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ocrelizumab pml

Typical Buyogen response when someone questions their dangerous drugs!

If you think that PML will not show up in these powerful, immune system altering drugs then you have your head in the sand. Remember, this is the same company that told us Tysabri was completely safe when they released it. And what's the latest PML count for that drug...approaching 600 cases.

Typical Buyogen response when someone questions their dangerous drugs!

If you think that PML will not show up in these powerful, immune system altering drugs then you have your head in the sand. Remember, this is the same company that told us Tysabri was completely safe when they released it. And what's the latest PML count for that drug...approaching 600 cases.

You stupid fuck, ocrelizumab is Genentech's drug!

You stupid fuck, ocrelizumab is Genentech's drug!

And you fucking asshole...if you think that Buyogen's marketing/sales people aren't involved with this drug whose rights were sold to Genetech you are living on another planet. Buyogen's spin guru's will make this drug sound like the second coming to MS patients and it will end up being another Tysabri. These guys are joined at the hip and Buyogen stands to make a pile of money from the sales. Another promise of good health to MS patients that won't happen. But who cares...by the time the MS world figures out the truth, the profits will be large.

And you fucking asshole...if you think that Buyogen's marketing/sales people aren't involved with this drug whose rights were sold to Genetech you are living on another planet. Buyogen's spin guru's will make this drug sound like the second coming to MS patients and it will end up being another Tysabri. These guys are joined at the hip and Buyogen stands to make a pile of money from the sales. Another promise of good health to MS patients that won't happen. But who cares...by the time the MS world figures out the truth, the profits will be large.

You're a fucking asshole who is clearly obsessed with this company. You are the same dickhead who uses terms like "Buyogen" and "Killsabri". Listen you fucking moron, ocrelizumab is being solely marketed and sold by Genentech. There is no Biogen influence at all.
Its time you move on from this pathetic ax you need to grind with this company. You say the same shit over and over again and no one is listening you STUPID FUCK!!

You're a fucking asshole who is clearly obsessed with this company. You are the same dickhead who uses terms like "Buyogen" and "Killsabri". Listen you fucking moron, ocrelizumab is being solely marketed and sold by Genentech. There is no Biogen influence at all.
Its time you move on from this pathetic ax you need to grind with this company. You say the same shit over and over again and no one is listening you STUPID FUCK!!

Listen fuck nuts....there are several people who visit this site who use "buyogen" and "killsabri" and have done so for a while. So don't pretend to know that I am the same person time and time again because I am NOT.

And if you think that Buyogen is not involved with Ocrelizumab...go right ahead and keep your head in the sand....that's a good place to keep it for jerks like you.

Unless you live full time on another planet you know that there are a lot of people who visit this site that have an axe to grind with Buyogen. And recently there are a lot of people who work for this company who don't like it! Especially those who have been turfed in the last little while.

And yeah, obviously YOU are listening, aren't you, you stupid shit.

You're a fucking asshole who is clearly obsessed with this company. You are the same dickhead who uses terms like "Buyogen" and "Killsabri". Listen you fucking moron, ocrelizumab is being solely marketed and sold by Genentech. There is no Biogen influence at all.
Its time you move on from this pathetic ax you need to grind with this company. You say the same shit over and over again and no one is listening you STUPID FUCK!!

No influence from Biogen??!! Surely you are kidding us!! Read this....

“I am pleased that we were able to reach this agreement with Genentech,” said Dr. George Scangos, Ph.D. “Our partnership with Genentech and Roche is very important to us, and I believe that this agreement is in the interests of both companies and of patients. We recently reported positive phase II data for ocrelizumab in multiple sclerosis, which suggest that the compound could provide a substantial benefit to patients with MS..... The companies’ interests are now aligned, allowing us to work together to maximize the revenues for the collaboration products while maximizing the benefit for patients.”

If this doesn't mean Biogen and Genetech are joined at the hip, I don't know what does!

Listen fuck nuts....there are several people who visit this site who use "buyogen" and "killsabri" and have done so for a while. So don't pretend to know that I am the same person time and time again because I am NOT.

And if you think that Buyogen is not involved with Ocrelizumab...go right ahead and keep your head in the sand....that's a good place to keep it for jerks like you.

Unless you live full time on another planet you know that there are a lot of people who visit this site that have an axe to grind with Buyogen. And recently there are a lot of people who work for this company who don't like it! Especially those who have been turfed in the last little while.

And yeah, obviously YOU are listening, aren't you, you stupid shit.
Let me guess... You either applied here and were told " no thank you" or you worked here and were fired because they realized you were lazy and a jerk. No one stalks a company board the way you do unless they are jelouse. I got a suggestion for you.. Get over it, send out your resume to other biotechs... Shire will take anyone..

Let me guess... You either applied here and were told " no thank you" or you worked here and were fired because they realized you were lazy and a jerk. No one stalks a company board the way you do unless they are jelouse. I got a suggestion for you.. Get over it, send out your resume to other biotechs... Shire will take anyone..

Nice guess but as usual, you are dead wrong that I have ever worked, been fired or even rejected for a job at this cesspool of a company. And wrong again that I stalk this board a lot. Geez you must get tired of being so wrong and such a loser at guessing. Then again, you are a Biogen employee and used to being scorned by others in the industry.

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