These positions should have been eliminated years ago. They do absolutely nothing. Oh yes, lie!!!
These positions should have been eliminated years ago. They do absolutely nothing. Oh yes, lie!!!
( CNBC.COM - MLAT - March 17th, 2021 )
Traded as:NYSE: PFE, S&P 100 component, S&P 500 component
Insider sources confirmed, earlier today, that Pfizer is in beginning discussions to acquire multiple divisions of UK Pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline PLC.
On Thursday morning GlaxoSmithKline will announce the spinning off of its Consumer division under the ticker symbol IDFC, to function as its own publicly held company. The transition is expected to take roughly 9 months, at which point, Pfizer has an expressed interest in GSKs Oncology and Vaccine divisions.
GlaxoSmithKline's Primary care products aren't of interest at the current time.
Mountain Court Investments believes there are viable products within GSK's Arena of expertise that could be desirable.
Pfizer originally attempted to buy AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals in 2011 without success. AZSNW
March 17, 2021 10:31GMT
This is a poor attempt at writing a fake news story. Somebody call Jim Cramer!
Nothing to do is an understatement. Unbelievable they pay us to do absolutely nothing. Feels dirty!
Anyone feeling nervous? Cuts are inevitable. I’m looking.