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What's going on at PharmaNet...?

Discussion in 'CROs - General Discussion' started by Anonymous, Oct 2, 2011 at 10:16 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Any PharmaNet employees out there? What is the environment like since being acquired by inVentiv? There are just handful of job openings posted on the company's website - is there a RIF planned..?

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I am an i3 employee, and we are working side by side with Pharmanet employees now that we both have been acquired by InVentiv. Besides an upper level management shift (Org-chart revision)... its been business as usual. There are a few Multimillion dollar proposals that I am aware of being pursued and defended now, and who knows how many more are on the table..so Id say, business is doing ok for Pharmanet - i3.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    PharmaNet executive management took over and everyone lost PTO days plus there are layoffs. the former inventiv and i3 employees aren't happy.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Inventiv Executive Managagement discovered they overpaid for a bankrupt company, not once but twice with i3 and PharmaNet. They decided to take it out on low level employees and RIF them and let the fat cats that ruined PharmaNet stay in place. They shouild have fired their M&A staff instead.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    i3 was acquired prior to PharmaNet, so they took control of a lot of processes and people. Morale at PharmaNet was terrible after several rounds of layoffs, my last day was 1/13. One PharmaNet employee was told "we bought the company, not the people".
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Lol...wow, that's just asinine.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    But Romney told us that corporations ARE people :(
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Their senior management are useless especially Reekie. He is one clueless dude.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Who is Reekie? And where did Bilasky land in all of this? It's all PharmaNet people running the show now, isn't it? Any i3 people left besides Dearhamer? Recruiters must be having a field day.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    pharmanet has been hit hard with layoffs and good people leaving. we feel as those i3 has been running the show.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Oh, please. It is all PNet leadership now, with very few exceptions. I3 doesn't exist any more and it sure as heck isn't running the show.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I think ALL employees aren't happy. We've all lost PTO, and we all feel very insecure. No one that I know is happy with what the current leadership (and I use the term loosely) is doing, and I know that many of my co-workers are actively looking for other jobs.

    This really isn't a Pharmanet vs. i3 vs. inVentiv Clinical Services thing... It's a 99% vs. 1% thing!

    And despite the 'laser focus on retention,' I'm sure recruiters ARE having a field day... and we should all be talking to them, to try and get out before they drive off enough clients to kill the company.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The laser focus on rentention at PN-i3 is too little and too late. Everybody is just waiting until bonuses are paid out and then it's going to be a free-for-all to.see who can get out the fastest. Should be any day in the next week
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I hope they do give bonuses. It sounds like they might not. I better start looking, because I don't want to have to take on everyone's workload when everyone else leaves. To the 4:37 poster: i3 isn't running ANYTHING. Pharmanet employees are telling other employees that everything is being done the pharmanet way and it sure seems like that's true. If this company had any smart they'd fire McMullen immediately and bring in someone with no affiliation to any of the legacy companies.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I'm a legacy Pharmanet employee, and I agree that most things are being done "the Pharmanet way," which is a pretty crappy way to do things.

    Believe me, the legacy Pharmanet employees are no happier with the way things are being done than the legacy i3 employees and the legacy inVentiv Clinical Services employees are. As the 5:37 p.m. poster said, we're ALL unhappy, and we're all getting screwed (especially if they don't give bonuses or raises this year).

    I don't know who's ultimately calling the shots--McMullen? Ivers, the inVentiv executive who was brought in between McMullen and his former direct reports? A combination of Liberty Lane Partners, Thomas H. Lee Partners, and members of the inVentiv Health management team (inVentiv's owners)?

    Whoever is calling the shots, they are either intent on destroying the company, or they are accidentally destroying the company. But if they don't make some changes soon, they're going to be left with only the employees who cannot find other jobs.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I can assure you senior management did not take a hit on PTO days or any benefits. They will get their outrageous bonuses and salary for running the company into the ground. PharmaNet used to be a really great place to work - it was exciting. When Mc Mullen and crew took over, it has gone down ever since..sold to the highest bidder 3 times now as long as senior mgmt got their payout. Too bad.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I don't think anyone assumes that upper management is sharing the pain.

    That's not the kind of company this used to be--there was one year when Pharmanet management actually gave up bonuses in order to hand out small bonuses to the line employees. But now it's the kind of company where senior management doesn't seem to give a darn about anything except their own perks and power.

    They don't seem to realize that eventually, once they drive off enough employees and drive away enough clients, they are going to lose their jobs, too.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    That's right and when they replace McMullen I will laugh for weeks. The Inventiv CEO was sacked when TH Lee bought the company, and they sacked Glenn Bilawsky too.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    They just bought Kforce CRO so I assume more layoffs will happen.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Kforce is aligned with FSP not clinical. That acquisition won't result in layoffs. Honestly, there aren't that many people left to layoff - I don't think that's a concern right now.