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Aptiom Managed Care Coverage SUCKS!!

Discussion in 'Sunovion' started by Anonymous, Jan 6, 2015 at 7:47 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    So they keep telling us that Aptiom has parity status with Vimpat on most of the formulary's. What a complete and total lie. My Account Director told me they are not even allowed to offer rebates for Aptiom. At UCB we offered a lot of rebates for Vimpat so how can we be a parity status with Vimpat at most formulary's when we are not letting or managed care people contract for Aptiom. And PLEASE don't tell me its the great efficacy and side effect profile of Aptiom!! We know that's a crock.

    So... Why does the company lie to us about parity status with Vimpat when their own contracting "strategy" for Aptiom in and of itself ensures that we are NOT AT PARITY STATUS WITH VIMPAT???? Answer me that!

    Do they think we in the field promoting Aptiom are so stupid that they can flat our lie to us and don't think we'd know?

    Come on Brad! Stop lying and acknowledge that Vimpat is in a better access position and MOST plans and we have no intention of contracting for Aptiom so that is never going to change. Just be honest.

    - OR - Is my Regional Account Director just lying to me when she tells me they are not allowed to contract for Aptiom. She said that was the strategy right from launch.

    WTF gives? Answers please...

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Brad is a Merck-reject prick who is more interested in covering up his incompetence rather than admitting that he's in way over his head.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Both Brads are morons.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    100% correct! Do you realize that in addition to Brad, all the Merck reps we got were ALL fired 1 month before joining us. Yep, ALL Merck reps were unemployed when they interviewed for us. We got Mercks trash in the field and at the top. I hate Merck, bunch of rat bastards.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Mike, stop complaining and get back to work!!
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    True post. Vimpat is T2 or T3 unrestricted at 72% of the plan is my territory and Aptiom is T2 or T3 unrestricted at 54% of my plans and Aptiom is PA'd at my third largest plan (Vimpat T3 unrestricted) and has a step edit on my second largest plan where vimpat is T2 unrestricted. So please stop the nonsense that we have such great access. Someone let the managed care people know they have to get off their Arses and actually start doing some work to remove the severe restrictions we have compared to Vimpat. Can't wait to hear all the bull$hit at the upcoming POA. Hey Brad guess what? We are not idiots. Just because you say it over and over again does not make it true. For the last time, WE DO NOT HAVE ANYWHERE NEAR EQUAL STATUS WITH VIMPAT AT THE MAJORITY OF OUR MANAGED CARE PLANS!

    I can't believe heads have not rolled in managed markets. Where are the contracts? We have ONE! One f'ing Aptiom contract in the entire nation almost a full year after launch. Great work managed markets people. You should all be very proud of yourselves ...NOT!
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Are you surprised that Aptiom was launch with terrible managed care coverage? This was brought to you by the same group that delivered you inexperienced management, a Bial product not a Sunovion product, bad data, metrics, awful marketing - is anyone left in the department or did they all get promoted out?, buckets, delays in goals, micro micro management, an empty corporate office, reps leaving in droves and terminations and PIPs.

    I would have been shocked if managed care was handled well, as it would have been out if character. Anyone with good managed care relationships and expertise would not be working for Sunovion or wild have left by now.

    As for being lied to grow up. Sunovion cares about Sunivion and needed to get and maintain a sales force.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The "Merck trash" are actually leading the nation in sales, which doesn't say much for the rest of us who actually came from the competition.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Let me guess you average 4 scripts per week while the nation averages 3. Impress your next interviewer with your success during a launch.

    By the way, no one cares where anyone worked before. We are all on the same sinking ship.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    They say parity restrictions NOT parity Access.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Pricing and contracts group working on plan to save us, not the ADs
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    So do you believe this or is it an attempt humor? The same group that brought you all the problems is going to be the solution? Misguided confidence but Sunovion must love you. Every company needs the everything is going to be ok people. They need you right up to the time they don't.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    This is true and will happen soon. Now that brand realizes their brand isn't the best thing since slice bread, they are willing to drop the GTN and contract.

    You will see quick results, if the payers want an expensive no share product.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Don't worry we have Brovanna reps coming to our rescue
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Well let me ask you this? Is Vimpat T3 unrestricted and Aptiom T3 Prior Authorization needed "parity access"? Is Vimpat T2 unrestricted and Aptiom T3 Step Edit needed "parity access"? Is Vimpat Preferred On PDL and Aptiom Non PDL with Prior Authorization needed "parity access"? Well that is the case for most state medicaids and many commercial and part d plans.

    Do our sales leaders and managed markets team think that just because they keep saying we have parity access we will start believing them even though it is not even close to true. These people should get jobs in the Obama administration!
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Ya Ha! True post! Vimpat has much better status and much less restrictions in my area. That is what is killing us. Who's bright idea was it not to contract? So we have only one Aptiom contract in the entire USA? You can't tell me we have parity restriction status at all the other plans across the country. If you are not going to contract it then slash us down to 40 reps just calling the major epilepsy centers and big neurology Rx'ers. Managed care coverage is the problem. We all know that but no one will do anything about it.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The no contract strategy has BD and BS's name all over it. Remember BD's quote to us at the launch meeting: "contracting is a strategy, not a mission." Don't blame anyone else but them!!!!
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Managed markets leaders thought they were changing the culture and being evolutionary with the "just say no to contracting" strategy. They even had the ADs role play on stage at launch - phamacy dir says "Sounds good. So what type of pricing will we contract with Aptiom?" AD script says "Sorry Mr Pharmacy Director, we won't be contracting Aptiom." Pharmacy Director says, "Oh, ok. Good luck!" Innovation at its best!
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    So... Who's going to get fired for this massive no contracting strategy screw up? Not sippy. For Christ sake he was promoted. Can you F'ing believe that??!! Sooner or later Japan is going to look at the Aptiom numbers as say WTF?!!!
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    ... and now we are pulling time away from the brovana reps to help try to save the sinking ship that is aptiom? What does this say about what we are going to be doing with brovana?? It too is underperforming. So we take time from respiratory reps and make them call on Neuro's? WTf??? Does this mean Brovana is going away before Aptiom does? Looks like Japan has finally said no more money for Aptiom. If you need more share of voice you'll have to get it elsewhwere. Enter the brovana respiratory team. Take their eye off the brovana ball and have them call on docs they have no relationships with and try to save Aptiom. Smart, really smart. What is going on here? I mean really. Does anyone else smell the desperation? Big changes coming soon I hear. Japan is fed up.