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It amazes me that there are already many unhappy people at this company. How long have you guys all been around? Six months to a year?
What’s the issue. Products, coverage, mgt?
Company is great. Product is great. Senior leadership sux. Have no idea what they’re doing so they micromanage the field team.

So who is Julian’s replacement since you know so much..

This company isn’t micro. Compared to every other company I have worked for they are in line of what everyone is doing.

Where is everyone leaving to Zogenix?

So who is Julian’s replacement since you know so much..

This company isn’t micro. Compared to every other company I have worked for they are in line of what everyone is doing.

“SAYS AN ELT cafepharma TROLL” what happen to this is a “different company.” The ELT confirms and honest response to the micromanaged environment.

So who is Julian’s replacement since you know so much..

This company isn’t micro. Compared to every other company I have worked for they are in line of what everyone is doing.

“SAYS AN ELT cafepharma TROLL” what happen to this is a “different company.” The ELT confirms and honest response to the micromanaged environment.

I know one person who just quit because of the MICRO management and also because they were concerned about pressure for off label/non compliant selling.

Drama Queens..automatically turn absolutely everything into a hissy fit, replete with pique and a host of other emotions. He/she seems to draw energy from the drama, while draining energy from everyone else. Move on and move out.

Could not be more TRUE! :(

What did you expect? Take a sales leader that has very weak experience but a high opinion of themselves and couple it with a highly anticipated launch and throw in perhaps one of the worst hub providers and you are going to get micro managed to death.

Part of it is blame shifting and part of it is not knowing what is important in the first place. At least the stock is up.