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What is going on there?

Discussion in 'AVEO Pharmaceuticals' started by anonymous, Jan 9, 2022 at 12:34 AM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Stock keeps going down. Medical Affairs is a joke now that they have a VP who has no idea what he is doing. CMO left. No signs of replacing so how can they function without medical affairs being a real department. Only have 2 MSLs left and a VP. Scary!

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    VK is already gunning for the CMO position.

    Regarding loss of Medical, pin it all on VK--he is one of the world's biggest A-holes. His strategy is to clean house of anyone he thinks is too highly paid, then hire fellows fresh out of the NCI that he thinks he can control.
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Why didn’t AVEO announce the CMO retired? What are they hiding?
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Aveo is trying to hide that the drug is mediocre and basically a choice if doing nothing, hospice, clinical trial, other TKI and or I/O that the patient hasn’t seen, or TIVO. At this point in the patient journey the choices are great. That includes TIVO. The activity of the drug is not great and unfortunately no one is coming to buy us for some big premium. I need a job. It’s not the worst place to work, not the worst drug I’ve sold-but pretty close.
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Know you lost all of your original MSLs now. Now what? MSLs that are remaining are douchnozzles to Vagina Kay. You’re hosed. No one respects him, no one admits to knowing him and FDA barely listens to the bastard. Good fucking luck!

    Sucks to be Avasshole……
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Heard that someone has a problem with alcohol...
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Look, bottom line is that Fotivda is a late line therapy that’s not for everyone. But that doesn’t mean it’s not good for anyone. We will find a sweet spot for this drug, and it will carry the company for the next few years. Seriously, kudos to management for not throwing in the towel on this one. The company is poised for growth. Either get on board and do your job or GTFO.
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I bet you’re a big Tony Robbins fan.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Better than being a parasite willing to take a paycheck and coast.
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Based on revenue and share everyone is a parasite and coasting…sometimes the drug you sell is a dog. Not our fault. We didn’t create it. We just have to try and sell it and if you’ve been in oncology for any amount of of time it should be clear we have a dog on our hands. It happens…not all drugs are wild successes. That’s the business we are in, however, pretending that this drug is anything other than a dog is pathetic. But hey, you go ahead and keep deluding yourself if that’s what gets you to sleep at night.
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    you’re a lazy little pu$$y looking for a reason to give up. Your parents must be so proud. No room for losers like you.
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    This entire sales force is made up of losers. Look around…
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Now that you b****es got bought, who's getting cut?

    Do yourselves a favor and get rid of VK, then be sure to put him on DO NOT HIRE recruiter lists
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    They sold out because they had nowhere else to go. Nowhere. Their VPs were complete failures, their CEO is a schmuck of cosmic proportions and their pipeline candidates are going NOWHERE based on slow enrollment into their clinical trials. What’s so hard to figure out?