what is going on in Lexington???

Discussion in 'Pacific Pulmonary Services' started by Anonymous, Jun 9, 2013 at 2:19 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    failed experiment??? EXCUSE ME?? are you kidding me?? if It wasn't for Lexington most people wouldn't have jobs at this company. I worked on the reports team cleaning up after the field . do you have any idea how ridiculously messed up PCCS and LOCAL CSRS made things. Cant just blame them its the damn DOM and DSM along with their managers. I saw things that we should have been shut down for. I saw the Texas reports and the Omaha reports where kirk Johnson worked. The biggest failure this company made with getting rid of the reports. I love how we raised numbers and completely killed the field in billing accounts but now they send it all back to the field so they take the credit for it. LOCAl CSRS didn't step up until people started to get fired in the field. I worked with a local CSR for months teaching them and training them over the phone and by mail because we couldn't get their DOM to train them. So let me tell you Lexington is what kept us floating. Now look at the numbers and how they are slowly going down. come to Lexington and sit in our chairs and ill show you what the problem is. The finance people came to Lexington and didn't even sit with everyone. they have no idea what they will be losing if they shut us down.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    This quote is right on, nobody blames the individuals (well most at least) but Lexington was a failed endeavor plain and simple. They did nothing but make the fields life more difficult and pissed off a lot of referral sources. There are many tasks that can/should be centralized, and they do not include anything complicated. Local CSR's are trained to think and are not under the efficiency gun all day.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Sorry but just because you have heard of the term business acumen doesn't mean you have it. I will take the time to explain how you are wrong in this particular instance. PPS has how many branches that are staffed and that they are paying leases and expenses on? Why pay for a whole new office space and a staff that can not possibly know the referral source or customer 2 time zones away? There is no benefit to either medical students or PPS to have a facility near a decent medical school. I don't know where you came up with that one but that comment exhibits you do not have any business acumen and in fact exposes you as quite possibly the reason PPS will continue to rot. Chally was used as a excuse for human resources to not do their job. It was also used to weed out potential whistle blowers. Looking over the results of a test a hiring manager could say this person is not trainable or coachable but what Chally really was used for finding someone who was not a rat.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    It didn't work very well, because someone within your company is a whistleblower and is about to make a lot of money from the government. I think the person is not rank and file and had access to more information than most employees. At the same time this person was not as vested in the company as most of the upper management in Novato. Just speculation, but I have my reasons.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Funny. Tell me exactly why you would need a local CSR when 90% of the orders come through a fax? And why have office space and have no local CSR? Did you ever once think that was the plan to get rid of office space and save money? Have you ever worked at a company with centralized processes? It works great if you have strong leadership, really well as a matter of fact. I didn't say I agreed with the Lexington location, but I do have a bit of knowledge why the powers that be picked that space. You don't obviously.

    Chally to weed out whistleblowers? Really dude? Wow that you even know how to spell acumen. That line right there shows your stupidity and have no knowledge or business practicality. Seriously go back to, well whatever you do.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    What?? 90% of your orders come over fax?? No wonder that company is sinking. When I was there 98% OF THE ORDERS CAME TO MY PHONE. FAX? LMAO, Either you have NEVER worked in the field or, you work in Lexington. Which would be both.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Well all I have to say is that I liked my job at PPS but when Rita came in Tempe Revenue was no more and I don't really understand why they moved it all to Bakersfield but hey life goes on....and we all move on to a new job that we will eventually hate and bitch and complain about....
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Another brilliant quote from you. You are an idiot because honestly you only know your PCC stats. Which is good! I'm proud of you for at least knowing that. You obviously don't know the "company" stats. You might get the majority over your phone, but that is not the company norm Einstein. Please do some fact checking before you make another absurd comment. And to prove my point, these types of comments are exactly why PPS is in major trouble. You are in your own little world and don't have any clue of what is going on in the rest of the organization. Me, Me, Me attitude. How about a little We, We, We!
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Typical corporate response. Belittle, name calling and trying to make someone look lower than themselves. Gosh, wonder why PPS is a sinking ship that no one wants any part of! Well except for the typical butt kisser like the one who wrote the above post. YOU would NOT know company norm if it bit you on your brown nose. ( no fact checking needed for this "EINSTEIN") What an idiot!!!!
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Why don't you copy and paste the P&L results for the entire company. Maybe you could include the entire expense line as well. I'll pick it apart for you...if you have one big shot.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    STOP CALLING EVERY GOD DAMN PERSON A BROWN NOSER OR BUT KISSER! Seriously, learn a new insult or justify your accusation. Every thread, eventually, you pop up saying brown nosing and butt kissing. Do you really believe that is how it works? Yes, there is a social aspect to the job (which you apparently fail at) but just because someone else does well doesn't mean their accomplishment is without merit. True story: some people are actually good at their jobs, whether they bag groceries or race cars or teach kids or sell DME or whatever they do. Just stop whining. If you aren't part of the solution then you are part of the problem. If you don't work here, GTFO and leave the forum to people who care. If you do work here, try worrying a bit more about how you can be better at your own job and stop assuming everyone who outperforms you is giving out handies in the parking lot.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Typical drunk post! Must have crawled out from under someone's desk for air.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Hit to close to home did they?
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Yes! Well said. Thank you.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    That was my rant post and no, didn't hit close to home. I wasn't drunk - just tired of idiots. I have honestly never seen anyone be a kiss ass here and I have seen people promoted on merit alone. There are people I would like to see promoted, and people I have fought for (some of whom moved from Tech or CSR to DOM or higher) because of their skill, but I have honestly never seen anyone promoted for sucking up alone.

    It is a baseless claim that sounds like sour grapes, honestly. Too many people think "showing up" is enough, and when those people don't get rewarded for existing they tend to bitch about how unfair the system is. And they ruin the game for all of us.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I am so glad I got out of that place and away from this type of arrogance. Typical for PPS.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    So you are saying that hard work and not brown nosing gets you promoted at PPS?
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Spoken like true PPS trash/brownnoser and the reason PPS is a laughing stock of the DME world.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I am saying that I have never seen brown nosing and I have seen people work their way up, especially at corporate.