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Any way to just skip the Pip?


Is there any way to offer to just skip the pip in exchange for a severance? I recently came back from maternity leave, got put on a pip for 90 days, and my heart is just not in this. I want to be home with my son. Novartis doesn't know, but I was already planning on leaving in July due to my husband's job and a relocation. I was just planning on riding this out a few months, but then I got slapped with a PIP, and I don't even have a smidgen of motivation to fake like I'm trying to beat the PIP. Most people want to quit when placed on a PIP anyway, and it's that much worse when knowing that I'm definitely leaving anyway.

Anyone know if this can be done? Like to say, I will accept a severance and sign your document saying that I won't sue for wrongful termination even though you PIP'd me right after coming back from maternity leave, and we can just go ahead and wrap this up with a bow and I'll stay home with my son for the next few months.

My DM is a woman and she's hard core workaholic- she's ok with not being around her kids and she knows I'm polar opposite and I am positive she wants me GONE and replaced with someone who is balls to the wall like her. That's fine. But I don't want to quit bc I would prefer to try to get a severance and also to be able to file for unemployment. I don't know that I'll get either if they let me go bc of a PIP, but I know I won't get either if I quit!

I've been with the company several years, so I was kind of hoping they'd at least give me a couple of week's pay for every year worked and not dispute unemployment if I file.

Am I daydreaming or is it at all possible to say skip the pip and I can peace out of here?

Is there any way to offer to just skip the pip in exchange for a severance? I recently came back from maternity leave, got put on a pip for 90 days, and my heart is just not in this. I want to be home with my son. Novartis doesn't know, but I was already planning on leaving in July due to my husband's job and a relocation. I was just planning on riding this out a few months, but then I got slapped with a PIP, and I don't even have a smidgen of motivation to fake like I'm trying to beat the PIP. Most people want to quit when placed on a PIP anyway, and it's that much worse when knowing that I'm definitely leaving anyway.

Anyone know if this can be done? Like to say, I will accept a severance and sign your document saying that I won't sue for wrongful termination even though you PIP'd me right after coming back from maternity leave, and we can just go ahead and wrap this up with a bow and I'll stay home with my son for the next few months.

My DM is a woman and she's hard core workaholic- she's ok with not being around her kids and she knows I'm polar opposite and I am positive she wants me GONE and replaced with someone who is balls to the wall like her. That's fine. But I don't want to quit bc I would prefer to try to get a severance and also to be able to file for unemployment. I don't know that I'll get either if they let me go bc of a PIP, but I know I won't get either if I quit!

I've been with the company several years, so I was kind of hoping they'd at least give me a couple of week's pay for every year worked and not dispute unemployment if I file.

Am I daydreaming or is it at all possible to say skip the pip and I can peace out of here?

Unfortunately, it sounds like the only recourse that you have is to lawyer up. I guess that the good news is that it sounds like, in your particular situation, you at least have a potential case.

For all intents and purposes, the PIP is used to cover their ass before they exit you. Sure, they make noise that some people do stay after going through a PIP but those are few and far between and even though those individual's career is forever tainted by that PIP.

But it sounds like in your case, the feeling is mutual. They are signaling to you that they want you to leave. But, unless you sign an agreement before you leave the only way that they have to cover themselves is to either put you through a pip or sign a settlement with you. And the only way that I know that you can signal back to them that you will just sign a settlement is to engage an employment lawyer and have them contact NVS. They should then quickly offer to settle with you and you can then leave. Having just come off of maternity leave you have a little more leverage than most but if you complete the PIP you are not very likely to get anything. And just to set your expectations, the Employment Attorney will get up to 40% of what ever NVS might give you and you will NOT get more than 90 days (the normal PIP period) and as little as 2 weeks.

So, if you want to stay home, just engage an employment lawyer, and have them get as much for you as they can.

My wife did this at her last job with a major corp and got 1 month severance. Have a joyous time with your son and don't look back!

Get the lawyer. Tell 'em you want to protect your job long enough to do what you have to do. That might mean negotiate for a severance, or prepare for a wrongful termination blah blah blah, whatever... An attorney will buy you some time...Anyway the point is an attorney can negotiate that idea you hope for far better than you can directly. Do it. A PIP is a frightful obstacle - meant to get rid of you - but there are drawbacks for NVS as well.

Is there any way to offer to just skip the pip in exchange for a severance? I recently came back from maternity leave, got put on a pip for 90 days, and my heart is just not in this. I want to be home with my son. Novartis doesn't know, but I was already planning on leaving in July due to my husband's job and a relocation. I was just planning on riding this out a few months, but then I got slapped with a PIP, and I don't even have a smidgen of motivation to fake like I'm trying to beat the PIP. Most people want to quit when placed on a PIP anyway, and it's that much worse when knowing that I'm definitely leaving anyway.

Anyone know if this can be done? Like to say, I will accept a severance and sign your document saying that I won't sue for wrongful termination even though you PIP'd me right after coming back from maternity leave, and we can just go ahead and wrap this up with a bow and I'll stay home with my son for the next few months.

My DM is a woman and she's hard core workaholic- she's ok with not being around her kids and she knows I'm polar opposite and I am positive she wants me GONE and replaced with someone who is balls to the wall like her. That's fine. But I don't want to quit bc I would prefer to try to get a severance and also to be able to file for unemployment. I don't know that I'll get either if they let me go bc of a PIP, but I know I won't get either if I quit!

I've been with the company several years, so I was kind of hoping they'd at least give me a couple of week's pay for every year worked and not dispute unemployment if I file.

Am I daydreaming or is it at all possible to say skip the pip and I can peace out of here?

Sounds like you are under tremendous stress, you should visit your doctor, you may even be suffering post partum depression . A good doctor would be able to diagnose you correctly & place you on disability for 26 weeks until , & if , you can recuperate.
Deal with the pip when & if you are able to return.

I was on a PIP, and in very similiar circumstances, this what I did:

I went to my dr. and listed off the exact symptoms I was feeling which I verified first online that it was post partum. You can find the list anywhere to confirm yourself.
Be ready to answer exactly why you cannot perform your duties.
Once you get the diagnosis, call HR and tell them you have been diagnosed with post partum and that you need to apply for short term disibility.

You will have to sign a few documents, but its virtually painless.
During the 26 weeks it will take to recover from your condition, your dm cannot contact you.

After all that they will ask you if you would like to apply for long term disibility. Its much tougher so just say no thanks, you are ready to try and work again.

They will put you on the PIP when you return, say that you will comply, but don't, that s what I did, and they let me go at the end of the PIP, I got a lawyer to handle it all and he got me three times what Nvs originally offered.

Good Luck, they are only young once, never forget that :)

I was on a PIP, and in very similiar circumstances, this what I did:

I went to my dr. and listed off the exact symptoms I was feeling which I verified first online that it was post partum. You can find the list anywhere to confirm yourself.
Be ready to answer exactly why you cannot perform your duties.
Once you get the diagnosis, call HR and tell them you have been diagnosed with post partum and that you need to apply for short term disibility.

You will have to sign a few documents, but its virtually painless.
During the 26 weeks it will take to recover from your condition, your dm cannot contact you.

After all that they will ask you if you would like to apply for long term disibility. Its much tougher so just say no thanks, you are ready to try and work again.

They will put you on the PIP when you return, say that you will comply, but don't, that s what I did, and they let me go at the end of the PIP, I got a lawyer to handle it all and he got me three times what Nvs originally offered.

Good Luck, they are only young once, never forget that :)

there is a hell, you know.

Wow, I am guessing you are implying that the previous posts are unethical?
Interesting, I thought the greatest sin of all is to judge another? Maybe your time would be better spent pondering where you will spend eternity.

I was on a PIP, and in very similiar circumstances, this what I did:

I went to my dr. and listed off the exact symptoms I was feeling which I verified first online that it was post partum. You can find the list anywhere to confirm yourself.
Be ready to answer exactly why you cannot perform your duties.
Once you get the diagnosis, call HR and tell them you have been diagnosed with post partum and that you need to apply for short term disibility.

You will have to sign a few documents, but its virtually painless.
During the 26 weeks it will take to recover from your condition, your dm cannot contact you.

After all that they will ask you if you would like to apply for long term disibility. Its much tougher so just say no thanks, you are ready to try and work again.

They will put you on the PIP when you return, say that you will comply, but don't, that s what I did, and they let me go at the end of the PIP, I got a lawyer to handle it all and he got me three times what Nvs originally offered.

Good Luck, they are only young once, never forget that :)

What type of severance did they offer you initially at the end of the pip? I wasn't sure if they offered severance or not at the end of a pip...

They will offer a severance in exchange for your right to sue them. If you work for Alcon don't even think about taking it. Especially if you have worked there for any amount of time. Certainly you have emails,voicemails, text messages, witnesses and other forms of multimedia that the EEOC would love to see.

They will offer a severance in exchange for your right to sue them. If you work for Alcon don't even think about taking it. Especially if you have worked there for any amount of time. Certainly you have emails,voicemails, text messages, witnesses and other forms of multimedia that the EEOC would love to see.

Why do you specifically call out Alcon? Why not take it from Alcon. Please expand...

EXCELLENT advice! Go to dr immediately, as directed. DM cannot contact you. If you even try to work under duress of PIP, you will experience mental anguish worse than post partum. Take it from me, Ive been through both, and the PIP will ruin every day that you are abided to try and satisfy its conditions. In the end, even if your sales go through the roof and you end up in top 10% of company, the manager will still write up or make up something untrue to get rid of you.

Short term disability, especially with a new born and associated post partum will give you 26 weeks to heal and regroup.

I was on a PIP, and in very similiar circumstances, this what I did:

I went to my dr. and listed off the exact symptoms I was feeling which I verified first online that it was post partum. You can find the list anywhere to confirm yourself.
Be ready to answer exactly why you cannot perform your duties.
Once you get the diagnosis, call HR and tell them you have been diagnosed with post partum and that you need to apply for short term disibility.

You will have to sign a few documents, but its virtually painless.
During the 26 weeks it will take to recover from your condition, your dm cannot contact you.

After all that they will ask you if you would like to apply for long term disibility. Its much tougher so just say no thanks, you are ready to try and work again.

They will put you on the PIP when you return, say that you will comply, but don't, that s what I did, and they let me go at the end of the PIP, I got a lawyer to handle it all and he got me three times what Nvs originally offered.

Good Luck, they are only young once, never forget that :)

Sounds like you are under tremendous stress, you should visit your doctor, you may even be suffering post partum depression . A good doctor would be able to diagnose you correctly & place you on disability for 26 weeks until , & if , you can recuperate.
Deal with the pip when & if you are able to return.

This is the best idea!

If you go on story term disability they can not touch u! There is nothing they can do because its a medical valid reason and they can't even contact you legally and don't have any recourse.

Do this ASAP because PIP is the opening of the door to fire you and almost no one comes out of PIP in a positive way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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