Reps are leaving in droves because of pay....


When will Collegium get it? This is a specialty role. There are tons of companies offering reps $115k salaries to come work for them. Collegium bought themselves time with their whole "market study on average salaries across the industry" and then labeled it the "Leveling" program and promoted a whopping 13 people. What a letdown. Everyone thought we would get benchmark raises. But hey...get a "meets expectations" and you can have a net raise of $30 on each paycheck!!!

Get with the program, Collegium. PAY YOUR REPS.

Once you accept an initial offer, most companies only give you a merit increase equal a cost of living increase. It's on rare occasions that a salary adjustment is made. The best way to make more money is to join another organization.

Once you accept an initial offer, most companies only give you a merit increase equal a cost of living increase. It's on rare occasions that a salary adjustment is made. The best way to make more money is to join another organization.

Collegium claims its building a "culture". What kind of culture are they building when they give new hires 6 figure salaries and leave their tenured reps with basically the same salary they started with? Mind you...some of those new hires are unemployed at the time of their hiring. What bargaining power do they have?

It's unethical. That's why I left and that's why there are a bunch more that are about to leave.

Collegium claims its building a "culture". What kind of culture are they building when they give new hires 6 figure salaries and leave their tenured reps with basically the same salary they started with? Mind you...some of those new hires are unemployed at the time of their hiring. What bargaining power do they have?

It's unethical. That's why I left and that's why there are a bunch more that are about to leave.

This is the part that is really awful! Bringing new people on and not raising up the others who were already here is a slap in the face!

When will Collegium get it? This is a specialty role. There are tons of companies offering reps $115k salaries to come work for them. Collegium bought themselves time with their whole "market study on average salaries across the industry" and then labeled it the "Leveling" program and promoted a whopping 13 people. What a letdown. Everyone thought we would get benchmark raises. But hey...get a "meets expectations" and you can have a net raise of $30 on each paycheck!!!

Get with the program, Collegium. PAY YOUR REPS.

so true!

You should all be in jail. Ive had three recruiters reach out to me via LinkedIn, what is your company snorting if you think your job is sought after? Still pushing opioids, incredible.

More resignations this week. I hope Collegium realizes they can’t continue to bring in reps at higher salaries than those who started with this company on day 1. It leads to disgruntled employees. The leveling didn’t effect enough people and still didn’t raise those who got increases up to the level that other specialty companies are paying right now. Another leveling better happen unless they want to keep filling positions!

What’s the argument going to be when they decide to downsize and combine territories...”no no I’m ok with my salary, I want to stay...I was just...blah blah blah”. Fact is it’s a solid stable place to work in unstable industry. They are behind on a few things but keep making issues known and they will change. Their record for hearing and adjusting has been proven. RELAX!

Seriously..right. There are like 8 openings. Two of them followed a Regional who left. Also if you have been in this business for a long time there are always people who leave this time of year.

Seriously..right. There are like 8 openings. Two of them followed a Regional who left. Also if you have been in this business for a long time there are always people who leave this time of year.

Are you that clueless? Last I heard, since the first of January there have been 17 that have left. All are leaving for better pay. Way to try and make it look like nothing. You must be management. Facts are facts and this company is very unethical in the way that it pays its employees.

Are you that clueless? Last I heard, since the first of January there have been 17 that have left. All are leaving for better pay. Way to try and make it look like nothing. You must be management. Facts are facts and this company is very unethical in the way that it pays its employees.

Fake news. Making up numbers to make it seem bigger than it is. Come on. People like this are so frustrating. Go complain about a different company that you also don't work for because you obviously don't work for Collegium.

The numbers speak for themselves. Collegium has become the company to recruit from. Have some great employees that have been ignored and gone unrewarded at the expense of the perennial favorites sitting in advantaged territories that don’t have to work nearly as hard. I know several who have left that were kicked around here and now hugely successful at their new company. Collegium is a clueless company with clueless and incapable senior leadership. They are consumed with the stock price rather than the market. They really do not know the market at all!

Collegium listens to the negative feedback and makes changes. This has happened over and over again. They will find a way to do what they can to rid the company of the large pay disparities. Are they perfect? No, but what company is perfect? The surveys and exit interviews show that people are leaving because of pay and i thinks some things will be changing! I just hope they find a way to increase bases rather than try to just give kickers here and there

Finally Collegium does the right thing. Paying us at plan so we can interview and get the hell out of this sinking ship. A big thanks, not that we all don’t deserve it after being blamed for senior leadership failures!

Yeah good luck with that! Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out! Collegium has been a wonderful company and has always tried to do the right thing and their decisions as of late are more of the same! You should be thankful instead of feeling so entitled! People like you are not wanted here!