Company Monitoring Page for Depuy Synthes Johnson and Johnson

job ratings for Depuy Synthes Johnson and Johnson

Depuy Synthes Johnson and Johnson
job rating:
have to agree with the rating on 7/25/18,over worked and under paid.Also a lot of favoritism goes on around here.JNJ won't invest in new machines to produce quality product. However, with our company being sold i have high hopes of improvements
Depuy Synthes Johnson and Johnson
job rating:
since j and j bought us it's nothing but layoffs and new managers that don't give a ratsass about the employees. They call themselves a company that cares and want to encourage time spent with your family. by making a 6 day work week i see my kids one day out of the week! the whole 'we care about you and your family' part of the CREDO you're so obsessed over is a LIE
Depuy Synthes Johnson and Johnson
job rating:
I like my job tasks, less stressful than most here. However stress levels are going up, shown by the amount of people taking short term disability for stress/mental wellness. I am not happy with the pay to cost of living ratio. Cost of living goes up but our pay stays the same. also, i have worked here for 17 years and new hires are coming in just under what i make an hour.

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