George's journal

Discussion in 'Novartis' started by Anonymous, May 8, 2013 at 2:17 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Writing my CV for TMS

    Dear John,

    Good luck on your retirement. I hope you take your pension and continue your activities in pharma somewhere else. Feel assured I will take good care of IHC and hope that you enjoy your early retirement. Enjoy the enhanced package to the bank. Best of luck at JnJ.

    Kindly yours,

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Writing my CV for TMS

    Dearest Tim
    Thank you for the early Christmas present. We are back on plan. We will give Christian a one for vs and bs which is easy as pie. He's been negative at offsides and FLTs. We need to separate him from Maria since she is trying to protect him. Divide and conquer like you said

    Did I tell you how smart you are???

    Neil is on board too with the plan. If submission goes on time take credit. If not blame blame blame oan inherited messes. We may need more GPHs to manage the managers.

    You okay with that? So many details and getting nano needs more hands Merlin's

    Hugs and kisses

  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Writing my CV for TMS

    You call a rat with its nose up the boss,ass charisma? The only thing worse is a guy who sticks rodents up the but
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Writing my CV for TMS

    When timelines get tight rats pressure their data and stats. Then take credit for their work. And lick the asses of their bosses. Rats kiss up and kick down. They don't do work. Just parasites. Rats waste resources building a ponzu scheme of GPHs and hire unqualified folk.

    Eventually the trap will release and take care of the rats
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Writing my CV for TMS

    Dear Tim
    Xmas came early. John announced retirement. Thank you for everything
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Writing my CV for TMS

    Anytime rat
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Writing my CV for TMS

    You stupid rat. Keep your mouth shut or we will shut it for you. Windbag
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Writing my CV for TMS

    I wish he would just go into a sewer. He is the the highest GPH, executive but has the least industry experienced. one drug submission in which it wasn't even the lead. failed at Roche not invited to SF. His only attribute is stuicking his head up John's ass. What a empty shirt loser. The entire team knows hes a fraud. He sits alone in basle. He needs to be introduced to kols at eular and acr because no one knows him. He leaches knowledge form Christian.

  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Writing my CV for TMS

  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Writing my CV for TMS

    I can't wait for leadership forum in Boston in October. A week with the family on the company dime. Christian can do all the work and I can share my leadership prowess. I can also go visit nibs and see if Fishman wants to be a senior GPH on AIN.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Writing my CV for TMS

    Atta boy George. You are an inspiration to mediocrity. To become executive vp GPS with obey one drug ind is amazing. It shows the power of sucking up. And we know how management like sucking
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Writing my CV for TMS

    Dear Tim,

    This filing is a lot of work. Id like you to promote me to President Vice President. It would be revolutionary concept. THen you could hire 2 Executive VPs to report to me. We could build AIN into the greatest empire in the galaxy. Think about how many layers of MDs that would report to me, I mean to you. Higher than a Swiss Alp.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Dears Wackowski, Ricardos and Tofu,
    I will retire when you stop thinking that you are funny and creative, I mean when you stop writing here.
    Yours truly Yorgo
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Neil, you're done with IHC. Go write on the animal board where you belong.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Writing my CV for TMS

    You forgot to add his paper, When will John retire? and Neil the hero. Cafepharma 2013
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    GV is the least of IHC problems.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Who's worse?
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Writing my CV for TMS

    It is interesting to note that he is not on the main Orencia NEJM manuscript.

    If he misrepresented his role on the abatacept submission then that would be grounds for immediate termination. Perhaps David already knows and is saving it his back pocket in case. Didn't a yahoo ceo lose is job over something like this? Maybe someone should go speak with Mark and see what he really did.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Writing my CV for TMS

    HR is monitoring this board. If indeed he misrepresented his experience and qualifications then that's terminatable. Fingers crossed. We can also look at his mentoring profile that speaks to this claim of being the lead on developing a billion dollar drug. Next he'll claim BYM. LMAO
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Writing my CV for TMS

    Has anyone thought maybe George is trying to vet out his falsehoods and get sympathy at the same time. Way to wag that dog