why are all of the good reps leaving

This company has lost a lot of great reps over the past six months. These reps actually cared about the vets. Elanco may not always be the answer, but shouldn't this company recognize that the problem is not the rep if the rep can sell and convert business once they get out of here.

What are reps being fired for? Are they no longer putting in a full day, burned out, or is it another reason. The GPS seems to know all. I am not sure what information the GPS records but it may explain why reps are leaving or being fired.

At least they are getting off the ship before it sinks. I heard that little Randy down south got to grind all of his axes and throw several people under the bus. Way to stick up for your people man!

It seems like the good reps are either quitting or being targeted by upper management for PIPs / firing. Thoughts?

Are you seriously asking this question? Frontline and Heartgard are losing market share they will never regain. Many vets are finally realizing our vaccine mktg is BS. The increased level of vet jet sarcomas and horrific lepto reaction rate certainly hasn't helped.

If the Elanco rep in my area ever quits or gets promoted, I'll be going strong after her position!

The company has become a sad example of greed and is just a shell of what it used to be.

Agreed! I put in 10 years and noticed this a few years ago so got out and am totally happy and do not regret it at all. As a 4 time winner of the COE, I was also targeted and put on a PIP--even though I was making over 100% of goal and lead the nation in FL market share. Totally sad to see they are still treating people this way :( The family culture is not what it used to be--it just got to big and impersonal.

Agreed! I put in 10 years and noticed this a few years ago so got out and am totally happy and do not regret it at all. As a 4 time winner of the COE, I was also targeted and put on a PIP--even though I was making over 100% of goal and lead the nation in FL market share. Totally sad to see they are still treating people this way :( The family culture is not what it used to be--it just got to big and impersonal.
Wait, so if you were really making 100% to goal, why would you be put on a Performance Improvement Plan? I'm calling BS on you. Explain yourself

Amen to that!!

Sorry, we already got all the good ones. If your not here yet, well??[/QUOTE]

Seriously.....GROW UP.

Your attitude may get YOU on the unemployment line. Elanco is a professional company that doesn't tolerate junior high mentality like this. Enough seasoned professionals are approaching us so we can start the weeding out process. Expect it. The Profession has had enough of this school-yard bullying. We want our people in front of the doctor talking about our PRODUCTS, not our COMPETITION.

Management is sharpening the ax and I do believe your neck is at risk.

Agreed! I put in 10 years and noticed this a few years ago so got out and am totally happy and do not regret it at all. As a 4 time winner of the COE, I was also targeted and put on a PIP--even though I was making over 100% of goal and lead the nation in FL market share. Totally sad to see they are still treating people this way :( The family culture is not what it used to be--it just got to big and impersonal.

Foul ball dude. I don't buy it for a minute. No way you were making goal, leading the nation in MS. NO WAY

If the Elanco rep in my area ever quits or gets promoted, I'll be going strong after her position!

Amen to that!![/QUOTE]

Yeah think again about Elanco. Do you really think that diverters are not coming after your products? If you don't think again. Wal mart no longer carries FL and the Pet Armor is a failure. FL sales are increasing as is the companies willingness to make FL price competitive. Elanco i.e. Trifecis on the other hand I'd just starting down the same path and will soon be having the same issues. Merial on the other hand is almost through the storm and will be recovering in offices. Don't believe me just wait and see. Remember everyone follows wal mart and FL will soon be offered in fewer places than the vomit comet Trifexis. Oh one more thing since sales have gone up on Trifexis last year plenty of customers will be telling offices this product does not work on fleas. With the season we have coming this year killing only adults won't even come close to getting the job done. Oh and enjoy generic Trifexis on pet meds. You have already almost weathered the storm here why start it all over again with Elanco.