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My Love Letter to Amgen

My Love Letter to Amgen

At one point in time you were the pinnacle in the biotech industry. A company that attracted talent more than your competitors. How the mighty have fallen.

At one time people looked to Amgen as a beacon of hope for retirement, a sound retirement and a salary that rivaled it’s competitors. My how the mighty have fallen.

We’ve gone from the promised land of the best 401k in the business. To a business that doesn’t trust the very foundation that made it so stable. Reps have no faith in management. Management has no faith in senior leadership. Where did it all go so wrong.

Repatha came out over priced and the market reacted. Yet the sales force was blamed. EMWAT came out and flopped. Two years + of the market rejecting your holy ideals and still you try to make a change in a market that rejects your change. When do you look inward and realize that maybe you made a mistake.

Onyx which was once stable you ruined like the Mayans. We’ve had so much success, we’ve done so much. T.O. though is that abusive partner in a relationship, always wanting more always pushing the envelope when they’ve really done nothing to help.

Let’s add in Vision and the mis-steps you’ve made with data. You hide behind a lie of “market wide issues” don’t you realize the Humira reps have no problem showing people their reports. Were a community.

Lastly to my friends from Otzela. Copy every number you have for sales. When you’re integrated into Amgen magically you’ll being doing worse than you were prior to being acquired.

To the asshole that’s gonna reply that everything is great. Just Fuck Off now you home office dick riding asshole.

I’ve never posted before. In fact I’ve been one of the supports for a long time but, I’m tired. Your right. People don’t matter anymore. Home Office is just as bad as in sales. We have no culture. No loyalty either.


You know....I have only read things on here, never posted, but this warrants a comment. The Love Letter to Amgen has to be THE MOST spot on observation of our company that I have EVER seen. There is no loyalty. None. Nobody invests in their people, so people don’t invest in their company because we have ALL become disposable. It’s really sad. And you are right. When Repatha came out way over priced, we were blamed. Sure-some of it will be the sales force, but what about the people negotiating these contracts? How have they been held accountable? You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. I can convince you that you need a Lamborghini, but if you can’t get a loan, how is that my damn fault?

And 4Dx? What in the hell? It’s so basic a caveman could do it. It honestly scares me to think that this company bought into this crap. THOSE who SOLD it to Amgen....I want them to come in to some of my Repatha offices and sell them. Ha. I’m still blown away at all this. If you were severed, consider yourself fortunate. Like, really really really fortunate.


You know....I have only read things on here, never posted, but this warrants a comment. The Love Letter to Amgen has to be THE MOST spot on observation of our company that I have EVER seen. There is no loyalty. None. Nobody invests in their people, so people don’t invest in their company because we have ALL become disposable. It’s really sad. And you are right. When Repatha came out way over priced, we were blamed. Sure-some of it will be the sales force, but what about the people negotiating these contracts? How have they been held accountable? You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. I can convince you that you need a Lamborghini, but if you can’t get a loan, how is that my damn fault?

And 4Dx? What in the hell? It’s so basic a caveman could do it. It honestly scares me to think that this company bought into this crap. THOSE who SOLD it to Amgen....I want them to come in to some of my Repatha offices and sell them. Ha. I’m still blown away at all this. If you were severed, consider yourself fortunate. Like, really really really fortunate.
This is spot on sadly!

I feel sorry for the Otezla team. I talk to them and they are used to getting good data. When they have problems, they show their leaders and they go buy the data.

Wait until they get here and our managers hide behind our IC system. Only the well sources IMS territories do any good.

Classic post
At one point in time you were the pinnacle in the biotech industry. A company that attracted talent more than your competitors. How the mighty have fallen.

At one time people looked to Amgen as a beacon of hope for retirement, a sound retirement and a salary that rivaled it’s competitors. My how the mighty have fallen.

We’ve gone from the promised land of the best 401k in the business. To a business that doesn’t trust the very foundation that made it so stable. Reps have no faith in management. Management has no faith in senior leadership. Where did it all go so wrong.

Repatha came out over priced and the market reacted. Yet the sales force was blamed. EMWAT came out and flopped. Two years + of the market rejecting your holy ideals and still you try to make a change in a market that rejects your change. When do you look inward and realize that maybe you made a mistake.

Onyx which was once stable you ruined like the Mayans. We’ve had so much success, we’ve done so much. T.O. though is that abusive partner in a relationship, always wanting more always pushing the envelope when they’ve really done nothing to help.

Let’s add in Vision and the mis-steps you’ve made with data. You hide behind a lie of “market wide issues” don’t you realize the Humira reps have no problem showing people their reports. Were a community.

Lastly to my friends from Otzela. Copy every number you have for sales. When you’re integrated into Amgen magically you’ll being doing worse than you were prior to being acquired.

To the asshole that’s gonna reply that everything is great. Just Fuck Off now you home office dick riding asshole.

Sales people talk about culture and they aren't even at the home office. You don't even know the Amgen culture. You just have your own unique sales culture that varies. And by the way, why is it mostly sales people bitching on this forum. Always about culture. This vague undefined term that I've never understood st any company I've been to and I've been to many. The job market is great right now. If you're such good caliber salespeople then go somewhere else...really simple. If I hated Amgen I'd leave. Why is this difficult. And stop talking about the glory days of Amgen like any of you were actually here. The number of people that were here 20+ years ago are few and far between and the entire industry was a different animal.

Sales people talk about culture and they aren't even at the home office. You don't even know the Amgen culture. You just have your own unique sales culture that varies. And by the way, why is it mostly sales people bitching on this forum. Always about culture. This vague undefined term that I've never understood st any company I've been to and I've been to many. The job market is great right now. If you're such good caliber salespeople then go somewhere else...really simple. If I hated Amgen I'd leave. Why is this difficult. And stop talking about the glory days of Amgen like any of you were actually here. The number of people that were here 20+ years ago are few and far between and the entire industry was a different animal.
Shut, the fuck, up

Sales people talk about culture and they aren't even at the home office. You don't even know the Amgen culture. You just have your own unique sales culture that varies. And by the way, why is it mostly sales people bitching on this forum. Always about culture. This vague undefined term that I've never understood st any company I've been to and I've been to many. The job market is great right now. If you're such good caliber salespeople then go somewhere else...really simple. If I hated Amgen I'd leave. Why is this difficult. And stop talking about the glory days of Amgen like any of you were actually here. The number of people that were here 20+ years ago are few and far between and the entire industry was a different animal.
You make some good points. Your Amgen culture is different in TO. I definitely agree after being there. For field sales, however, "Amgen culture" is relevant to the local culture your manager and team have promoted. Also true, the job market is good which is why many of us ARE moving on and many already have. Amgen has lost and will continue to lose the best sales reps since local managers are allowed to treat reps any f'ing way they want just bc they choose to do so no matter the talent &/or sales performance of the rep. I'm sure this local toxicity isn't just in my state under my specific manager so someone needs to at least try to fix it from a corporate standpoint.... starting with holding HR accountable for how they protect managers. This is literally an insidious problem.

You make some good points. Your Amgen culture is different in TO. I definitely agree after being there. For field sales, however, "Amgen culture" is relevant to the local culture your manager and team have promoted. Also true, the job market is good which is why many of us ARE moving on and many already have. Amgen has lost and will continue to lose the best sales reps since local managers are allowed to treat reps any f'ing way they want just bc they choose to do so no matter the talent &/or sales performance of the rep. I'm sure this local toxicity isn't just in my state under my specific manager so someone needs to at least try to fix it from a corporate standpoint.... starting with holding HR accountable for how they protect managers. This is literally an insidious problem.

That's reasonable...but I just get annoyed when people imply that their experience is all of Amgen. Or that it's everyone else to blame but them. By definition some people have to be the lower performers...are some of you just not realizing that? Or in denial? Just a possibility...

I cannot imagine everyone in sales is unhappy. I'm willing to bet just the people in sales who aren't happy come here. Otherwise there'd be a lot more people here. It's like the analogy of who shows up on yelp reviews. Just people really happy or really upset. This is certainly not a representative sample of all sales.

And if I hear one more person talk about the glory days I'll vomit. That's such an asinine comment for more reasons than I can count.

And every time I mention any logical argument to anyone in sales their counter is adolescent level attacks. It's really pathetic. No wonder you are all a joke. You can't even come back with logical arguments. You resort to foul language, talking shit about my apparent family, throwing all sorts of unsubstantiated insults, and doing everything you can to avoid the actual topic we're debating because you have no good rebuttal.

I’ve never posted before. In fact I’ve been one of the supports for a long time but, I’m tired. Your right. People don’t matter anymore. Home Office is just as bad as in sales. We have no culture. No loyalty either.

It's a mistake to think you are biotech. You are classic pharma with better margins. Better margins = arrogance and stupid decision making. Why is anyone surprised.

Good luck.

That's reasonable...but I just get annoyed when people imply that their experience is all of Amgen. Or that it's everyone else to blame but them. By definition some people have to be the lower performers...are some of you just not realizing that? Or in denial? Just a possibility...

I cannot imagine everyone in sales is unhappy. I'm willing to bet just the people in sales who aren't happy come here. Otherwise there'd be a lot more people here. It's like the analogy of who shows up on yelp reviews. Just people really happy or really upset. This is certainly not a representative sample of all sales.

And if I hear one more person talk about the glory days I'll vomit. That's such an asinine comment for more reasons than I can count.

And every time I mention any logical argument to anyone in sales their counter is adolescent level attacks. It's really pathetic. No wonder you are all a joke. You can't even come back with logical arguments. You resort to foul language, talking shit about my apparent family, throwing all sorts of unsubstantiated insults, and doing everything you can to avoid the actual topic we're debating because you have no good rebuttal.

Don’t think it was a post for home office folks. Plus it’s got 2200 views so your yelp analogy doesn’t apply. Nor does anyone on this thread seem to agree with you.

However I’ll bite. Sales Ops is understaffed and therefore has a problem reacting to sales issues when they arise. Vision has been incorrect quite a bit lately. While your career future doesn’t rest on numbers ours does. So think act promotion, think SGA, think promotion to DSM, RSD, KAM, Field Sales trainer etc.

While you have your own set of issues in home office we have ours in the field. Glad your happy in home office. Start a thread about how great home office is. Stay in your lane.

That's reasonable...but I just get annoyed when people imply that their experience is all of Amgen. Or that it's everyone else to blame but them. By definition some people have to be the lower performers...are some of you just not realizing that? Or in denial? Just a possibility...

I cannot imagine everyone in sales is unhappy. I'm willing to bet just the people in sales who aren't happy come here. Otherwise there'd be a lot more people here. It's like the analogy of who shows up on yelp reviews. Just people really happy or really upset. This is certainly not a representative sample of all sales.

And if I hear one more person talk about the glory days I'll vomit. That's such an asinine comment for more reasons than I can count.

And every time I mention any logical argument to anyone in sales their counter is adolescent level attacks. It's really pathetic. No wonder you are all a joke. You can't even come back with logical arguments. You resort to foul language, talking shit about my apparent family, throwing all sorts of unsubstantiated insults, and doing everything you can to avoid the actual topic we're debating because you have no good rebuttal.
Or, maybe, it's adolescent, of you, to continue to respond. You're are not going to change anyone's opinion, on this site, and it's foolish of you try. Yet, you continue with this insanity. I'm not going to resort to name calling, but the fact that you keep responding, while trying to win an argument, on an anonymous-message board shows that you're an emotional thinker and lack, certain, judgment skills.

How's that for logic from the sales team?

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