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Latuda....good move?

Discussion in 'Sunovion' started by Anonymous, Jan 28, 2011 at 1:18 AM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Ask all the Fanapt reps, or should I say former Fanapt reps. C'mon people....I sell Abilify, was recruited HEAVILY for Latuda and just couldn't take the leap. I may regret it as time will tell, but it's hard to give up 11 years of service. Very sad I had to weigh severance for 1 year at Sunovion vs. 11 years at BMS to make my decision, rather than where I thought I could succeed the best and be the happiest based on the old criteria....quality of the drug, manager, salary and benefits, size and demographic of territory, vacation, company culture, access (to a lesser degree before than now).

    Today, while we all care about all of those things, #1 is where do have have the best shot at longevity and/or if I get laid off, how much will I get.

    It's a sad time for our industry and upper management continues to downplay it at POA's...this is what pisses me off.

    Good luck all

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Hmmmmmmmm, strange that you feel the need to post about your personal situation on here. Why should we care? Get a life.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I think most people will be very surprised at how well Latuda is going to do. Psychiatrists cannot wait for the med to hit the market because early reports show a dramatic effect not just in Schizophrenia but other areas as well. Prior authorizations will be coming in droves because this med will help those who need help. No need to worry about us, we will be fine. I would be more concerned about your( Abilify, Seroquel XR) future diminishing market share. Its just a matter of time.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Oh, please.
  5. wmro1280

    wmro1280 Guest

    What other areas? (And please, don't say "cognition" or "memory")
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You are a frigging dumb-ass! "but other areas as well". Dumb-ass!
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    delusional f##ktard. you need to take an atypical for yourself.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    From the looks of the responses to this post, it looks like some people are very afraid. Once we leave Frisco, we will be able to show you the power of our marketing and the strength of our force. Just wait..................its gonna happen!!!
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Same BS, different day. Saphris will even make your lilly dreamy "ME too" drug look silly.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Let me remind you, do not talk about indications that you do not have!!!
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Yes, it is foolish to think that not comparing severance pkg's was a major consideration for coming to Sunovian. One had to look as this drug has failure scribbled all over it, what the leave pack will entail. Most reps are very aware that Latuda is a mee 2, it has very few if any advantages and will be a very difficult if not impossible sell. The attraction to this position was only there for reps who were collecting unemployment for month upon month and did not want to pay cobra any longer. There is no future for this division product, lets be serious. You have to look and see who is going to pay you the most free severance as this will not be a division that has any staying power. It all started with the inter. process, the Princeton one folks were like high school kids screening cattle for the slaughter, and the managers that were brought on have sketched inconsistent pasts and track records of below average leadership. They were either fired, about to be, or had been circled for removal by their previous company and had a connection at Sepracor that got them in under the table. This is what shit companies do. Should have investigated it more closely.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I would not be so sure. Your inate ability to foretell just went to hades in a little hand basket!! Remember, negativity does not produce productivity, success or even positivity. All this does is creates more of the same bad blood...sorry. The laws dicate in this one, we are not talking about local, city or govermental laws..but higher laws!
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Agreed. Let`s not confuse having a job and collecting a pay check with selling a highly regarded and 1st line drug. In this case, the two are miles apart. Collect your check but don`t be foolish and believe you are doing anymore than that with this product.