$ 38.75 Stock Price

Discussion in 'GlaxoSmithKline' started by anonymous, Nov 15, 2016 at 6:43 AM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You can take your Hillary bumper stickers off of your car now. The election is over and you lost. Time to move on.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The only whining and crying I see are millennials. Literally crying because their candidate lost. Protesting in the streets. Protesting an election loss. They are not protesting a violation of civil rights or a law that's been broken. A fair election and they lost..so used to getting a trophy just for showing up. Taking time off school because they are too distraught. These are facts. Is Trump perfect? Hell no!! But he represents the anger that most Americans have. Tired of lax boarders, jobs being shipped overseas, forced taxation for social medicine, and worst of all tired of big government. You lost. You had eight years of Obama. Rather than focus on the economy, which is what he should have done, he chose to push a socialized healthcare system down our throats. This will be his legacy. History will show, that he was under qualified. A two year senator. Nothing else on his resume. He was an academic with no real world experience. That is why his foreign policy has been an absolute abomination..I think it's now referred to as an "obama-nation". Hillary was and is an unpopular candidate within her own party. The elitists wanted a woman so bad, they backed her. No one...NO ONE.. cares if a woman is president. Everyone wants a leader who can get things done. Hillary is another one of those people who has never had a real job. Law school then practiced for a few years. That's it. Imagine if you were a sales rep for GSK for three years then jumped to a Regional VP position. A few years there and then CEO. That is essentially what Hillary's resume says. Trump will be fine. The country will not implode. In fact, he most likely will get a lot accomplished. It will sound a little ugly as he will call out the media and career politicians, but he will get things done. D.C. needed this. They needed to have their cage rattled. They needed to know who they work for. They work for all of us. That includes the silent majority. Can you hear us now?
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Has anyone seen the Fat F@66ot Larry Craig Elson from Halbrent streret in Simi Valley CA ?
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You might want to read something other than the huffington post or vox when trying to gather information about the political candidates. The same echo chamber that predicted 99% Hillary victory is spewing nothing but nonsense about the trumpster. 70 million people voted for someone other than Hillary because she is the epitome of corruption. Join government and get super rich.

    trump won women, men, dramatically increased minorities share of the vote. But, but he is hitler because the far left rags you read said it's true. read a book Sometime, you may learn a thing or two.
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Our choices weren't great this election...a narcissistic clown and an uncharismatic career politician. Needless to say, I voted for a write-in candidate. I am hopeful for the best but I fear that the only thing trump will do during his presidency is line his pockets. Hopefully, he will have patriotic intentions and actions. We shall see.
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    His pockets are already well lined my friend. His long term aspirations are for his legacy. He is an egomaniac for sure. Aren't all politicians? He wants to actually make a meaningful change. Politically incorrect? Yes. However, he single handedly exposed the liberal media for what it is. Yes most of us already know that, but he made sure the world knew. He was not my first pick. But he has proved that he can win and a very one sided system. Give him a chance. Let him get to work and make this country great again! The rest of the world was put on notice with Brexit. This vote solidified that the people are fed up! Let's get our house in order.
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    " I voted for a write in....." = an idiot wasted a vote !
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Your children will ultimately suffer economically from Brexit and an isolationist America. Trump fooled you into thinking we can operate in a vacuum of American greatness. He is alreadung cutting deals for his business interests. His crooked ways make Hillarys transgressions look like child's play. We are now officially living in a. Banana Republic
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Waaah. It was Hillarys turn, waaaaah.

    You must be a lefty like all the other senior leaders in gsk
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    hey #49 - "our" children and grandchildren will be much better off now that the threat of a liberal Supreme Court has been nullified. When you observe divisiveness, look at the far left. When you wonder why it takes a two income family to make ends meet, look to the far left. When we have to address whether a "trans-gender" requires their own restroom designation, look to the far left. Entitlements and taxation...to the left. Take an honest look at other countries like Italy, Sapin, Portugal, and Ireland.. The average citizen has a cradle to grave government will take care of me mentality. The average citizen cannot get ahead because they are taxed to the hilt! Sure they get 8 weeks of "holiday". However, those days are short lived. Europe is going bankrupt. The UK did the right thing. Short term loss for a generation of gain. I realize that long term thinking is not in your vocabulary. Trump is the best thing for you. You are just too stubborn to realize it.
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    seig heil ya'll
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Wow it turns out your a real douche......
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You can't be in pharmaceuticals Sparky......" your " should be " you're " [ you are ] ! Poor education kid. Find another site to play on.
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You're a real Douche (capitalized for effect). That better. Truth hurts doesn't it.
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    " That better. " = Please translate. Why not take one of those easy on-line school courses to get a diploma.
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Oh my, you're still a douche.......
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Educated people usually place a period at the end of a sentence Sparky.
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    This is a perfect example of douchiness. The author being a douche or the proper douchebag.
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Yes, I come to Cafepharma for instructions on grammar. Now go back to the Men's restroom where you stay all day smelling farts. And give the use of "Sparky" a break. That was funny 20 years ago.