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Layoffs in 2012?


Has anyone heard anything on possible layoff notices on January 18th? Heard there is a manditory conference call for ALL employees at 1 on that day. Last time that happened everyone working P&G groceries was let go......I doubt that whetever it is they want to tell their employess won't be good news.......


If CBD means everyone then yeah, all included in call. Restructuring always mean layoffs for the low levels. One article on Google says forced retirement....that's not me yet though I suppose I should start sending out resumes. Kind of wanted to know ahead of time what to expect on Wed.'s call. Anyone hear anything please post. Thanks.

I think I know how it will play out....P&G is the only company left who has cosmetic reps. All others have let theirs go. So P&G will most likely say that any employee who has the most cosmetics hours of last year will be let go. Same way they got rid of grocery division last time.

Why P&G would lay off RM's would not be a wise choice as it is the Rm's that do more than check product availablity, via upc product placement, stock shelves for customers and for P&G sales/profits. Cosmetics has nothing to do with it as all/majority rm's handle cosmetics as well as all other P&G products. Even now with the work being 3rd partied out, there are P&G rm's that could handle the work that is sent to 3rd party. Many of times I've been in the stores and see boxes that say hold for "a third party name" w/P&G pop and it never gets put up by a third party rm, but because it is "our company" P&G pop I place the pop.
If P&G lays off rm's their sales/profits will plummet more than the recession.

There are some RMs that do nothing but Cover Girl resets for two large chain stores in the months of January and Febuary. Don't know who will be let go but am sure there will be cut backs on part-time RMs as there were in March of 2010 when grocery RMs were let go. I do notice that P&G is the only one with RMs doing the resets this year in a couple of large chain stores. From a business stand point they'd be the ones to go. RMs who cover each store could probably pick up any slack.

As a P&G rep, in my area I have personally run into Revlon and Loreal who also did Cosmetic resets. Both Not from 3rd party companies. These girls for these companies have done resets along side of me for years. Also along being in Big Box stores and their competitors doing P&G work, I have run into these girls as well doing basic coverage work for their companies.

It's Official, P&G made a huge mistake by laying off all RM's. What a laugh Acosta and Convergience. I worked with Acosta they HATE P&G they cut out P&G products during resets and cut in work. It was so depressing working with these companies as they bad mouthed P&G. I have worked with Convergience and NEVER got paid or had to continually keep calling calling to get the little pay they offered. What a flipping joke!!!!!

I hope all the 2400 RM's layed off refuse to purchase any more P&G products!

Thought I would apply at Covergance, but after reading this post, not so sure. Pretty sure not going to Acosta. MIght just sit on my a@@ and collect uc until something else comes along. I really believe that PG made a huge mistake getting rid of Retail Pulse, they have some very dedicated employee's and I don't think that 3rd party is really going to give the PG Brand the attention that it's leaders think it deserves.

I agree with the comments regarding 3rd party companies and their lack of dedication to P&G. I've been a RM for many years and always took pride in my work. Often I did a job along side of an Acosta rep and never did I see the same dedication and pride coming from them. I'll apply to both companies.....I need to work......at least until something else comes along. I too feel that P&G made a huge mistake. But from what I've been reading in various articles on line is that the investors feel more money can be earned if the focus shifts to under developed countries over-seas. It's all being driven by money. And those at the top have no interest in the fact that 2400 people are now going to be out on the street.

P&G Retail Pulse is going to dissolve this year. All RMs will lose their jobs. So will the planners, supervisors, etc. Work is going to Acosta and Convergence. Most will lose their jobs by March. All Retail Pulse work be gone by October 1st.

That was the news in this morning's conference call.

Once again, bottom line = $$$$$$$

Your job has just been outsourced to a 3rd. world company. Employee/company loyalty is a thing of the past. All these suits think about is profit, stock price, etc. nothing else. Guaranteed that you and I would do the same if in that position.

Corporate profits are king, not your crummy RM job. We have seen it time and time again over the past decade. This news should not come as a surprise to anyone as P&G has recently made cuts in corporate as well. Welcome to the 21st. Century.

What they don't realize is that you can't put a price on quality work. You get what you pay for. When the third party companies screw up and sales drop they will realize this. Just because the labor is cheaper doesn't mean you will get the same quality work. I will not apply with the other vendors but I also will not sit by and bust my tail for a few hours a week. I will seek employment elsewhere. Hopefully I will find a company with morals and values.

Off course bottom line is $$$$$$ as they had to come up $5 million to fund their 2012 Thank You Mom campaign to support 150 athletes in the 2012 London Olmpic Games and youth sports.

I won't be supporting that cause, figured I did already with my job. Also not supporting or purchasing any more P&G brands even with their brand saver.

I really believe the Pringles deal stalling played a big role in the layoffs. They were expecting all that cash to come in by dec and when that didn't happen Retail Pulse paid the price. What a BIG mistake. Third party doesn't have relationships or the work ethic that we do!!!

I think everyone so far has it wrong; we work predominately in Walmart's and that is the primary "cash cow" for retail pulse funding; If you've been in a Walmart regularly, you will notice every holiday carries over a ton of merchandise...slow sales; most all the full time department heads have been cut back 4 hours or more per week...slow sales. You can bet at the corporate level Walmart was not willing to pay out as much as they had in the past for the services provided by Retail Pulse because they are feeling the pinch of the economy as are the customers. The ironic twist to all this is that we are repeatedly being told by our RMN's that we are indexing at anywhere from 92 to 98 % of last years sales...yet the stores I serviced were at 88 to 90% of last year...that right there should prove our worth to these stores...it will only go down from here and they deserve every lost sale they miss.

Bottom line is.......They cut off their noses to spite their faces. And yes, in the long run it will have been a big mistake. 3rd party employees have no loyality to P&G where as Retail Pulse RMS did. It may take a bit of time but eventually that lack of attention to P&G from 3rd parties will show in the decrease of cash coming in. Then they will have to start all over again building back up all the good work we've acomplished.

Everyone blames Walmart's for everything. They weren't even around when I started. P&G had a very bad reputation with store accounts way back when, which I found out it had to do with P&G business ethics. I worked in one account (large chain) that one store refused to have any P&G on it's shelf. If product was on the shelf, the label was removed and rest of the set was doubled or tripled faced to fill shelf. Got the store restablished w/our products and things got better.

I, like many of you, worked as a P&G rep on set along side 3rd party for big sets. The ones I worked with in front of me cut out or cut down facings of P&G items to make plano's fit. The store lead ok'd the changes, until (most of the time) I mentioned P&G is paying for the store reset, and said the items are going back in and we'll work on cutting out other items. They didn't care which ones because they have no product loyalty, I was told on many times it's alway P&G they cut out.

Yes Walmart, as P&G jumped on that cash cow and put all their eggs in that basket for sales/profit, P&G stopped giving attention/concern to the other accounts. And started giving those accounts to third party if any as some just went to the wayside with no representation.

In Walmart, yes everything was great at first, then Walmart started having their own issues. Most DM's have more than one department so their attention is just getting their own work done for corporate, nevermind mod's or stocking. As those are now left to overnight shift or DM's who take a week overnight to get their mod's done.

When we're in Walmart's and company/product specific, we could get those oos filled or issues corrected, where DM's or associates are trying to get every companies issued and product out and they just don't have the time to do it all.

P&G Corporate has to take a huge step back and look at itself before blaming others ie: the economy, customer loyalty to brand, ect.

They can't keep using their coupons as band aids

P&G's issues are in corporate office's not out here in the real world.

Also if your middle - upper management and get let go, generally there is a package deal - nothing great, I'm sure but it's better than calling into a scheduled conference and hearing Thank You for Hard Work and Dedication to P&G, you all are being phased out and ending with Thank You for calling into the conference today.

P&G's motto - Start out sweet - put all the dirt in the middle - and end with a cherry on top :)