Federal Investigation


It appears Sterling Reference Labs, recently purchased by Cordant Health is under federal investigation for what else, billing fraud and inducement issues. Plus their incestuous relationship with NW Physicians Labs, who by the way is also under federal investigation.

It appears Sterling Reference Labs, recently purchased by Cordant Health is under federal investigation for what else, billing fraud and inducement issues. Plus their incestuous relationship with NW Physicians Labs, who by the way is also under federal investigation.

This is what happens with greedy, clueless leadership. Sterling was better off small.

As they let people go they made sure they had signed agreements that they were never allowed to engage in whistle blower suits. I thought this was a huge violation of the law but could not risk losing out on a paycheck so signed the agreement. Big mistake as they were being audited almost daily by insurance companies and the government.

I always thought that the senior leadership at Cordant was inept and arrogant. I suppose dishonest isn't far behind.
The difference between what this company could have been and what it ultimately became is one of the most sad and astonishing things I've ever seen.
Tragic for some of the truly good people who still work there.

What is the source of this information about an investigation?

It appears Sterling Reference Labs, recently purchased by Cordant Health is under federal investigation for what else, billing fraud and inducement issues. Plus their incestuous relationship with NW Physicians Labs, who by the way is also under federal investigation.
was that investigation into NWPL pain cream sales? Pretty sure that Cordant had nothing do do with NWPL pain creams,

It appears Sterling Reference Labs, recently purchased by Cordant Health is under federal investigation for what else, billing fraud and inducement issues. Plus their incestuous relationship with NW Physicians Labs, who by the way is also under federal investigation.
do you work for Millennium? Pretty sure that a Millennium rep who couldn't fend off competition from NWPL or from Cordant would write something like this. Thinking that NWPL and Cordant have better billing than this poster's lab. Millennium is the lab that exchanged free cups for loyalty contracts.

The feds are quietly investigating them based on an ex employee who supplied information which appears to be credible enough that the Feds took interest.
since Millennium Health was revealed, they seem to want everyone else to have their baggage...sorry, not buying it. No body bags and toe tags here.

I always thought that the senior leadership at Cordant was inept and arrogant. I suppose dishonest isn't far behind.
The difference between what this company could have been and what it ultimately became is one of the most sad and astonishing things I've ever seen.
Tragic for some of the truly good people who still work there.

What is the source of this information about an investigation?
Competition and wild imaginations

It appears Sterling Reference Labs, recently purchased by Cordant Health is under federal investigation for what else, billing fraud and inducement issues. Plus their incestuous relationship with NW Physicians Labs, who by the way is also under federal investigation.
Millennium, right?
Sorry that your competition is...competitive.

As they let people go they made sure they had signed agreements that they were never allowed to engage in whistle blower suits. I thought this was a huge violation of the law but could not risk losing out on a paycheck so signed the agreement. Big mistake as they were being audited almost daily by insurance companies and the government.
Every lab is under scrutiny. You can not ask an employee to sign away the right to assist the federal government in ferreting out corruption. This is total BS.

Ha ha ha! Yes, it must be Millennium people spreading these terrible rumors about the leadership of Cordant. I don't believe that the OIG investigation is real. Besides, it doesn't matter. There are a thousand little labs popping up everyday that have their act together better than Cordant. These start ups bill more effectively, provide reliable service and treat their employees with appreciation and respect. Any hope that Sterling/Cordant had of being a serious competitor to Millennium evaporated the moment their senior leadership signed on. I doubt Millennium even talks about Cordant.
To the post above who just joined Cordant. When you get your first commission statement, let everyone know if it was what you thought you were getting. Good luck!!!

Amen! To the Callaway people who just got pressed into service to Cordant, read the fine print. They may continue your current comp plan until January but that's when you get your real orientation to the Cordant way. You'll loose customers you've built relationships with (if they don't leave on their own!!), you'll be promised some percent of your sales but you'll never be able to confirm whether your numbers are accurate or not. Run! Run away!

was that investigation into NWPL pain cream sales? Pretty sure that Cordant had nothing do do with NWPL pain creams,

NWPL doesn't supply pain creams. That product line belongs to Paramount Compounding Pharmacy, which is owned by same physicians as NWPL. Let's not even go into Ascendant labs which is also owned by same physician partnership.

I can't speak for any of the other companies but Northwest Physicians Laboratories definitely has some sort of scam going on. I'm pretty sure they are cheating the Insurance companies. One drug test I was billed for was over $1,000. (And mine are not court ordered or anything like that.) The referring office Northwest Spine and Pain tells its patients not to pay the bill, just not to worry about it. Something is really off here. I hope the guy who said they are under investigation by the Feds is correct.