Integrated Health System-Acct Mgr Roles

These positions should have been eliminated years ago. They do absolutely nothing. Oh yes, lie!!!

Our IDN customers are closed to industry as are most throughout the country. We had these roles in our area in the past as did the competition, they all have been eliminated. There might be a few exceptions somewhere. These roles require creative acting and writing skills.

Creative writing and acting skills. Let’s throw in some excel and pivot table skills. I should know because this is my position at GSK. It’s an absolute joke that GSK retains us!!! Got a love it.

I love this!
A thread written by someone who will KILL for a job they aren’t good enough to get. Keep having lunch delivered, THATS the skill the marketplace is looking for.

These roles are still around? Skill set? You must mean the art of bull$hitting. Allow me to give it a shot. "As I call on C-suite customers I look for strategic opportunities in order to offer a value proposition leveraging our robust pipeline". As I engage in an interactive dialogue I attempt to create strategic alliances allowing for better patient outcomes while managing healthcare related costs". Is that the skill set you speak of? Such a joke! Trust me, you kissed a lot of a$$ and mastered the art of bull$shit. Never bull$hit a bull$hitter. You should know this. Just count your lucky stars and keep your mouth shut.

I was a respiratory rep prior to my Integrated Health System role. This is way less work and time than calling on HCP’s!!! Yes, more $$$. Can’t believe these roles are still in place. Thanks GSK.

( CNBC.COM - MLAT - March 17th, 2021 )

Traded as:NYSE: PFE, S&P 100 component, S&P 500 component

Insider sources confirmed, earlier today, that Pfizer is in beginning discussions to acquire multiple divisions of UK Pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline PLC.

On Thursday morning GlaxoSmithKline will announce the spinning off of its Consumer division under the ticker symbol IDFC, to function as its own publicly held company. The transition is expected to take roughly 9 months, at which point, Pfizer has an expressed interest in GSKs Oncology and Vaccine divisions.

GlaxoSmithKline's Primary care products aren't of interest at the current time.

Mountain Court Investments believes there are viable products within GSK's Arena of expertise that could be desirable.

Pfizer originally attempted to buy AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals in 2011 without success. AZSNW

March 17, 2021 10:31GMT

( CNBC.COM - MLAT - March 17th, 2021 )

Traded as:NYSE: PFE, S&P 100 component, S&P 500 component

Insider sources confirmed, earlier today, that Pfizer is in beginning discussions to acquire multiple divisions of UK Pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline PLC.

On Thursday morning GlaxoSmithKline will announce the spinning off of its Consumer division under the ticker symbol IDFC, to function as its own publicly held company. The transition is expected to take roughly 9 months, at which point, Pfizer has an expressed interest in GSKs Oncology and Vaccine divisions.

GlaxoSmithKline's Primary care products aren't of interest at the current time.

Mountain Court Investments believes there are viable products within GSK's Arena of expertise that could be desirable.

Pfizer originally attempted to buy AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals in 2011 without success. AZSNW

March 17, 2021 10:31GMT

This is a poor attempt at writing a fake news story. Somebody call Jim Cramer!

My Mgr shared it’s time to look. Cuts are coming soon! This division should not even be and we all know it. I’ve actually gotten very lazy as there is nothing to do. Creative writing and excel spreadsheets and I’ll throw in a pivot table now and then. It amounts to about 10 hours per week. Thanks GSK.

Nothing to do is an understatement. Unbelievable they pay us to do absolutely nothing. Feels dirty!

I was in an Integrated Health Manager role. I was so relieved to get out. Smoke, mirrors and drinking a lot to deal with nothing to do.
I moved to a Vaccines account manager role. Working my butt off and feel good about what I do.

Anyone feeling nervous? Cuts are inevitable. I’m looking.

layoffs are certainly on the way in the VBU. They’ve got two reps covering a territory that only needs one all over the country. GSK thinks they’re being slick by making certain people full line. Listen, if you’re aren’t full line or at least Peds and also have Shingrix.... you’re going to be the first l. The chopping block. What do they need Adult reps for when they have ped reps that can sell Shingrix? Boostrix takes ten seconds to train on.