It seems like the good reps are either quitting or being targeted by upper management for PIPs / firing. Thoughts?
Define "good"It seems like the good reps are either quitting or being targeted by upper management for PIPs / firing. Thoughts?
It seems like the good reps are either quitting or being targeted by upper management for PIPs / firing. Thoughts?
It seems like the good reps are either quitting or being targeted by upper management for PIPs / firing. Thoughts?
And what they are doing with 3C data now is disturbing. I never really believed it would be used this way.
If the Elanco rep in my area ever quits or gets promoted, I'll be going strong after her position!
The company has become a sad example of greed and is just a shell of what it used to be.
Wait, so if you were really making 100% to goal, why would you be put on a Performance Improvement Plan? I'm calling BS on you. Explain yourselfAgreed! I put in 10 years and noticed this a few years ago so got out and am totally happy and do not regret it at all. As a 4 time winner of the COE, I was also targeted and put on a PIP--even though I was making over 100% of goal and lead the nation in FL market share. Totally sad to see they are still treating people this wayThe family culture is not what it used to be--it just got to big and impersonal.
Amen to that!!
Agreed! I put in 10 years and noticed this a few years ago so got out and am totally happy and do not regret it at all. As a 4 time winner of the COE, I was also targeted and put on a PIP--even though I was making over 100% of goal and lead the nation in FL market share. Totally sad to see they are still treating people this wayThe family culture is not what it used to be--it just got to big and impersonal.
Foul ball dude. I don't buy it for a minute. No way you were making goal, leading the nation in MS. NO WAY
If the Elanco rep in my area ever quits or gets promoted, I'll be going strong after her position!