
what happened to ron bittone. was he "asked to leave"?

Heard he decided to get out of pharma. He handed in his resignation and left Merck. He started a position in the financial industry. Not sure exactly what he is doing. I think it may be along the lines of a financial planner. Couldn't take Merck and this dying industry any longer. Heard Merck wasn't very nice to him. Also, they won't be replacing his position.

Heard he decided to get out of pharma. He handed in his resignation and left Merck. He started a position in the financial industry. Not sure exactly what he is doing. I think it may be along the lines of a financial planner. Couldn't take Merck and this dying industry any longer. Heard Merck wasn't very nice to him. Also, they won't be replacing his position.

Another solid guy leaves Merck.

Heard he decided to get out of pharma. He handed in his resignation and left Merck. He started a position in the financial industry. Not sure exactly what he is doing. I think it may be along the lines of a financial planner. Couldn't take Merck and this dying industry any longer. Heard Merck wasn't very nice to him. Also, they won't be replacing his position.

Another well-respected and talented person leaves. He will definitely be missed for what he brought here but also by what his absence brings- more idiots running around who know as less about vaccines than the people they are replacing.

Another well-respected and talented person leaves. He will definitely be missed for what he brought here but also by what his absence brings- more idiots running around who know as less about vaccines than the people they are replacing.

This is Merck's cancer and often the end result isn't nice. Since around 1994, more good people have left Merck than joined. It continues to this day and we are reaping the consequences.

This is Merck's cancer and often the end result isn't nice. Since around 1994, more good people have left Merck than joined. It continues to this day and we are reaping the consequences.

This is especially true in the vaccine division where many lifetimes MVD folks were forced out at all levels and their replacements were not at the same level. Case in point- Tom Lyons- enough said.

This is especially true in the vaccine division where many lifetimes MVD folks were forced out at all levels and their replacements were not at the same level. Case in point- Tom Lyons- enough said.

You can thank Margie, Mike and most especially Alina for the regression of MVD into MVID. If their ideas for vaccines were so great, why are two gone and the last idiot is about to be ousted? That's because they were wrong and their leadership was disastrous for continued success in vaccines. There are still a few good leaders from MVD that are waiting for an opportunity once the last of the previous idiotic regime is righteously eradicated.

Another well-respected and talented person leaves. He will definitely be missed for what he brought here but also by what his absence brings- more idiots running around who know as less about vaccines than the people they are replacing.

At least he may be smiling a little bit hearing about Alina's departure.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Another well-respected and talented person leaves. He will definitely be missed for what he brought here but also by what his absence brings- more idiots running around who know as less about vaccines than the people they are replacing.
At least he may be smiling a little bit hearing about Alina's departure.

Ron, if you are on CP, we miss you and hope you are doing great- you made it worthwhile for the many of us in MVD who crossed paths with you. Thank you.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Another well-respected and talented person leaves. He will definitely be missed for what he brought here but also by what his absence brings- more idiots running around who know as less about vaccines than the people they are replacing.
At least he may be smiling a little bit hearing about Alina's departure.

Ron, if you are on CP, we miss you and hope you are doing great- you made it worthwhile for the many of us in MVD who crossed paths with you. Thank you.

With Ron gone, I think most of the MVD management people are now gone. It was a fun place to work. Now, it is simply work or a job. They have taken the fun out of what was a fantastic job.

With Ron gone, I think most of the MVD management people are now gone. It was a fun place to work. Now, it is simply work or a job. They have taken the fun out of what was a fantastic job.

There are some still here waiting to survive the next regime. It looks like USHH had their chance and failed. Now it looks like ex Schering Plough and Sanofi Pasteur people will get a shot at the dismantled vaccine division.

This is especially true in the vaccine division where many lifetimes MVD folks were forced out at all levels and their replacements were not at the same level. Case in point- Tom Lyons- enough said.

Tom exemplifies every thing wrong with the current leadership in vaccines and Ron represented what good leadership looked like in MVD.

Tom exemplifies every thing wrong with the current leadership in vaccines and Ron represented what good leadership looked like in MVD.

MVD is a broken toy but unlike a child's toy which gets discarded and forgotten, this broken toy affected many people and some might never recover. Julie has been no help. Yes, Fatlina is finally leaving but I doubt she was forced out as she is lasting the year, unlike Margie.

MVD is a broken toy but unlike a child's toy which gets discarded and forgotten, this broken toy affected many people and some might never recover. Julie has been no help. Yes, Fatlina is finally leaving but I doubt she was forced out as she is lasting the year, unlike Margie.

Regardless, the evil feminist is gone. Now let's hire more normal people who will treat women and men fairly and like adults. We might start feeling like MVD again.

It is a good thought but MVD will never be MVD again- too much of the foundation was forced out and too many ushh posers remain.

That may change with Todd running things now. We may see another regime change with former schering plough people. I don't think it can get any worse. The USHH folks did a pretty good job of eliminating their fellow employees from MVD. Maybe the schering plough folks will return the favor to arrogant and ignorant USHH clan.

That may change with Todd running things now. We may see another regime change with former schering plough people. I don't think it can get any worse. The USHH folks did a pretty good job of eliminating their fellow employees from MVD. Maybe the schering plough folks will return the favor to arrogant and ignorant USHH clan.

Think how sick this all is- tablet people come into vaccines and run it into the ground with no clue what needs to be done and how to run a vaccine division- they tried running it like a tablet division. Of course they eliminated anyone in power who knew vaccines. Now you tell me SP people, which has no vaccines, is going to come in too and run this division even lower into the ground?