New Guru in Toxicology

Discussion in 'Solstas Lab Partners' started by Anonymous, Jul 28, 2012 at 10:38 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I see that SLP has just announced a new "guru" for their PMP program and Toxicology. He comes from 15 years at MedTox but from what I can tell was just involved in business development and actually has no credentials in toxicology. He has a degree from Yale but I do not believe that degree was in any of the sciences but rather a business dregree. SLP has an interesting philosophy about what constitutes a "guru". A better title would be Toxicology Czar. That would be consistent with the current political atmosphere of appointing Czars. Right now the most "qualified" person actually involved in the science of Toxicology is one guy with a BS in Chemistry from 7 years and no formal training, credentials or continuing education in toxicology. Not a member of any professional toxicology organizations. He is doing a great job considering the circumstances but unfortunately meets no accreditation requirement by any accrediting or licensing organization such as CAP or the State of Florida. If I have miss-stated the current circumstance, please correct me, but the program at SLP seems to be focusing on sales and marketing with little to no support in the science area.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Actually, they also have (had) a tox manager with an MS in Pharmacy/Forensics and 8 years of experience as well.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    In their toxicology laboratory in Valdosta they had a toxicologist and manager with an MS and 30 years experience and he left about a year ago. He was replaced with a toxicologist with about 6 years experience and he just got his MS in forensics sciences and he is leaving the end of this month. This leaves in Valdosta a BS level chemistry major with 7 years OJT but no credentials in forensics beyond that. It seems that they are hiring at the sales and marketing level but not doing anything at the technical level. Just wondering where they are headed.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Your statement clearly shows that you are not currently dialed in on the situation. First, pertaining to 7 years of OJT is similar to comparing Albert Einstein to just having some physics training. Everyone is quite aware that he developed every single method that is currently running in the lab. The Valdosta lab had gone through 5 different directors in a relatively short time several who did have a P.H.D. and none of them could maintain the quality needed for NLCP certification. I have personally seen several college professors come to the laboratory for instruction on instrument maintenance from this self-trained chemist. I am also aware that his society for forensic toxicology membership is being sponsored by two of the most well respected and influential members of the organization. He also is working with the local college on developing the master’s program. He was also influential in the setting up of the instrumentation at the crime lab facility. I would not be worried about the technical ability at SLP. They have a young chemist who is on the forefront of who’s who in up and coming toxicology. Every other lab in the country is now facing trying to get someone less than 65 years old to come in and fill this role.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Just wondering how this is working out for you now that he has been on his own for 5 months. Things still going well in Toxicology for you?
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Rich! Glad to see retirement is serving you well. Just fade away.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Didn't answer the question did you? Just wondering how things were going at DLI/SLP? The last post, 5 months ago was so supportive. Just wondering how things were going since the last RP left. Other post associated with SLP don't seem that positive, but that is the general nature of Cafepharma. Just wondering.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Oh good grief. Just saw this. Pat yourself on the back much John?

    I don't think I could've written such an eloquent autobiography about myself!!! You're still a riot. If you don't know the answer, you just bs your way around in circles until you've either confused everyone to death or they've fallen asleep.

    "Forefront of who's who in up and coming toxicology".... I needed that good laugh tonight.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Just a follow-up on at statement regarding the "Toxicologist" in Valdosta. The statements was posted "I am also aware that his society for forensic toxicology membership is being sponsored by two of the most well respected and influential members of the organization". I just checked the SOFT membership website and he is still (5 months later) not listed as a member. Must be a computer glitch, because I am sure he would never overstate his credentials.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Replaced? That would imply that they had hired extra people. More like dumped it on two people when one left then dumped all of it on one when the other left. Now it's February and I'm not going to hit quota because he's too busy to help me land these accounts which is hurting the company. Lately I don't receive a return call until 8 or 9 which is too late to at least conference in a potential client. I used to be able to get through in the day time. How does solstas expect us to hit our numbers if we don't have sales support. All I need if 2 to 3 hours a week sales support. There are several other Reps I have talked to that are in the boat. I would recommend coming in at 3 am to do paper work etc so that the afternoon can be spent landing accounts.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    It's your job to land the account moron. Not all of us have the luxury of having those resources at our fingertips and we're doing just fine. Go learn the material yourself and stop relying on others. Moocher
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    One of the issues facing the tox lab is finding qualified personnel in the field of toxicology that are willing to re-locate to Valdosta for the pay that is being offered. You get what you pay for and at this point SLP doesn't seem to be interested in offering much (if anything at all) to recruit new qualified staff. The staff that is currently there is doing the best they can with the resources given them, but it is simply not enough. In the past year and a half they lost two people from tox with over 30 years of combined experience in toxicology and have not replaced them with anything even close to that level of expertise. This is not a field where you can teach yourself either, contrary to the comment above calling the sales rep a moron and a moocher. That person is totally out of touch.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    JG is the man!
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    So, sell something other than toxicology!!!
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    That's right, you could sell Microbiology, Histology, Cytology, Special Chemistry, and Molecular Testing. Oh wait, those areas have been or are being closed down in Valdosta.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Seriously, there are a few smart people at Valdosta lab that I would trust with my car. The others, I'm surprised they can find their way to work every day. The lab has stagnated and needs to close. It costs too much and there aren't enough smart people locally to run the place. As has been said earlier, we cannot recruit people (pay them enough) to live in Valdosta. So, we close the lab.

    Don't take it personally, it is a simple business decision. One that many other businesses make every day around the world.

    Stop thinking you are special. Especially in Valdosta, Georgia.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    It is interesting that prior to being bought by SLP, Doctors Lab was a respected reference lab profitably serving south Georgia, North Florida and eastern Alabama. After it was purchased, SLP began to replace the senior management with former LabCorp personnel and made decisions that encouraged other qualified staff to look for other opportunities. DLI still has great staff but they are being smothered. It is a business decision, but one that did not have to go in this direction. When the lab was purchased, the staff was promised "business as usual". This has been an empty promise and a great business has been systematically destroyed. Unfortunately there have also been internal forces that have been allowed to get involved in the business far beyond their ability. One has been especially destructive and has been allowed to get involved in issues clearly outside their area of expertise. It is sad to see what is happening to a great company, that was also a great "family". It didn't have to go this way. Dr. Davis would be very sad to see what has happened to his business.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Amen and AMEN!!!!
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    So sad. The least they can do is offer a transfer or a severance. How can it possibly cost Solstas that much to keep people in Valdosta?? That's probably the only lab territory in this entire company that can care less about the merit increase. How about those taxes in Florida.. How's your governor sticking it to you down there? That Medicare grant is coming from somewhere.

    I'd be one pissed off asshole if I lived there and had to deal with no 401k, no increase, more taxes and paying double for everything.

    What is the cost of living in your area, How does your town or city compare to Greensboro, NC?

    Valdosta.. I think you're fine. Just do what you do. You don't want to work for the 'institution'
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Historically SLP has provided severance and then unemployment so that will do for a while. I doubt that they will pay relocation expenses for anyone to NC. Valdosta will do fine if you think that a lab that is a mere shadow of its former self offering only minimal services and serving as a forwarding hub for work to NC is "doing fine".