
Discussion in 'Novartis' started by Anonymous, Oct 20, 2014 at 3:33 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Hand picked from Galderma it seems. Everyone I met was from Galderma. And No one on my team knows a damn thing about biologics. We are screwed.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    We will see if biologic experience really matters In the derm market...there are 15 biologic reps hired and 70 Galderma cream reps so we will see if biologic experience really matters in 3 months
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Those 70 cream reps better learn to sell, this is no " doc I need your signature" gig. They need to sell this drug and tell docs why this drug is better than others, while more deaths during trial, wht use 300mg over 100 mg like enbrel.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    This will be another debacle
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Novartis is at liberty to discriminate all it wants as long as it is not against a protected class, i.e., race, religion, gender, etc. The last time I checked being a Novartis employee was not of a protected class. Unless you have additional information you "lawsuit" is groundless.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Hardly freaking out. Enbrel...GREAT safety data! Cosentyx--NONE--no long term experience. Start with a TNF
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Enbrel doesn't do anything we don't let them do.


    Biologics Pro, aka Humira Stud
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Why worry! It's Novartis and we F-up everything.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Who is the manager for the Northeast for Cosentyx?
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I am a protected class, moron!
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Great point actually. Why were they (still are for positions open) so hung up on Biologics experience? Never had a Derm. ask that question. Poor leadership IMO.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Doesn't matter. We are having to give away 5-8 months just to get docs to use us. At the end of that period, which is not a revenue generated one, we better have some managed care access.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Anyone having issues with the HUB? I'm talking logistical,issues with them receiving the Rx from offices?
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Don't bother. Just have office Rx . There are numerous SPs to fill..CVS Caremark is preferred, accredo isn't i think
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Really? Why do they keep hiring Galderma people? Very inexperienced and unprofessional. At least as biologic reps, we get the science and data which is something you have not had to sell before. Wait until you start getting questions on clinical studies and AEs. I can see the blank faces now.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Not to worry they all have a 3.0 GPA hence they are rocket scientists LOL
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Attention newbies. When all the hype from launch settles down and you have to actually start selling instead of give it away for 8 months, this reality will set in:

    We, AbbVie, own the PBMs. I'll say it again for effect. We OWN the PBMs. They tell the managed care companies what they can do who in turn tell the doctors what they can write. We will not allow any product to be used before 2 biologic step edits in any inflammatory disease.

    Now, what this mean for you is that you get to fight with everyone else for 3rd place.

    Ask Celgene how it goes. They actually have a product that should probably be used before us, but we won't allow it. So it fights for kibbles.

    Ask JNJ how it goes. They have a skin option that has marginally better safety and dosing but we won't allow it. So they fight for kibbles.

    Ask the pitiful Cimzia reps. They might have the best molecule but we won't allow it. They are dead.

    Ask anyone who comes into this market - we tell the PBMs how high to jump.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Appears there are distribution problems. Many patients cannot get their rxs filled. The Cosentyx site and support are weak. Patients who are approved by their health plans are not get the rxs delivered as Norvartis has not shipped.