Tanzeum for sale?

Discussion in 'GlaxoSmithKline' started by anonymous, May 25, 2016 at 6:33 AM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Why do you think GSK gave Tanzeum to InVentiv?

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    To get to the other side? Sorry I thought you asked why did the chicken cross the road.
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    This drug blows, so even though gsk working on a pen like lilly's this drug is worse in class...nuff said.
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    this drug is DOA....calling on docs every week will just piss off the office's...morons
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    who is the moron idiot ? is you a millennial ? hahahahhaha
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I've been saving up coupons, hoping to get enough to buy all the Tanzeum
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    gsk, is in a down-ward spiral and no end in sight. they would f**k up a wet dream!