Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics - Region North America re-org

Discussion in 'Novartis' started by Anonymous, Jan 4, 2012 at 4:57 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest


  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    What does this mean?
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    It means that this is a thread that will break an all time record of 300k responses very soon. I cannot make enough coffee mugs to support this milestone, so those of you who know who I am, please email and I will send you a mug.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Where is the idiot touting Vaccines' performance when you need him? He should be all over this acheivement!
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    If I'm an idiot, the majority of the company are idiots. Performance is strong, research is good, development is delivering. Indivuals are performing and getting promoted lately. What is the issue?
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    "performance" of Vaccines = losing hundreds of millions of $'s / yr

    "research is good" = not being able to produce a commercially viable vaccine in its history and those that are in the pipeline are so obscure you can only find them on Google.

    "development is delivering" = screwing up both Menveo as well as Bexsero.

    "performance is strong, research is good, development is delivering." is something only an idiot would say that and most people here don't think that is true.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The issue is that no one will take us off of Novartis' hands even when Novartis offers to pay them.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Are you all ready to sell the anti fungal to peds? Meningitis & jock itch in the same bag. Oh boy!
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    How would you know that? The discussions are not being communicated down, so you don't know what deals are in the works. We may be acquired any minute. Or maybe Bexaro is sold and the rest is dismantled/dumped.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I am very disappointed in all of you gossip queens!!!

    One week plus and still no mention of the "unknown suits" being toured around by various EC members at all manufacturing sites...

    Rumor they were from................
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    If things were all that bad or drastic change was coming, there would be higher turnover. Most people just stayed.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Merck or GSK or Pfizer or Sanofi or ?
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    We are waiting and hoping for the severance.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    What a fricken moron? Who would buy Bexsero? It will never be licensed in the US and even if it were it would be like in Europe, no one would pay for it.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Word has it that the Grifols executives are shocked, astonished, and dumbfounded at the destruction Novartis did to Diagnostics research and development. They can't believe the wreck Novartis made. Grifols now knows that Novartis is not run by people interested in science, research and development, but is run by a bunch of venture capitalists just trying to make some money.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Menveo was a result of the "science" under Chiron whose legacy was perpetuated under Diagnostics. If you can't understand the allusion it was always shit. If you want to argue otherwise please give concrete examples how the legacy of Chiron's science wasn't complete and total shit, shit, shit.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I am sure that turnover doesn't appear drastic from your POV which is obviously not very well placed in the org nor do you exhibit an ability to make a very well informed assessment of what everyone knows.

    Development - the previous head, who had industry wide Development experience abruptly left (dumped like a cheap Ho') us and took a very prestigious position at another Development organization and at the Gates Foundation. He was replaced by VN who had absolutely no previous Development experience. And absolutely no experience in science since his days, many years ago as an undergraduate or in medical school. It was WIDELY understood that one of the reasons that he got the job was that it was neigh near impossible to get anyone in the industry with Development credibility and experience to take the job. So VN got it with the opportunity to do a turn around.

    Shortly thereafter a senior member of the Development team with extensive industry wide experience voted with her feet and left. Then Development launched (like a turd into a sewer) Bexsero. The former head of Med Affairs recently dumped us for 3rd tier Boston based Pharma.
    And recently VN was "injected" into his new job that, by by any credible assessment, was another last chance at a much smaller role. Amongst all this was a chaotic mess of turnover with everyone that stayed taking any position that they could get to survive and to leverage when this shit show ends.

    Just one suggestion- when you wish to come to a discussion with adults bring facts not platitudes based on childish wishes.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Forgot to add that VN wasn't replaced but they slid Rino into fill the spot. Rino has also had ZERO experience in Development and the last 2 data points of his performance in this area was his influence over the launches of Menveo and Bexsero: both unmitigated disasters. Menveo was basically unmarketable in its first year and is a flop now years after when compared to expectations and Bexsero never will be a market success.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Exactly. That is a one paragraph perfect summary of the truth of what happened.

    I marvel at the idiocy of upper management as they try to sell this turd. They missed their opportunity many years ago.

    How much will NVS pay to get rid of this carbuncle?