I'm in field sales and was told by a colleague that I signed a non-compete agreement when I was hired. I cannot locate this document nor any verbiage relating to it in the Employment Agreement documents that I do have. With that, I have fulfilled my obligation to the company (2yrs) specific to the conditions related to my sign-on bonus.
Nonetheless according to my colleague, this clause prohibits me from being employed in field sales by any other pharma company for whom I would be promoting medications to the same disease specialists (whether rheumatology, cardiology, GI, et al) that I do currently.
Once I am able to secure a copy of it, what are the key factors I should look for in determining the viability and enforceability of such an agreement?
Thank you and to CafePharma, this is the best board you could ever have created!
Nonetheless according to my colleague, this clause prohibits me from being employed in field sales by any other pharma company for whom I would be promoting medications to the same disease specialists (whether rheumatology, cardiology, GI, et al) that I do currently.
Once I am able to secure a copy of it, what are the key factors I should look for in determining the viability and enforceability of such an agreement?
Thank you and to CafePharma, this is the best board you could ever have created!