My version of 15 by 15


I'm so done with the Sh*#hole. I have seen the older reps, who used to be our "mentors" just a few years ago, being pushed out of this company for nothing other than they are making a good salary. I'm not quite 50 yet, but getting close, and I know if I last that long the same will happen to me. Despite what I do or how hard I work it won't be enough. So today I've decided that I'm done with them. I will no longer make the extra early call or late call. I will do a lunch here & there collect a few signatures. I figure this will take me three hours a day max. Which equates to 15 hours a week. I'm gonna work a max of 15 hours a week until 2015. This is my version of 15 by 15. From now on, I will have an 25 extra hours a week to work out, spend time with my spouse or double dip with an extra job (which would be good since we didn't get much of a raise the past couple years). You want 15 by 15? It's now time for me to give it to you my way. Bend over Merck............Who's in with me?

I'm so done with the Sh*#hole. I have seen the older reps, who used to be our "mentors" just a few years ago, being pushed out of this company for nothing other than they are making a good salary. I'm not quite 50 yet, but getting close, and I know if I last that long the same will happen to me. Despite what I do or how hard I work it won't be enough. So today I've decided that I'm done with them. I will no longer make the extra early call or late call. I will do a lunch here & there collect a few signatures. I figure this will take me three hours a day max. Which equates to 15 hours a week. I'm gonna work a max of 15 hours a week until 2015. This is my version of 15 by 15. From now on, I will have an 25 extra hours a week to work out, spend time with my spouse or double dip with an extra job (which would be good since we didn't get much of a raise the past couple years). You want 15 by 15? It's now time for me to give it to you my way. Bend over Merck............Who's in with me?

Seriously, how can you do this an look at yourself in the mirror on payday, you lazy POS. If you feel this way, quit and find somewhere else to justify working an honest day's work!!!

I'm so done with the Sh*#hole. I have seen the older reps, who used to be our "mentors" just a few years ago, being pushed out of this company for nothing other than they are making a good salary. I'm not quite 50 yet, but getting close, and I know if I last that long the same will happen to me. Despite what I do or how hard I work it won't be enough. So today I've decided that I'm done with them. I will no longer make the extra early call or late call. I will do a lunch here & there collect a few signatures. I figure this will take me three hours a day max. Which equates to 15 hours a week. I'm gonna work a max of 15 hours a week until 2015. This is my version of 15 by 15. From now on, I will have an 25 extra hours a week to work out, spend time with my spouse or double dip with an extra job (which would be good since we didn't get much of a raise the past couple years). You want 15 by 15? It's now time for me to give it to you my way. Bend over Merck............Who's in with me?

You dont have the brains or ambition to double dip with an extra job. get help with your mid-life crisis or better yet, a maid that will sleep with you so you are not wacking off by yourself all the time. That would be a good use of time. 15 yanks for 15 seconds.

Good for this guy. He gets it. Give them the three hours a day they deserve and fu*k 'em for every dollar you can.

Trust me when I tell you that they've fu*ked countless other reps who were dedicated employees, only to learn too late that Merck will throw you out with the trash as soon as they see fit.

You other asswipes who feel loyalty to this garbage company are without hope. Some people are just smarter than others. merck will soon have nothing but dummies left.

Good for this guy. He gets it. Give them the three hours a day they deserve and fu*k 'em for every dollar you can.

Trust me when I tell you that they've fu*ked countless other reps who were dedicated employees, only to learn too late that Merck will throw you out with the trash as soon as they see fit.

You other asswipes who feel loyalty to this garbage company are without hope. Some people are just smarter than others. merck will soon have nothing but dummies left.

Umm, actually it's about being loyal to YOURSELF asswipe...destroying (consciously or otherwise) your work ethic isn't exactly "smart"

I'm so done with the Sh*#hole. I have seen the older reps, who used to be our "mentors" just a few years ago, being pushed out of this company for nothing other than they are making a good salary. I'm not quite 50 yet, but getting close, and I know if I last that long the same will happen to me. Despite what I do or how hard I work it won't be enough. So today I've decided that I'm done with them. I will no longer make the extra early call or late call. I will do a lunch here & there collect a few signatures. I figure this will take me three hours a day max. Which equates to 15 hours a week. I'm gonna work a max of 15 hours a week until 2015. This is my version of 15 by 15. From now on, I will have an 25 extra hours a week to work out, spend time with my spouse or double dip with an extra job (which would be good since we didn't get much of a raise the past couple years). You want 15 by 15? It's now time for me to give it to you my way. Bend over Merck............Who's in with me?

I have been urging all reps at Merck to do this...Bravo for you!! Do the minimum possible!!! Take Merck's money like they take your dignity and show them what happens when they treat sales reps like crap...Honestly, 15 hours is pretty generous...see if u can get it down to 10....

OP here. First day of my 15 x 15 campaign. Left home at 10:30 made two calls before lunch. Did lunch & saw four docs and one midlevel. Got a couple sigs from them and went home at 1:30. Went to the gym at 2:15 and worked out until 3:45. It's awesome working out this time of day, didn't have to wait to use equipment one time! Headed home and checked VM & email for 15 minutes, showered and started making dinner. I did go over my goal of working three hours by a total of 15 minutes. By the end of the week I should have it down. Better get to bed now, I've got to get up and put another three hours in tomorrow!

OP here. First day of my 15 x 15 campaign. Left home at 10:30 made two calls before lunch. Did lunch & saw four docs and one midlevel. Got a couple sigs from them and went home at 1:30. Went to the gym at 2:15 and worked out until 3:45. It's awesome working out this time of day, didn't have to wait to use equipment one time! Headed home and checked VM & email for 15 minutes, showered and started making dinner. I did go over my goal of working three hours by a total of 15 minutes. By the end of the week I should have it down. Better get to bed now, I've got to get up and put another three hours in tomorrow!

Enjoy while lasts. When, not if, the heat starts to be applied from you management at various levels, best be prepared. I'm just sayin.

You know what? I feel like those bashing the OP are the younger people who just don't get it.
There are reps of all ages who work few hours, btw. I know a guy (30-something) who literally spends ALL of his time in the gym, and must work only a couple of hours each afternoon. Has been with his company for a while, so guess it's working out for him.
Anyway, point is, the older reps who have put in a ton of time already have put in WAY more than 8-5 over the course of their career. Tenured, older reps have done their time, and also KNOW they're going to get kicked to the curb any day. Not IF, but WHEN. When you've been around for a long time, you've spent COUNTLESS nights, weekends, even holiday & vacation time doing work for the company, so if OP wants to, and can, kick back some now... more power. All the hours they're missing at work now were most certainly put in previously!!
For anyone who actually feels loyalty or obligation to a company who treats its reps and other employees like crap, wake up. If you can spend more time actually living life and doing the truly important things (like spending more time with family), then do it. If you take a look at your life through 'old people eyes', no way are you going to look back and say, "Wow, I wished I'd worked more".

yeah, well I love the OP's thinking. It would be hilarious if it werent so serious. This company sucks. No job stability-despite doing a good job. Nobody asking any of us to stay-how things have changed. Five years ago at a major meeting the king gets up there and begs people to stay with the company. When was the last time you heard that? Weak management that starts at the CTL level and moves right on up to the greed-thirtsy CEO or board of director level. Kool-aid drinking marketing team(Januvia combo with simva as a great example-"Its not another Caduet! Norvasc was not a real popular"-totally false), everybody just treading water and waiting it out. The cuts are coming. With the job market the way it is, there is very little place for a pharma rep to go where they are seen as valuable. So, as Merck has destroyed my career based on how they have run this business for the past 10 or more years, good enough for them. You have basically the whole field force doing what the OP is doing, but nobody talks about it. Its the elephant in the room. Go for it OP-I died laughing when I saw your version of 15X15

I'm so done with the Sh*#hole. I have seen the older reps, who used to be our "mentors" just a few years ago, being pushed out of this company for nothing other than they are making a good salary. I'm not quite 50 yet, but getting close, and I know if I last that long the same will happen to me. Despite what I do or how hard I work it won't be enough. So today I've decided that I'm done with them. I will no longer make the extra early call or late call. I will do a lunch here & there collect a few signatures. I figure this will take me three hours a day max. Which equates to 15 hours a week. I'm gonna work a max of 15 hours a week until 2015. This is my version of 15 by 15. From now on, I will have an 25 extra hours a week to work out, spend time with my spouse or double dip with an extra job (which would be good since we didn't get much of a raise the past couple years). You want 15 by 15? It's now time for me to give it to you my way. Bend over Merck............Who's in with me?

WOW! What a concept! I would say it is really smart but can't because if you have not been doing this all along you are an idiot. As a pharma professional that is about all you need to do if you are a half decent sales rep to consistantly perform in the top 25% year after year; I do. With computers it is even easier to implement because you can fudge the call plan and make it look totally legit. What does working any harder really get you? More security? More peace of mind? More sales? Think again. We all know that the numbers are totally massaged by the HO dorks and that no one really knows who is selling what. Do you even know how numbers are calculated? It is a shitty sampling of the month then extrapolated out to give you your "sales results", I mean your "teams" results. Really does not matter what you do. This is the best thing about pharma, you can get by without doing very much at all. If you are just figuring this out too bad for you because I am sure that your hardworking teammates are doing the same thing. All the managers know the deal, they were reps once too you idiot. Most of the sales are so managed care dependent these days as long as you are keeping up with admin games you can keep pulling in that huge base salary and all the perks you get when you figure out how to fudge an expense report for an extra grand a month. All companies know this goes on which is why there are constant layoffs and will eventually be nothing but digital media going out to docs with the option of getting samples shipped to them. Who needs a rep anymore? Not the docs or the companies! Good luck with your 15 by 15. At least I give you credit for finally figuring it out. Go enjoy life while you still have one!

OP here. No #15, not an idiot, just an honest rep that did their job well for years and years. Nothing wrong with that. It's so refreshing to know that no matter what I do in the near future or far, it won't really matter. Knowing that, I've gone into semi retirement so to speak but will be getting full pay while I'm doing it. Worked a total of 17 hours this week. Only two over my goal. Next week I'll have it down. Did lose two pounds working out at the gym though. Should be able to meet my 15 hour goal next week.

OP here. No #15, not an idiot, just an honest rep that did their job well for years and years. Nothing wrong with that. It's so refreshing to know that no matter what I do in the near future or far, it won't really matter. Knowing that, I've gone into semi retirement so to speak but will be getting full pay while I'm doing it. Worked a total of 17 hours this week. Only two over my goal. Next week I'll have it down. Did lose two pounds working out at the gym though. Should be able to meet my 15 hour goal next week.

Finally! A report from someone at Merck demonstrating TRUE PROGRESS! Well done! Keep us informed of your individual growth and accomplishments as you move forward.

From where I'm sitting, Merck should get down to about a 1000 or so reps before the bloodbath is over, so it really doesn't matter what you do. Even if you are ultimately discovered and fired, you'd still be better off anyhow. I'd focus on finding the perfect next job---at your leisure, of course---then quit a year or so from now.

OP here. No #15, not an idiot, just an honest rep that did their job well for years and years. Nothing wrong with that. It's so refreshing to know that no matter what I do in the near future or far, it won't really matter. Knowing that, I've gone into semi retirement so to speak but will be getting full pay while I'm doing it. Worked a total of 17 hours this week. Only two over my goal. Next week I'll have it down. Did lose two pounds working out at the gym though. Should be able to meet my 15 hour goal next week.

I can relate. I used to be a true blue Merck loyal rep. I pride myself working long hours. It does not matter these days. They want me to be a walking billboard and a robot. Any individualism is to be discouraged. Step 1 do this. Step 2 do this. Step 3 stand this way. Step 3 raise your voice, close the call. Step 4 re-affirm this "idiot" doc he has made the wisest choice in his entire life. Miss one step and you are incompetent.

Happy to hear about the weight loss. Remember Merck would not shed a tear if any of us die from a heart attack, or jump off a building due to a PIP.

What an can easily be replaced by a cheerleader type with a nice set of DD's cause at least she'll try to make a good days work! You really need to take a door greeters job a Walmart or collect the carts in the parking lot! Think of how sorry the managers were to even have hired you back in the day! But we need plenty of assholes so we can be diverse!

What an can easily be replaced by a cheerleader type with a nice set of DD's cause at least she'll try to make a good days work! You really need to take a door greeters job a Walmart or collect the carts in the parking lot! Think of how sorry the managers were to even have hired you back in the day! But we need plenty of assholes so we can be diverse!

What a racist and/or sexist comment to say, "Merck need plenty of a**holes so we can be diverse." Do you really know all those hires were incompetent? That your own skin color automatically translate into intelligence as Einstein's? Or all female reps are hired for diversity reason? As a tenured rep I have seen some new reps were able to access offices that I could not. Some came up with ideas that I did not think about. Not all new people were hired for their looks only.