Who's left Zimmer now?

Discussion in 'Zimmer' started by Anonymous, Jul 11, 2012 at 3:50 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Just because you say it doesn't make it true. You were obviously not in the knee group in 2012/2013. Almost half the group quit or transferred out to get away from the BS.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I just left. And there are several more of my peers about to leave. This merger was so poorly communicated.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Yes, the grass IS greener.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Ever think the grass may be greener with the new ZB....not some other competitor across town? This merger will weed out the "dead wood". maybe thats why people are leaving early. At any rate, they are passing up a potential severance...not smart!
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re:d Who's left Zimmer now?

    You can't expect people to wait around to see if they will be offered a position...it's not the dead wood who are leaving, but good employees who need to have at least an essence of stability. Which is better, waiting for the management team to pull their heads out of their butts and start letting people know, only to find out you didn't make the cut because some deadweight has been a deskjockey longer and missing out on applying for jobs for what? Loyalty? 3 months pay?
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Understand...but in leaving voluntarily, you gave up any opportunity for receiving severance. In essence, you left potential money on the table. You hung in there since the April 24, 2014 announcement; why wasn't it worth hanging in a few weeks longer to receive some settlement and you could still made your move.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Unless a new employer makes up for any potential severance....it just doesn't make any sense to leave prematurely. Of course if you've only been their a few months or so, who cares.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You have to stop thinking short term. I just left for more money with a better company and overall better op. This isn't the same company I joined. And knowing how they operate, severance is a maybe, not a guarantee.

    I honestly don't know of a single person who isn't looking.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Everyone should be looking at their options; sales and corporate. People that have waited more than a year are sitting back now, watching "Close" clock strike midnight while waiting for the answer whether they're in or out and any next opportunity. Speaking first hand, DD has no idea how much the sales people hate him and this company right now. How does a company president that was trying to improve employee engagement turn so many of their employees (and customers) to "actively disengaged"? He doesn't care about people or their level of engagement. He only cares about his bonus and earnings per share. This is truly a house of cards.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    My docs hate.....h.a.t.e. Z
    It's been months on end of missing items, quality concerns,mans letters about recalls going to the hospital leadership. Z is a total failure. Meanwhile, stock price soars.
    Z does not care about its customers any longer.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Smart people leave when they get the opportunity. If you wait you will be looking at the same time as others in the same boat. Zimmer will be as stingy with severance as they are with PTO. Not worth staying for if you get a good opportunity elsewhere.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I remember those times. Before that, all you had to do was be chummy with everyone to get a great review. But then, you had to show that you accomplished something by yourself. A lot of people were stranded. And the reviews (or BS as you say) were awful.

    If you think it was unfair, name 5 significant releases in the last 10 years. Hell, just name 2.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    My favorite was in 2013 when the Biologics Marketing Manager took a job with another company and the same week the Biologics Sales Director quit just because he was tired of being treated like a child all the time. Both gone in the same week.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    If you find a good opportunity - go for it! Screw the severance. If you wait, that opportunity may not be there anymore. Anyone who needs to have this pointed out has rocks for brains.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Yeah, right!!! New leadership came on board and started holding people to a higher standard! What are you smoking? They showed up and started calling everyone idiots and morons and pushing product through the process because that us what they got bonuses for. Monthly beatings on why things are not done yet, charge full steam ahead no matter what the problem is and everyone too scared to stand up to it because doing so got people fired!
    If you think the reason everyone left is because they got realistic reviews after skating for years, you are talking about a different place. Typically at Zimmer, you don't get any reviews and if you do, they are superficial and half-hearted. No one in management could be bothered to worry about developing or mentoring their employees. You worked your butt off and got a mid-grade review and a whopping 1% raise. The raise usually just shows up in your paycheck, no one bothers to tell you it is coming or why it is so crappy.

    You must be a director or VP trying to preserve your legacy. I can tell because you are full of crap. You probably just got canned in the re-org. Good riddance! I pity the people who work for any company you Zimmer rejects end up BSing your way into. Maybe tell them you are responsible for the success of Persona - oops, maybe not.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Well said. This reply is spot on. I literally didn't hear my review but saw my pay increase and had to do the math. Horrible place it's become. A shell of what it once was. At who other than locals would want to live there.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I said if it was unfair, just name two releases in ten years. You talk about "pushing product through the process", but what is all this product?

    The reps need new product that is mistake free. You can only sell MG knees so long.

    Just over ten years ago, the knee department finished designing the LPS, LPS-flex, CR-flex, a salvage knee, and x-linked poly inserts in about five years time with about half the staff. And we got good raises because of it. I didn't even count the ZUK.

    You can sit on your high horse and complain about how you are treated, or you can figure out a way to get product out the door in a reliable fashion. Or you can go chum up...
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Why two? Because you say so. How about Persona, Dillweed? A complete knee system. How many recalls so far? How's that for effective leadership?
    The reason the product wasn't going out is not because the teams were slow, or lazy, or poor. It was because leadership ran all the good ones off with their old school bullying and no one got replaced.
    Oh, by the way, it is kind of hard to put out new product when you are in the middle of recalls, warning letters and company-wide remediation efforts.
    But then again, this thread is about who is leaving. Kind of a moot point now that the Biomet managers are taking over and bringing their favorites with them. This thread will not be able to keep up with all the Zimmer folks "leaving".
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    LOL I think Personna has had about 5 recalls, along with limited supply. Supply you can blame on leadership because that is resource management, but recalls belong to the design team.

    But to the bigger point. My experience at Zimmer is that since God knows when, it isn't what you know, its who you know. Your boss gets canned, better start looking. There are a lot of undeserving people in management and below that use the pack mentality to survive. When things go bad, they are not the first to go, but they eventually go.

    Bottom line, when people add value to a product they survive. Doing a million TPS reports doesn't cut it.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    He's back at Stryker.