New MBA here, and six months into this I am ready to quit.


Wish I knew about this site a year ago.

The pay is good, but being treated like a 12 year old kid getting yelled at for missing the bunt sign is too much.

Thankfully, I can do many things with my degree, so its not too bad. However, this job is just too much.

Any thoughts? Am I missing something here?

Wish I knew about this site a year ago.

The pay is good, but being treated like a 12 year old kid getting yelled at for missing the bunt sign is too much.

Thankfully, I can do many things with my degree, so its not too bad. However, this job is just too much.

Any thoughts? Am I missing something here?

Why did you get an MBA and then go into pharma?

Your MBA won't buy you much anymore. Sorry. Everyone and their mom has one. Not to put you down, but if you want to stay in sales, all they care about is if you can sell. Even my US Director of Sales where i am at has a BA and that is it.

And then I know plenty of MBAs that couldn't sell anything.

An MBA might be somewhat useful if you got it after working years in business. What always cracks me up are those folks that get their MBAs right after undergrad. You don't learn business in a textbook. You don't know anything at 22. I find it hillarious that the MBAs I talk to in my device job that work in my company only understand "by the book" principles. These are folks from Ivy league schools too.

MBA is a great degree to have. The only people in the world that care..... are other MBA's. Pharma sales are for people that want to make average money and have tons of time outside work to get other things done... start a business, care for their children, coach sports... etc. Ive been in this industry 15 years. It took me about 5 years and tons of work experiments to figure out that bonus and success in this job is pure luck. Once you figure that out... you play the game a couple time a month, and do the least amount of work possible. Use your MBA brain to figure out a way to make the most $ per hour. If you want to make more per hour, work 1 hour less per day...etc.. until you are making what you think you deserve.

Good Luck!

Wish I knew about this site a year ago.

The pay is good, but being treated like a 12 year old kid getting yelled at for missing the bunt sign is too much.

Thankfully, I can do many things with my degree, so its not too bad. However, this job is just too much.

Any thoughts? Am I missing something here?

Why did you get an MBA and then go into pharma?

Your MBA won't buy you much anymore. Sorry. Everyone and their mom has one. Not to put you down, but if you want to stay in sales, all they care about is if you can sell. Even my US Director of Sales where i am at has a BA and that is it.

And then I know plenty of MBAs that couldn't sell anything.

An MBA might be somewhat useful if you got it after working years in business. What always cracks me up are those folks that get their MBAs right after undergrad. You don't learn business in a textbook. You don't know anything at 22. I find it hillarious that the MBAs I talk to in my device job that work in my company only understand "by the book" principles. These are folks from Ivy league schools too.

sounds like you were not smart enough to get your MBA.

Also, in pharma sales, it is NOT about what you can sell. It is about how good you are at office politics.

In other sales jobs, commission only jobs (mostly), it is about selling.

Get your facts right.

MBA is a great degree to have. The only people in the world that care..... are other MBA's. Pharma sales are for people that want to make average money and have tons of time outside work to get other things done... start a business, care for their children, coach sports... etc. Ive been in this industry 15 years. It took me about 5 years and tons of work experiments to figure out that bonus and success in this job is pure luck. Once you figure that out... you play the game a couple time a month, and do the least amount of work possible. Use your MBA brain to figure out a way to make the most $ per hour. If you want to make more per hour, work 1 hour less per day...etc.. until you are making what you think you deserve.

Good Luck!

Great post!

Its funny to see so many pharma reps that think they have made it in life because they work as a pharmaceutical sales person.

Cracks me up.

sounds like you were not smart enough to get your MBA.

Also, in pharma sales, it is NOT about what you can sell. It is about how good you are at office politics.

In other sales jobs, commission only jobs (mostly), it is about selling.

Get your facts right.

You responded to my post. I don't want an MBA. It would do me no good in my position. I see no reason to spend that sort of money on something with little tangible benefit.

Plus, you don't have to be smart to get an MBA. I fly about two times a month for work for large deals (200k+ $ Deals) and I see ad after ad for MBAs online in airline magazines, skymall catalog, etc, MBAs where you meet once a week, once a month, and these are from noteworthy and not noteworthy schools. The MBA has lost any respect it had. I love you types that sign your name "Joe Smith, MBA" LOL this isn't an MD or PhD.

Nobody cares about your MBA.

You responded to my post. I don't want an MBA. It would do me no good in my position. I see no reason to spend that sort of money on something with little tangible benefit.

Plus, you don't have to be smart to get an MBA. I fly about two times a month for work for large deals (200k+ $ Deals) and I see ad after ad for MBAs online in airline magazines, skymall catalog, etc, MBAs where you meet once a week, once a month, and these are from noteworthy and not noteworthy schools. The MBA has lost any respect it had. I love you types that sign your name "Joe Smith, MBA" LOL this isn't an MD or PhD.

Nobody cares about your MBA.

Very true. MBA and college education, in general, has been watered down by the government giving everyone an opportunity to go to school with loans. Most of these kids have no business even going to college.

Sales is a skill, for sure.

However, pharmaceutical sales is not sales, because the rep doesn't have to sell to eat.

Pharmaceutical sales is a blow job.

The people doing good in pharma are the ones that are good at office politics (unless you work for a small company and have your own territory).

Also, the people promoted in pharma are usually the ass kissers of the year.

Very true. MBA and college education, in general, has been watered down by the government giving everyone an opportunity to go to school with loans. Most of these kids have no business even going to college.

Sales is a skill, for sure.

However, pharmaceutical sales is not sales, because the rep doesn't have to sell to eat.

Pharmaceutical sales is a blow job.

The people doing good in pharma are the ones that are good at office politics (unless you work for a small company and have your own territory).

Also, the people promoted in pharma are usually the ass kissers of the year.

You responded to my post. I got out of pharma about 3 years and got into device and love it. The customers give me a definite yes or a definite no. I can handle that, even it is a no. What I couldn't in handle in pharma is the "we will try it." Towards the end I got a little hostile with the wishy and washyness of it would tell Drs...You are either going to use it or you aren't...which one is it?

In device, you can do that " look Doctor, I respect your time, so either you are buying my device for $100,000 based on what we talked about or you aren't. Which one is it? If it is a no Doctor, I understand but I have 20 other appointments this month to make and need to meet with people who are buying."

And that is the point, you don't need an MBA to be successful in even advanced device sales. You aren't making any true decisions in device sales. You aren't running a p and l, you aren't concerning yourself with accouting or marketing (See I don't have an MBA and I know this stuff).

Sales is simple: Find a customer with needs, uncover those needs through questions while using trial closes, present your quote tying the needs back to your product and ask for the business. This isn't rocket science but people seem to make it so.

Very true. MBA and college education, in general, has been watered down by the government giving everyone an opportunity to go to school with loans. Most of these kids have no business even going to college.

Sales is a skill, for sure.

However, pharmaceutical sales is not sales, because the rep doesn't have to sell to eat.

Pharmaceutical sales is a blow job.

The people doing good in pharma are the ones that are good at office politics (unless you work for a small company and have your own territory).

Also, the people promoted in pharma are usually the ass kissers of the year.

Pharma sales is sales. In fact you can argue that it is one of the more difficult areas of sales because you are engaged in indirect selling. It takes a lot of patience and maturity to deal with that because the payoff isn't immediate. You don't get immediate feedback.

The thing is you are paid to move a product. That is sales pure and simple. Yeah, people can luck into good numbers, especially over the short term, but people can and do get let go for poor numbers, therefore pharma is sales.

Pharma sales is sales. In fact you can argue that it is one of the more difficult areas of sales because you are engaged in indirect selling. It takes a lot of patience and maturity to deal with that because the payoff isn't immediate. You don't get immediate feedback.

The thing is you are paid to move a product. That is sales pure and simple. Yeah, people can luck into good numbers, especially over the short term, but people can and do get let go for poor numbers, therefore pharma is sales.

Pharma sales is marketing/advertising. I know you like to pretend, but that is the truth. You are basically a commercial for your product. Don't get me wrong, it is a great position for lazy people to earn $100K, but do not kid yourself, you are not selling. If you are in pharma because you are lazy or you want to pursue outside interests, that I understand. If you pretend you are in some great "sales" job, then you are a delusional idiot.

Pharma sales is sales. In fact you can argue that it is one of the more difficult areas of sales because you are engaged in indirect selling. It takes a lot of patience and maturity to deal with that because the payoff isn't immediate. You don't get immediate feedback.

The thing is you are paid to move a product. That is sales pure and simple. Yeah, people can luck into good numbers, especially over the short term, but people can and do get let go for poor numbers, therefore pharma is sales.

Pharma isn't sales. When you get a formulary win and you go to #1 that isn't sales. When your company is more concerned about "reach and frequency" that isn't sales. When you are judged on how many lunches you do per month, that isn't sales.

It is "soft selling." If you had to go commission only on pharma sales I bet you wouldn't take the job...too much out side of your control.

the definition of a close is a definite yes or no. When do you EVER get that in pharma sales?

Sales isn't sales unless there is a signed order and you truly close the business with money passing between two parties. Pharma sales is a commercial you make every 2 weeks. I am not bagging on it, but let's be honest here...

Pharma isn't sales. When you get a formulary win and you go to #1 that isn't sales. When your company is more concerned about "reach and frequency" that isn't sales. When you are judged on how many lunches you do per month, that isn't sales.

It is "soft selling." If you had to go commission only on pharma sales I bet you wouldn't take the job...too much out side of your control.

the definition of a close is a definite yes or no. When do you EVER get that in pharma sales?

Sales isn't sales unless there is a signed order and you truly close the business with money passing between two parties. Pharma sales is a commercial you make every 2 weeks. I am not bagging on it, but let's be honest here...

Best post ever on CP! Couldn't have said it better myself.

Some of the dumbest people I've ever known were MBA's. Even worse are the socially retarded, double MBA's.
Even worse than that are the socially retarded black and white thinking double MBA's from foreign countries such as India.
You mix their idiologies with business politics and you have a r*****!

Some of the dumbest people I've ever known were MBA's. Even worse are the socially retarded, double MBA's.
Even worse than that are the socially retarded black and white thinking double MBA's from foreign countries such as India.
You mix their idiologies with business politics and you have a r*****!

Wow! Both jealousy and racism! Being so uneducated and closed minded must make you a very angry and miserable person.

Pharma isn't sales. When you get a formulary win and you go to #1 that isn't sales. When your company is more concerned about "reach and frequency" that isn't sales. When you are judged on how many lunches you do per month, that isn't sales.

It is "soft selling." If you had to go commission only on pharma sales I bet you wouldn't take the job...too much out side of your control.

the definition of a close is a definite yes or no. When do you EVER get that in pharma sales?

Sales isn't sales unless there is a signed order and you truly close the business with money passing between two parties. Pharma sales is a commercial you make every 2 weeks. I am not bagging on it, but let's be honest here...

Do you move a product which produces revenue for your employer? Yes. Therefore it is sales!

Is there a lot of insanity that companies have gotten all involved in which has nothing to do with the bottom line? Yes, but that doesn't make it any less of a sales job. It's just a sales job overlaid with insanity.

MBA is a good degree, as long it is from a top 50 school.

Those that don't think so, are usually those without one.

That's make experience with this (I don't have an MBA). That goes for education in general. I find that people without degrees think that you don't need one.

Most people with money think education is good.

Now, sales reps that think they are so great because they have been able to keep a 6 figure income in a bad economy with a 4 year degree (mostly by luck or kissing ass), think they are God's gift to sales, and think they are so good that they don't need an MBA or other advanced degree.

what these people fail to see is that they mostly got lucky (especially in pharma, where age discrimination is now rampant, and where you only get a job if you know someone). Pharma jobs are not obtained by hard work or intelligence, not anymore at least.

My take is that the MBA degree is worthwhile, as long as you know what you want to do with it, as long as it comes from a good school, and as long as it is affordable.

Screw people that say its worthless, as these morons have a 4 year degree in drinking and physical education, and never read a book with pictures, other than the great book, "How To Kiss Ass And Keep Your Job, With No Talent".

Do you move a product which produces revenue for your employer? Yes. Therefore it is sales!

Is there a lot of insanity that companies have gotten all involved in which has nothing to do with the bottom line? Yes, but that doesn't make it any less of a sales job. It's just a sales job overlaid with insanity.

Therefore, if I work at McDonald's is that sales?

MBA is a good degree, as long it is from a top 50 school.

Those that don't think so, are usually those without one.

That's make experience with this (I don't have an MBA). That goes for education in general. I find that people without degrees think that you don't need one.

Most people with money think education is good.

Now, sales reps that think they are so great because they have been able to keep a 6 figure income in a bad economy with a 4 year degree (mostly by luck or kissing ass), think they are God's gift to sales, and think they are so good that they don't need an MBA or other advanced degree.

what these people fail to see is that they mostly got lucky (especially in pharma, where age discrimination is now rampant, and where you only get a job if you know someone). Pharma jobs are not obtained by hard work or intelligence, not anymore at least.

My take is that the MBA degree is worthwhile, as long as you know what you want to do with it, as long as it comes from a good school, and as long as it is affordable.

Screw people that say its worthless, as these morons have a 4 year degree in drinking and physical education, and never read a book with pictures, other than the great book, "How To Kiss Ass And Keep Your Job, With No Talent".

Education for the sake of education is pointless. Plus, going in debt another $50,000 for something that will do you no good is pointless. In sales, there really isn't a need for an MBA. PErhaps if you want to go into management that is one thing, but I have no desire to do that either.

And yes, I drank my ass off with my 4 year degree and got a worthless BA degree. That being said, I still made 175k last year in a shitty economy and am 30. I blew my quota out selling devices. That MBA from "University of" isn't going to help me at all. Knowing how to sell and being damn good at what I do is what allows me to live the life I do.

Some jobs are not judged by education but what you produce. A good example is a computer science wiz. You don't need a Masters Degree if you show your employer you can code in a certain way, etc. My friend has an associates degree in computer science and can code like nobody's business, knows network infrasture like nobody else and is a kick ass on site customer engineer. A college degree would have done him no good. Plus, he makes $150,000 last year.

So if you want to go into middle management, your MBA might help, but for device sales, it is a degree you get because in our culture, more education is pushed way too much. Enjoy your $600 per month student loans payments as I interview against you and get the job.

The MBA in this field is completely pointless.

You can say I am jealous and I really don't care. I too could go get an MBA. It is just pointless.

Education for the sake of education is pointless. Plus, going in debt another $50,000 for something that will do you no good is pointless. In sales, there really isn't a need for an MBA. PErhaps if you want to go into management that is one thing, but I have no desire to do that either.

And yes, I drank my ass off with my 4 year degree and got a worthless BA degree. That being said, I still made 175k last year in a shitty economy and am 30. I blew my quota out selling devices. That MBA from "University of" isn't going to help me at all. Knowing how to sell and being damn good at what I do is what allows me to live the life I do.

Some jobs are not judged by education but what you produce. A good example is a computer science wiz. You don't need a Masters Degree if you show your employer you can code in a certain way, etc. My friend has an associates degree in computer science and can code like nobody's business, knows network infrasture like nobody else and is a kick ass on site customer engineer. A college degree would have done him no good. Plus, he makes $150,000 last year.

So if you want to go into middle management, your MBA might help, but for device sales, it is a degree you get because in our culture, more education is pushed way too much. Enjoy your $600 per month student loans payments as I interview against you and get the job.

The MBA in this field is completely pointless.

You can say I am jealous and I really don't care. I too could go get an MBA. It is just pointless.

So, you are doing good.

Wait til you are 40 and get downsized for missing quota.

Good luck getting back in the game.

Also, doesn't it suck to have to kiss all that ass, to doctors all day. Sure the pay is good, but its almost like you are a loser because of all the ass you have to kiss in sales.

Education for the sake of education is pointless. Plus, going in debt another $50,000 for something that will do you no good is pointless. In sales, there really isn't a need for an MBA. PErhaps if you want to go into management that is one thing, but I have no desire to do that either.

And yes, I drank my ass off with my 4 year degree and got a worthless BA degree. That being said, I still made 175k last year in a shitty economy and am 30. I blew my quota out selling devices. That MBA from "University of" isn't going to help me at all. Knowing how to sell and being damn good at what I do is what allows me to live the life I do.

Some jobs are not judged by education but what you produce. A good example is a computer science wiz. You don't need a Masters Degree if you show your employer you can code in a certain way, etc. My friend has an associates degree in computer science and can code like nobody's business, knows network infrasture like nobody else and is a kick ass on site customer engineer. A college degree would have done him no good. Plus, he makes $150,000 last year.

So if you want to go into middle management, your MBA might help, but for device sales, it is a degree you get because in our culture, more education is pushed way too much. Enjoy your $600 per month student loans payments as I interview against you and get the job.

The MBA in this field is completely pointless.

You can say I am jealous and I really don't care. I too could go get an MBA. It is just pointless.

175k is BS.

How many dicks do you have to suck?