A 2nd rate company with a yoga class is still a 2nd rate company!

Discussion in 'Solstas Lab Partners' started by Anonymous, Mar 27, 2013 at 8:41 AM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Borrowed from another thread (too asinine to let pass):

    Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Solstas Truly is an Amazing company to work for right now the 401k is not the best or the Health Benefits but in the new Greensboro lab they will have tranquility booths, yoga classes and daycare.


    The article doesn't mention Solstass or any 2nd rate company even remotely similar to Solstass. You are truly delirious from pumping sunshine up sphincters if you think a yoga class and a day care in one site make this place anything beyond mediocre. These were basic perks at average companies 25 years ago.

    Employees at Solstass not even getting pay raises, ops being run like the Gestapo, closing facilities, ABSOLUTELY NO 401k match, reps driving company cars to beyond a quarter-of-a-million miles, ops employees hassled for buying basic office supplies, laying off phlebotomists, jacking up patient and client pricing and the list goes on and on.... This is the REAL SOLSTASS!

    Get on the train to mediocrity and poor service... Next stop... Greensboro... GBO...

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Hide yo kids hide yo wife
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Ain't nobody got time fo dat....

    On the plus side, the day care will be nice since they aren't paying us enough to afford childcare offsite!
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Rumor going around that they might make a few more quick cuts in Valdosta to get a juice bar up and running at the Greensboro facility.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    They should just go ahead and cut the fat and excise the deadwood at the Valdosta lab so they can upgrade MAE's commission to 12%. They deserve the extra money for being able talk a doc into using this craphole.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Go back to your own board "Troll"

    Such a loser to use tactics like this.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Here's something for the OPS "losers" to ponder:

    Phlebotomists and couriers get NO RAISE, insurance premiums go up and 401k match is eliminated.

    Major Account Executives make 10% commission on any new business, EVERY MONTH FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR! That's on top of their $ 60,000/year salary, company car and other bonuses. Most are making sales by overpromising, giving below cost pricing, overestimating accounts to get phlebotomists placed and other ways of downright deceit. We all know what are accounts do - any account that qualifies for a full-time phlebotomist, the rep makes AT LEAST $24,000 in commission MINIMUM!

    The average sales rep in our company is making $150,000 to $200,000 or more per year and we can't even get a .50 cent an hour pay raise. Thank your Account Executive for raping our company the next time you see them!!! They are the reason we don't get raises!!!
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I am a PSC phlebotomist and I approve this message!

    (P.S. --- I didn't write it and I'm definitely no "troll". I am a disrespected and unappreciated 8 year employee of Spectrum/Solstas)

  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Who hangs around for 8 years if you are unhappy.

    Go to work for Quest, LabCrap or a Hospital.

    My bet, you won't be happy no matter where you work.

    Trust me, they will replace you and not miss a beat. That is just the way it is and will always be, no matter where you work.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    They were probably happy until the last 2 years when Solstas turned the screws on them. Have you ever thought about that? Maybe they were hoping it would get better but it just keeps getting worse! Think about that, Jack!
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I would say less than 10% of the AE's are making the money you state. The ones that are deserve it. They are protecting all our jobs by getting more business. No business=no jobs.
    I see the issue as having too many managers,AVP's, VP's. Snip a few of these and we save a million.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    If an AE is consistently at quota for new business then they are at least making $150,000/year in salary plus commission. Do the math!

    Be conservative and say they're hitting $8k/month, that's $800 commission for that month and they paid that every month for 12 months so it stacks up. 12 x $800 = $9,600 so that'd be their monthly commission on their 'book of business' or 'tracking accounts'. $9,600 x 12 = $ 115,200 plus the $ 60,000 base salary (conservative) and that AE is making over $175,000 a year! And that is just meeting their minimum expectation. A phlebotomy account should be $20,000/month in revenue so you do the math on those.

    I'd say no less than 50% of AE's that have been with Solstas for a year are making over $150,000 a year. People like Paulina and Gibson are over $300,000 / year! Now, how's that NO RAISE thing working out for you?

  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    If you think that 50% of the AE's are making that kind of money you are nuts. You are also crazy if you think all the phlebotomy accounts are $20,000/month you are very naive. No way that the reps are making that kind of money. If they were then Solstas would not be changing the milage to $250,000 or doing away with the 401K plan. Companies make sure they are making money before anyone else and Solstas is trying to get themselves sold as fast as possible. If the reps were doing that well then Solstas would be doing even better and the owners would not be trying to sell Solstas.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    So, you're telling us that the majority of sales reps consistently FAIL to attain quota? Very interesting sales "leadership" if that's the case.

    The reason mgmt is cutting everywhere except sales comp is because they are trying to keep the numbers pretty for the sale of the company. Turnover in sales and failing to bring in new business are huge red flags for prospective buyers.

    Even if phlebotomy accounts are only bringing in $15k/month then the Acoount Execs are still bringing down $200,000 in pay. Even us couriers can do the math!

    Like someone said - we can't even get a 50 cent pay raise!

  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I figured you had to be a courier to come up with that crazy math. For your information there are plenty of accounts out there that have a phlebotomist and are only bringing in 10K. You do know that if you have to supply an phlebotomist then management reduces the pay you receive on the account. You are a total fool if you think even half of the Account Execs are making $200K. There is a reason you are simply a courier and not in a position where a real working brain is required. It's amazing that you can even red street signs and passed your driving exam. Yes, turnover in sales is a red flag but so is a policy that repalces cars only ever 250K miles and no 401K plan. Solstas knows that they are going to lose lots of reps and that doesn't matter as long as they can hold on long enough to sell out. THey will keep replacing reps with those less qualified or those naive to the fact that this company is going to be bought out by either Quest or LabCorp and the vast majority of people will be without a job. Those companies only want the business/customers not the employees. Sure they may keep some but the overwhelming will be let go in time. It would be a duplication of services and a heavy financial burden. It would not be that big a deal to have the current couriers make a few extra stops or pcik up 30 specimens rather than the one or two that Quest or LabCorp is currently getting in our offices currently. In some areas they will be forced to retain some people but in company after comapny where one is buying the other you never see the existing employees let go in favor of the ones from the company being bought. Prepare to get laid off. Don't worry there will always be a need for someone at those construction sites to hold up those stop and go signs, I think even you can handle that job. The market determines what a job will pay and you are in a job that almost everyone in the country can do so don't expect to get a raise when the company is cutting back. If we all could bat 300, run like the wind and had a arm like a cannon we would be demanding 10 Million a year as that's what the market will pay but until then you either have to go find another job, increase your worth to the company or STFU and accept it.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I cannot believe we have someone that is demeaning our couriers.(I have couriers in my area that have advanced degrees) We depend on them!
    You are truly a pompous ass and please leave this organization.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    ^^^^^^^ Shows EXACTLY how Account Executives in our company feel about us Couriers! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Account executives are chosen from a pool of arrogant, selfish idiots who highly over-rate their worth. They spend their entire miserable lives with their heads of their stinking asses on don't give a tinkers damn about anything but their wallets. May they all rot in hell.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Well, when you can prove that trained monkeys couldn't do your job for a few bananas compared to the pay they are giving away to you then maybe the AE's will have a higher opinion.