Stay Away from INC!


Just a warning to anybody who is seriously thinking about making a move to INC, DON'T DO IT!!! I was there for almost 5 years and finally found my out. It was honestly the most miserable position I've ever had. There are some good people at INC, however my manager (like too many others) didn't support me, wasn't concerned a bit about my career growth and just kept pushing and pushing. The HR department is an absolute joke. It took them FOREVER to resolve an issue that I had with my 401K, they screwed up my PTO three times and the recruiting department was so slow in hiring additional CRAs while the rest of us were out in the field completely overwhelmed and overworked. When they announced that INC was sold, the communcation was terrible and left everybodyd in fear of losing their job. There is very little confidence in Sr. Management across the board. Even if INC is your only option, I would avoid them at ALL cost!

Just a warning to anybody who is seriously thinking about making a move to INC, DON'T DO IT!!! I was there for almost 5 years and finally found my out. It was honestly the most miserable position I've ever had. There are some good people at INC, however my manager (like too many others) didn't support me, wasn't concerned a bit about my career growth and just kept pushing and pushing. The HR department is an absolute joke. It took them FOREVER to resolve an issue that I had with my 401K, they screwed up my PTO three times and the recruiting department was so slow in hiring additional CRAs while the rest of us were out in the field completely overwhelmed and overworked. When they announced that INC was sold, the communcation was terrible and left everybodyd in fear of losing their job. There is very little confidence in Sr. Management across the board. Even if INC is your only option, I would avoid them at ALL cost!

Ogle never has been one to care much about the people doing the work; he's been aiming to cash in ever since he went to INC

I would have to agree with this assessment. I've been at INC for 2 years now and it was the biggest mistake of my career. The recruiting process took FOREVER. Now I am up to my eyeballs in protocals and travel about 85% of the time. They tell you expected travel is 60 - 65% but that is not accurate. Thankfully I have an interview next week at another CRO, really hoping it is my ticket out of this hell hole!

I've been at INC for 3 years now, the morale is at an all time low.

Have to agree with this poster, stay away from INC!

With the exception of 2 or 3 people, EVERYBODY in my department is looking for another job but there aren't too many positions out there right now.

One colleauge of mine hated INC so much she just quit and didn't really care if she had another job lined up, she just could not stand it anymore.


I can't agree more with these posts. I worked in HR at INC and just left not long ago. The Sr. Leaders in HR, mostly LR are total morons. It really was an embarrassment to be associated with the HR team. LR has zero people skills and just doesn't have a clue to what is really going on. I don't know of anybody (inside of HR or outside) who respects this guy. He made some horrendous decisions on how to implement all of the layoffs and because of the way he handled the whole situation, there are now at least a few pending lawsuits. Its a shame because there are a lot of good and intelligent people at INC. Unfortunately, LR isn't one of them.

Agreed about INC Research - spent a little over 2 years there and it was one of the most miserable jobs I have ever had. No communications, no one knows each other and just some bad overall attitudes. Try to be proactive? No one will listen or care. This place is a career killer.

Agreed about INC Research - spent a little over 2 years there and it was one of the most miserable jobs I have ever had. No communications, no one knows each other and just some bad overall attitudes. Try to be proactive? No one will listen or care. This place is a career killer.

LOL, all you guys are right on about INC. Also, totally agree about Larry in HR. That guy is a clueless tool. He has turned over the entire department so many times already, can't believe the guy is still there. You'd think that Potthoff would figure out by now that Larry is the sole problem in HR.

LOL, all you guys are right on about INC. Also, totally agree about Larry in HR. That guy is a clueless tool. He has turned over the entire department so many times already, can't believe the guy is still there. You'd think that Potthoff would figure out by now that Larry is the sole problem in HR.

Is this the same Larry who worked in the Recruiting Division at PPD several years ago?

Is this the same Larry who worked in the Recruiting Division at PPD several years ago?

Yeah, that's the same Larry. I worked at PPD in that group (for too long) and he wasn't respected there either. Don't worry, hopefully soon he'll get fired from INC and go on to implode yet another HR department.

Yeah, that's the same Larry. I worked at PPD in that group (for too long) and he wasn't respected there either. Don't worry, hopefully soon he'll get fired from INC and go on to implode yet another HR department.

Agreed, Larry is completely worthless but Wendy in HR is outstanding. Its my understanding that she keeps that HR group sane.

Yeah, that's the same Larry. I worked at PPD in that group (for too long) and he wasn't respected there either. Don't worry, hopefully soon he'll get fired from INC and go on to implode yet another HR department.

Oh wow, haven't heard that name in a while. Worked with Larry at PPD. Have to agree, very unethical kinda guy, surprised he is still at INC Research.

I have to chime in here. I haven't had any problems with the HR group (at least not yet), but the Sr. level executives are not cutting it. Although I am not onsite, I hear that Potthoff walks around all the time shooting people with a Marshmallow gun. Really, a marshmallow gun? What COO does that? The morale here is at an all time low and I especially feel segregated because I am not onsite. They make very little effort to make their homebased employees feel like a part of the team. I am paid well at INC which is the only reason I am still here. My career has stagnated and I don't see many opportunities to further my career development. I will probably be looking before too long, along with most of the employees here.

Are there any other homebased INC employees out there who feel the way I do?

I have to chime in here. I haven't had any problems with the HR group (at least not yet), but the Sr. level executives are not cutting it. Although I am not onsite, I hear that Potthoff walks around all the time shooting people with a Marshmallow gun. Really, a marshmallow gun? What COO does that? The morale here is at an all time low and I especially feel segregated because I am not onsite. They make very little effort to make their homebased employees feel like a part of the team. I am paid well at INC which is the only reason I am still here. My career has stagnated and I don't see many opportunities to further my career development. I will probably be looking before too long, along with most of the employees here.

Are there any other homebased INC employees out there who feel the way I do?

Hell, I work at the global headquarters in Raleigh, NC and I feel segregated too! This company has such a weird feel to it, almost as if there is no culture at all. So many people are just unfriendly and barely acknowledge your presence if you pass them in the hall. Very odd organization.

I have to agree with all other posters. I worked at INC for over 2 years, but was laid off 2 years ago. The folks who work under Wendy in HR were really good, in my experience. The corporate culture was weird, though. When I first started there, late in 2006, I liked the company, but corp culture shifted and they became very uptight about finances.

I sat right near Ogle's office and he came across as cold and unfriendly. He NEVER said hello and I passed him in the hall all the time. I always gave him the benefit of the doubt ("he must have a lot on his mind"), but not so sure now. As for JP. Couldn't stand him. He was a tyrant when it came to timesheets. He would send threatening emails that you must complete your timesheet or you'll end up on the noncompliance list. Once, he even sent out the noncompliance list and ha, ha, he was on it! My whole dept, up to my director got a good chuckle out of that.

A couple years ago, they hired a total moron as VP of Reg Affairs. He really screwed up a lot of stuff, including some good departments. He left 1 1/2 years ago, though. I think he was forced to leave, once they finally got a clue about him, but that was not until he'd already laid off a lot of good people.

Hell, I work at the global headquarters in Raleigh, NC and I feel segregated too! This company has such a weird feel to it, almost as if there is no culture at all. So many people are just unfriendly and barely acknowledge your presence if you pass them in the hall. Very odd organization.

You nailed it. The company culture is very very strange. So many unfriendly people here but I guess that's what happens when everybody is disgruntled and trying to get the hell out. I hear alot of people here are jumping ship to PRA and Parexel.

Agree with all said here. They are the absolute pits.I am amazed they get any business at all as from senior management down they just have no idea what they are doing. Have to be desperate to punt any work their way unless you have a strategy to fail

I was hired by INC as a CRA a few years ago, they have a virtual phonoe system that works from the laptop they provide you, there was a psychotic female product manager who was obsessed with this. She expected you to answer this phone from 8 Am until 6 phone would never work properly, the IT folks had to rebuld this program from scratch....she was nuts...fired me over the stupid Virtual phone that NEVER worked...

Nutty place for sure....

People, you are not right. I would say that this is only one side of a coin. For sure, it was a sort of pressure (I was with the INC for 2.5 years) in financial and time reports, but this is part of the business, baby. Nothing personal. You are paid for timesheets submitted on time. I did not find this dreadful. Of course, there are companies at the market having complete mess with time/expense reports, but where they are?

You will see – in 3-5 years INC will grow to the number 1 in the industry. Who care about the people then we are talking about the Benjamins?

I would say that it was just perfect company before July 2009. Now it turns to real shark.

Nevertheless, I would recommend for newcomers to look for the INC. You will gain the invaluable experience how business should conduct. Again, who care about the people?