco. Ahahhahahhahaha. Omg I’m dying.

While I agree that having a theme like “wear your favorite college fan attire” is stupid, I appreciate that we don’t go the formal route. Packing additional dress/formal attire is a pain in the butt for these unnecessary meetings.