Worst company ever to work for ABBOTT

Discussion in 'Abbott' started by anonymous, Aug 11, 2016 at 10:48 AM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I just read how someone committed suicide working for Abbott.It may have not been in USA, but I remember parking my car in driveway and never working for abbott again. I was verbally abused by manager. Many other teammates were also abused. We all called human resources and their answer was to talk us through how to take abuse. Manager finally retired a year later. He had been abusing staff for years and they just kept moving him to new division. Maybe now this company will be investigated. So sad.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You must have been a low performer Many like me are here 20 years no problems. Folks like you make performers like me look good ! Sorry little lonely man
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    If you were verbally abused by your Manager, there was probably a good reason. Being a former Manager myself, babysitting and discipline was 90% of my job duties. It's unbelievably how grown adults can and do act like children. I'm always amazed at how they can keep their job. You were probably in that group!
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The manager who commented must have been a good reason to abuse your staff. It is never a good reason to abuse staff.
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Sometimes employees just need a good push to get them on track. People fall into a rut and it's quite normal. If we didn't push them then we are hurting them NOT us. Ths animals DONT run the the zoo

    Head Zoo Keeper
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Just read that piece. 30 year rep and manger here. The sticks shows a pattern of abuse and poor management on the executive level. Having some international experience cultures and business norms are different. But ethical treatment of employees should not be. Business Conduct is poorly managed. Even in the US many managers create an environment of fear and intimidation when sales stink. Sometimes it's a bad marketing plan, unreal expectations, bad forecasts etc. Most of the time it is not a result of a bad sales rep. Abbott allowed their culture to exist. Absentee mangement on the highest executive level needs to set the standard. Clearly that's not happening. Rick wake up. Quit jet setting with the new chick. Get your ass to India and set things right. And pay those people a bit more that $500 a month.
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Rick ? Miles White is CEO You can see the above poster is completely a phony Troll
    Ricks runs Abbvie NOT Abbott ...Enough said and you see what I mean about the Crawlers who are completely clueless 2 FUNNI
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    30 years and you don't who CEO is ? BUSTED GOOD
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    he's probably the op. clueless as hell and never worked 30 months let alone 30 years. how dumb can you be. he thought he was on Abbvie board. trolls get mixed up easily. :p
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Y'all left the "30 year" Bogus Managers cheese in the wind ......NICE !!!! Well played
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Another one bites the dust .....Yippee Ki yay Mthfkr
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Abbott is all about politics. Doing what is politically correct for the management up the chain. The longer you stay the higher the chance of getting screwed.

    Having said that, the money and bennies were good. Made it to my 14th year, got canned ,but also got 7 months PCL + vacation. Now retired, collecting pension, SSI, and bit from my 401K. Overall Abbott was very good to me.
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Miles White is the Abbott CEO, you're on the wrong message board!
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    i love cats
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Good Catch. Weed em out and Mow em down !!
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    INDIA?!?!? Who gives a F! They "off" themselves all the time over there, and all over Asia, over the smallest $hit. Jump off buildings for the same kind of thing we shrug off then go play catch with the dog. Abuse from management is a way of life over there, along with ungodly hours and endless suck-up protocols and traditions. Like you can't go home until the boss does; if the boss works until 10:00pm, then wants to go drinking all night, you have to go along or risk offending him. In those countries, it is often common for management to yell and scream, throw things, make impossible demands, treat all employees like $hit, lie, deceive etc. Managers are EXPECTED to find something in EVERY travel expense report to reject and kick back. It is SOP to change bonus plans right up to the 11th hour, drastically reducing to eliminating payout; when there is payout, delaying payment for 12 months is not uncommon. Employees are EXPECTED to take all of this without complaint. Heads down, look at the floor. If they dare utter any response, the most common is "sir may i have another".

    Why the F do you think they are all willing to do ANYTHING to get to the USA or the EU?

    Abbott would LIKE all its managers to treat employees the same over here, and they try the best they can, but there are too many regulations, lawyers, and it's (still) against our culture.