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Favorite recollections from FLM 2015

Discussion in 'AstraZeneca' started by Anonymous, Jan 23, 2015 at 10:47 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    For me it was the cloyingly sweet self-promotion of Paul's relationship with Paul especially when he stated how people had asked about the good natured bantering jeez you must be real pals and he say no I can't stand him har de har har so funny aren't you two such good pals at least now we know who the next president is - gratuitous self promotion.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Isn't it funny it's called a "field leadership meeting." There hasn't been any field leadership in at least five years. Marketing rules this company. Managers are told what to do...when to do it and for how long. Reps have a script to learn. There will be no deviation from that script. So who leads? I don't get it? It's top down M-A-N-A-G-E-M-E-N-T. It certainly will be no field leadership at good ole AZ. Years ago DM's ran their districts based on local needs. That's not the case today. DM's that have been around more than five years are frustrated as hell with this situation but are making good money so they do what they are told. Hell I even remember when DM's made their own agenda at district meetings that were relevant to local market conditions. Not hours and hours of silly role playing that bores everyone to tears.

    Ok I've ranted enough. Anyone have any arguments with what I said above. I'd like to hear just ONE EXAMPLE of a field leader?? Unfortunately they just don't exist anymore.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Give it up asshole. You've got a good paycheck and a car (but the gas is cheap now). And you've got health insurance (but if you're without an income (if they fire you) that's FREE now. Free healthcare if you lose your job, or quit).

    Make up your mind. Do you want to lie your ass off daily, or do you think you were put here to exist and do something except serve people that lie in your face day in and day out?

    Patient Health First! The reason I sought out this job in the first place was that I want to improve patient's lives. It's about them, not me, right?
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    That's what's made America work! Caring for others. This Free Market Capitalism stuff is a bunch of baloney.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I totally agree. There are no leaders within the DSM position anymore, SSLT won't let us lead anymore. New DSM's think they actually make a difference to the reps, drinking the magic juice. Leadership is the key, where can we buy some of that?
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    : Favorite recollections from FLM 2015

    When was the last time you heard a DM or RD ask a challenging question or challenge anyone from marketing or hq on stage? That would reflect leadership by expressing a differing opinion. We are all sheep now. Baaahhhh
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    My favorite part was having to hold my water extra long as each and every session ran over the time allotted. There was not one event that ended on time. I barely made the bus each night and had to drop deuces in the public potties as we could not make it back to our rooms. I can't remember the last time I did that. Sorry to get all putty-mouth on here.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Well, next year instead of Field leadership meeting, it'll be a field layoff meeting. So ride this at least until we get WARN notice, with probable effect on Primary Care first. My bet is 4q 2015 or q1 2016, and lots of us managers will be either in a pss position or seeking employment elsewhere.

    Any other thoughts? Not to be negative, but this ride eventually will end. We're fortunate we haven't had to make those uncomfortable calls to reps since jan 31 2012.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    One of the best posts ever on CafePharma. So true and to the point. Where are the leaders? I suppose they all left.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I really liked the crystal clarity we received in how to coach women or people from other cultures. Thanks AZ.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I think it became very evident that once Paul moves to London later this year the other Paul takes over everything. I mean he has most of it and now all he has to do is fight off the new Dave guy and it will all be his. That is all that is left to decide. Paul or Dave. And both Pauls made it pretty clear who the front runner is.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I made a post here earlier today on how I was confused about the workshop on how to coach women different and it got pulled in a flash. IT wasn't even mean or dirty. Just that I am not sure what I should or should not do. Jeez.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    That is interesting , what was the just of what they said.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    There were too many sock jokes. Not funny. I don't get it.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    There are no leaders. They're like cub scout den mothers. A leader leads. Leaders don't get saddled with reviewing expense reports.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The Bible says, "When there is no vision the people will perish." Think it holds true for corporations like AZ?
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    CafePharma will bow to pressure in a heartbeat to remove a post when a company calls complaining about it! As far as the FLM for 2016 and it may be your last, I don't think so. Frenchie, it appears, really believes that you cannot have enough reps calling on the same doc. I bet we EXPAND the PC sales force big time! We all know that more than half of all calls would never meet the definition of a call, but the reps have no choice. It's all a game based on delusion.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    This is just another HR sponsored, we must make exceptions for women, programs. This is so old news but look at the makeup of HR and you will understand. If you are a minority female, preferably gay, then you hold the keys to the AZ vault. You are untouchable.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    For me the epitome of our shortsightedness is Barcelona. We have done a lot to overcome the perception of largesse and waste in our industry. In addition there are few among us who would not agree that the spinning wheel of managed care victories falls on a few fortunate states time and time again and our ability to predict, affect and measure sales results is limited at best.

    So to reward these chosen few with a trip like this flies in the face of all the values we profess to now support. What it wrong with Monterey or Hawaii or Aruba or Puerto Rico or someplace that would not raise eyebrows. Oh wait I know. Ask AZ how many people went to Barcelona in 2013 and 2014. The number will amaze you. THen ask them why.