Thanks for the heads up, dummies! CNN story hit!!!


Well, not even good talking points from useless management. I have been hit from all sides today and not even am email from HQ. Why am I not surprised? This place is loserville. My manager is pathetic. Oh, and btw, Happy Thursday. Can't wait to see the forced rankings.


yes. and the dumb managers at the NSM saying how bright things are now that we have new mgmt. I really had to laugh at one small guy from IN. Thinks he's so intelligent as he's being investigated along with the former mgr in the same state for off-label promo. What a tool.

Pretty much everybody culpable has left by force or willingly. Any and all anger should be directed at them.

Those that are still here should make the best of it and sell what we have.

Nuedexta works.

The CNN piece is embarrassing and I wish I didn't have to overcome the sins of others.

Avanir LTC is still doing it!!! I go into homes staff tell me Avanir reps are still pulling charts, getting lists of residents. This drug is now dead in LTC. Families will see it as poison and MD's and facilities will see at as legal liability. Hope your speakers are ready to be called out by name on CNN. Sunshine act data is going to do what it was meant to do.

So the Clinton News Network finally does a story and investigates "email" servers? They have two young hotshot reporters writing this nonsense and spent their entire year prepping this story rather than Crooked Hillary and her emails. Not surprised. Avanir certainly had some shady characters before, but the drug does help and it isn't used any more than any other drug, off label or not. Risperidone or Seroquel ring a bell? #fakenews

So the Clinton News Network finally does a story and investigates "email" servers? They have two young hotshot reporters writing this nonsense and spent their entire year prepping this story rather than Crooked Hillary and her emails. Not surprised. Avanir certainly had some shady characters before, but the drug does help and it isn't used any more than any other drug, off label or not. Risperidone or Seroquel ring a bell? #fakenews

OK pu$$y grabber in chief supporter--- ALL OFF LABEL PROMOTION BY PHARMA IS ILLEGAL. Are you that stupid to understand. Move to Russia you dope.

If there are LTC reps doing things unethically, they need to be gone. There's lots of us out there who do the right thing everyday. Most of this crap CNN reported on stems from CA and Ohio. What they failed to report is those reps are long gone from this company. You can't blame the entire LTC force for sins of the past. Management knew this article was coming out. This info is nothing new. Plus, no one with half a brain listens to anything CNN has to say about anything. This piece was the OPINION of 2 reporters. They failed to mention many positive benefits of Nuedexta to the residents and the homes. Wouldn't it be nice and do some real investigative reporting and do a story on the over prescribing of anti-psychotics in the homes. Now that's a story!!

OK pu$$y grabber in chief supporter--- ALL OFF LABEL PROMOTION BY PHARMA IS ILLEGAL. Are you that stupid to understand. Move to Russia you dope.

There is no off label promotion,
The atypicals seraquil ect are used
10times more than Nuedexta in the
nursing homes, and their indications
are for schizophrenia and Bipolar, why
so much use of these drugs, ?
I don't think there are many Bipolar or Schizophrenic patients in the nursing homes, reason is , patient needs to be treated with something for behaviors and
none of these drugs are indicated for agitation, but the doctors Have to use
something. The CNN article is a total
joke and smear campaign.

OK pu$$y grabber in chief supporter--- ALL OFF LABEL PROMOTION BY PHARMA IS ILLEGAL. Are you that stupid to understand. Move to Russia you dope.

But when the conservative tells people to move, we are bigots? GTFOH. No $hit promoting off label is illegal. I've never done it and think anyone willing to risk a 6 figure job by doing so is a dumbass. I even tell the docs when asked about off label, I can't discuss it. numbers are always good and I'm legit. Eat it SUCKA

Just read it on CNN online. It's bad really, really bad. Now how are we to grow qtr over qtr if we can't pay our speakers?

That Ohio doctor used to write 20-30
scrips a week , and now the article says
he stopped writing Nuedexta altogether?
why ?
He goes from 30 scrips a week to 0
seems odd, I'd hate to be the rep that
has that baseline in it.

In an email from several years ago, one of the company's regional managers, Kevin Tiffany, bluntly urged his salespeople to spend "99.9 percent" of their time focused on such patients.

Devoting time to other conditions more commonly associated with PBA amounted to "diluting your chances," wrote Tiffany, a senior sales manager in California.

Unfortunately the CNN story is accurate. Ask ANYBODY who has been around about the OH MD and MM and DP's tactics. I am no longer here. If you weren't growing you were gone! Figure out why the turnover continues to be so high.
I know several former employees that turned over emails to CNN. Karma baby.

In an email from several years ago, one of the company's regional managers, Kevin Tiffany, bluntly urged his salespeople to spend "99.9 percent" of their time focused on such patients.

Devoting time to other conditions more commonly associated with PBA amounted to "diluting your chances," wrote Tiffany, a senior sales manager in California.