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Evil twins update

Discussion in 'Kos' started by Anonymous, Dec 2, 2011 at 10:51 AM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I see the Andy and Adrian road show had a brief stopover at Neurologix before bailing out. Must have realized that the company didn't have a sales team they could screw-over in return for personal millions of $$, or that it had such a low shareholder value when they took over that they had no room to shave more off of it before a fire-sale. Keep your eyes peeled for the next place they land, and then put that on the list of companies to run away from.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Auxilium it is! What? No Koven in-tow?
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Andrew has come over to rejoin Adrian at Auxilium, so all is riight with the world. This time, they brought their pal Glickman along for the good old fashioned gluttony at the trough.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Jesus man, miss the old company but the fact that Glickman was hired into this, how could any company want to hire this rag tag bunch of incestual malcontents. You can hire any type of corporate slice and dicer. Just dont get how this cancer (Adrain and friends) survives. There surely has to be better corporate vampires that can be hired, eh?
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    obviously not....
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    they tried to get Fred Hassan but he was too busy counting his millions, still raking it in after he convinved Merck to buy S/P - he is THE BEST at this - A.A. is a Fred H wannabe.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    AA tried to get the old band back together, but RK was busy learning how to play U2 covers and how to carry a tune, MT was busy working on his antique bell collection, AB was busy pulling dietary supplement niacin off the shelves at GNC, and DH was busy serving as president of the South Florida chapter of the former Schering/Key alumni association. MJ, BB, and DB were busy not returning any of AA's calls!