The 17th is coming...tick tock tick tock

Discussion in 'ACell' started by AnotherOneBitesTheDust, Nov 12, 2020 at 8:17 PM.

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  1. Familiarity with evil breeds not contempt but acceptance.

    Phase 1 - completed 11/12 with the termination of DD
    Phase 2 - to be announced 11/17

    You will be home for thanksgiving this year. Sorry, not sorry.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Who is going to pep rally us this year through emails and company calls about chasing down weekend and holiday cases?? Man I hope it's TB, he's so good at that stuff. Asking for a coworker...
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Tell your coworker that I hope he saved up his allowance checks, because your unemployment pay won't pay for that turkey this year.
  4. All the talk about the 17th without any real meat. Enlighten us about the “upcoming bomb” or is it just another spammer trying to raise fear hmmm
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Typical loser hiding behind a computer. It’s spreading fast as to who the group is. That group won’t last long. Get ready...the battle has just begun and our side now has TMs ready to take them down
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I know...AA sends us 4 emails a day. Typical first time manager. Don’t worry’s all coming out about how you don’t travel and just work out all day. Phase 2...not gonna happen...uh didn’t plan for this
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    What about CH and JC? Those two are the worst.
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Do you think TB was shocked when he wasn’t named in charge of the East ? Def drives him nuts he wasn’t in line like he thought he was. I know he’s mad about TS out west too bc he told me he multiple times what a clown he is. Well who is more nervous about their security blanket being gone ? TB or JK ?
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    There’s Mihalic!
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I can see DD as he was typing this one out....

    Realizing he got fired on a Thursday for his poor choices, lack of situational awareness and accountability, as he plays This Mortal Coil’s It’ll End in Tears album while tossing back his 5th Scotch at 2:00 in the morning in his darkened living room, just kind of staring into the middle distance. "I was king of that company... I took that company from $100k a year to $100 million!!"

    He begins to scroll through Cafe Pharma for answers...
    "I don't understand how this happened... I had all of my chess pieces perfectly in place. I had TB in the midwest, I had DD in the Southeast, I had everyone else in perfect formation... I had Compliance and HR in my back pocket for crying out loud!"

    Continues scrolling Cafe Pharma....
    Reads: Do you think TB was shocked when he wasn’t named in charge of the East ? Def drives him nuts he wasn’t in line like he thought he was. I know he’s mad about TS out west too bc he told me he multiple times what a clown he is. Well who is more nervous about their security blanket being gone ? TB or JK ?

    "Mihalic... I knew it!! It had to be him!!! I tried stripping everything from him, I set him up for failure and even handed JS top Area Manager that he never deserved. I knew he was going to be the one to take me down, there is no other explanation!! Somehow he must have flown down to the strip club that night, taken those pics, flew back and then reported me... It's the only logical explanation. I'm gonna call him out right now!"

    DD feverishly typing away...
    "Their's Mih.... no that doesn't look right. They're's Mihal... Nah that's not it either... There is Mihali... Nah that doesn't flow well."

    Goes to Grammarly quickly... gets immediately saved from public humiliation once again!
    Goes back to the forum and types "There's Mihalic!"

    Hits Reply to Thread ---> Error!
    "What's the problem now?! Mihalic must have hacked into my phone again. Ah my bad, the cat is sitting on a pink pillow, I hate these Captcha tests... I hate all tests really"

  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    So what’s the dilly, you clowns do layoffs or was it all paranoia? Asking for a friend.
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    That took way too much effort.
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Less effort than DD took to report expenses with a doc. Definitely less effort than Alvarez used to call HR and report DD because he thought DD was coming for him. Incredible.
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    So the guy who’s been doing shady things for years (check DOJ investigation report) was finally turned in by one of his buddies who has also been doing shady things for years? It’s like a mob movie where all the crooks eventually turn on each other.
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    “phase 2”. LOL
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    There are some good apples but they’ve been hand cuffed for sometime. We still have some work to do but DD was the most obvious first step. I hope we can move some of these other bad apples out sooner than later. My vote would be to start on the dumpster fire in the Midwest and work our way South. East and West have fairly decent leadership now that they can do their job with DD gone. I wouldn’t cry if Pat and some of the old guard at the home office were moved out either.
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Just proof it’s a hack that couldn’t cut it and can’t let it go. “Hack” you just proved that this is why cafepharma is a joke. Nothing is true. Just full of hacks that couldn’t cut it
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    About 4 people disappointed. About 150 people relieved. Even his friends are talking about how it’s better for the company.
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    So true. DA wins again.