
Can't wear jeans at the meeting and can't leave until after 2 on Friday means most won't get home until after midnight on a Friday. General sessions EVERY DAY!? Seriously not necessary/productive use of time!
Get rid of them and let us do franchise during the superfluous general session time and let us leave any time on Friday so we can get home to our families, isn't that what you say you're all big on, work life balance?
You want better scores on CULTURE, there's suggestions on how.

Can't wear jeans at the meeting and can't leave until after 2 on Friday means most won't get home until after midnight on a Friday. General sessions EVERY DAY!? Seriously not necessary/productive use of time!
Get rid of them and let us do franchise during the superfluous general session time and let us leave any time on Friday so we can get home to our families, isn't that what you say you're all big on, work life balance?
You want better scores on CULTURE, there's suggestions on how.

Wait u work here and suffer from a lack of family time? You must b really dumb I though people worked here because they don’t have to work and can coach teams and be a good family person? That’s why I do.

Can't wear jeans at the meeting and can't leave until after 2 on Friday means most won't get home until after midnight on a Friday. General sessions EVERY DAY!? Seriously not necessary/productive use of time!
Get rid of them and let us do franchise during the superfluous general session time and let us leave any time on Friday so we can get home to our families, isn't that what you say you're all big on, work life balance?
You want better scores on CULTURE, there's suggestions on how.

I have to say I completely agree with this. Why all the general sessions? They are just time fillers.
The motivational speakers have been terrible the last few times..and the on and on and on about camp etc...boring. There's really nothing new to talk about even in all the breakouts (unless they are going to make us certify like we are in PC again).
These meetings could easily be Monday afternoon through Thursday with Friday a travel day like most other companies.
I heard the OBU had a meeting where they could wear jeans bc their new leadership came from a company that did that, now that sounds awesome!

These are the words of a whiny bitch:
Can't wear jeans at the meeting and can't leave until after 2 on Friday means most won't get home until after midnight on a Friday. General sessions EVERY DAY!? Seriously not necessary/productive use of time!
Get rid of them and let us do franchise during the superfluous general session time and let us leave any time on Friday so we can get home to our families, isn't that what you say you're all big on, work life balance?
You want better scores on CULTURE, there's suggestions on how.

I have to say I completely agree with this. Why all the general sessions? They are just time fillers.
The motivational speakers have been terrible the last few times..and the on and on and on about camp etc...boring. There's really nothing new to talk about even in all the breakouts (unless they are going to make us certify like we are in PC again).
These meetings could easily be Monday afternoon through Thursday with Friday a travel day like most other companies.
I heard the OBU had a meeting where they could wear jeans bc their new leadership came from a company that did that, now that sounds awesome!

Because Perry (the idiot that he is) thinks he needs to exercise his control over the "field forth". When he first got here he made us stop using comfortable chairs and couches during general sessions and had them replaced with interlocking, upright, tight fitting chairs to "send a message!"

Here's a message to Perry and any other so called leader who thinks this shit is needed - When we get back from the NSM most of us will take "unapproved" vacation time at our leisure. You fuck with us, we fuck you right back!

These are the words of a whiny bitch:
Whiny bitch, no. I've just worked for other companies that actually respect and value their employees, their time, and actually have work - life balance instead of the lip service we get here. It's all talk with no action, and until that changes the culture surveys and employee satisfaction will stay the SAME....LOW!
At least it sounds like the new people coming into the OBU from Genentech are actually implementing these things with their people.

NSM is the biggest waste of time and money. The amount of money they are wasting on food, entertainment, general sessions, motivations speakers, etc... I can't help to think how that money could have been used to pay better bonuses. Leadership likes to think these meetings are motivation, but in many ways, it has the opposite effect.

NSM is the biggest waste of time and money. The amount of money they are wasting on food, entertainment, general sessions, motivations speakers, etc... I can't help to think how that money could have been used to pay better bonuses. Leadership likes to think these meetings are motivation, but in many ways, it has the opposite effect.

Let's see what the culture for OBU really is. At our October meeting, we could wear jeans and talked so much about setting our culture. It will be interesting to see if OBU can surmount the NSM and have us wear jeans to show what the power of our developing culture is.

Enough Already!!! No more blue jeans crap! If you want to wear jeans go to your kids’ soccer games!
Grow the fuck up! That's the way many companies are going, jeans, casual, more responsibility on the employee, free form vacation(not a set amount). Get your head out of the past and your ass. THERE IS NO REASON TO DRESS UP IF YOU'RE NOT IN FRONT OF CUSTOMERS! You can look nice in jeans

This is all bc of Perry. Keeping us past 5, making sure every minute is filed with something, God forbid there be free time. At least KK is gone no more patronizing speeches and scoldings.

i can't speak for any division ecxcept the OBU, but I can't figure out what they are going to present to us to take up all of Tue., Wed, Thur., and until 2:00 on Fri.? Personally I do NOT need to hear success stories from patients, I don't need nor want to play a bunch of stupid games, and when the clock strikes 5 I want to call it day, NOT more required crap at night.

i can't speak for any division ecxcept the OBU, but I can't figure out what they are going to present to us to take up all of Tue., Wed, Thur., and until 2:00 on Fri.? Personally I do NOT need to hear success stories from patients, I don't need nor want to play a bunch of stupid games, and when the clock strikes 5 I want to call it day, NOT more required crap at night.