20% Cut by Year End

Discussion in 'AstraZeneca' started by anonymous, Nov 14, 2015 at 6:54 AM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Do you hear that sound ? Its a chainsaw being rev'd up.

    These cuts will disproportionately hit the US. You have been warned.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    We'll see that you are wrong,like near 100% of those like you, who seem to get a rise by spreading discord amongst the flock. Absolutely no, none, nada....impending signs of doom. Maybe 2017.
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Said the spider to the fly.
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The Brits are more socialist than the Americans. Meaning: they actually try to keep everyone working for a decent wage.

    These US morons in charge would cut sales and keep the highly paid managers.
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    cuts were made a couple of months ago--now go spread bs elsewhere.
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    douche bags listen !! you aint' seen nuttin yet. Yo Yo Yo away da jobs go Yo Yo Yo where you money go ??

    Yes asswipe an addition 20% executed between NOW and JAN 15

    the annual Christmas present
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    on a long enough timeline, the survival rate for every pharmaceutical sales force is zero
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Man you "layoffs are near" guys never give up! If AZ wasn't obsessed with SOV, I might agree with you, but they are. Also, even if it did happen, 20% cuts would be ridiculously low! No, Frenchie is officially insane. Who passes up $120 billion for this company?

    We are all good to go to practice "THE ALL DAY LIE" at AZ. I swear, I really believe every single person in management at AZ knows we do it, and now I believe they have all joined in with us! Talk about a sweeeeet setup! Layoffs never, but an expansion I could see at AZ. Total lunacy reigns here!
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Yeah, none of AZ ever worked. Laziest people I've ever seen
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    It will be a Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas for us. No "trimming" of the AZ turkeys, ie trimming the sales force. Ha. I made a funny.
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    make sure your paper is out before the 10000 exPfizer exAllergan flood
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Whatever. Give us one, just one indication there are impending layoffs. See, you idiots can't come up with one viable, credible bit of information. The layoffs in Delaware mean nothing to the big picture, except those that it personally affected.May they find somewhere to work soon that will be much better than AZ, and they will be happy.
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Exactly! There is NO indication whatsoever of any impending layoffs! Frenchie loves us the dumb shit! I made one actual call today and lied about 7!!! How can anyone not love it here?? I just don't understand the Complainers at AZ.
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    They are forcing those close to retirement out of HQ, Director and managed care roles right now. Next they are going to lay off numerous support personnel and then it is our turn.
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    With Crestor going generic it will be far greater than 20%.
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Possibly,but it's not to happen until at least next December. The past reductions seem to be initiated around early December, and surely it won't be like a few days from now. However, things have been quiet. During the MT days, he at least gave us a heads up so to speak before it hit. We've not heard a peep from leadership.pso, possibly the high road will be taken and we'll be given a heads up, at least in primary care, where it's probable cuts will be the greatest.
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Haven't you figured it out? Our senior leadership are narcissistic & sociopathic and do not give a crap about anyone but themselves. Whatever they can do to make themselves look better to Pascal is what they will do. To hell w/ anyone else.

    A good leader knowing they plan to lay people off would issue a WARN notice and lay off in size vs. this trickle lay off plan they are obviously implementing so they don't have to pay a decent severance. Why? So they look good to their boss at the expense of the workers & save a multi-billion organization a little money. Maybe we should let Bernie know what is happening. I am sure he would love to leverage this on his campaign trail.
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You want to know why it's been quiet? Because nothing is happening! The cuts will take place next year, and will be small. Frenchie the Incompetent still loves share of voice. He thinks it's the key to sales. While every major pharma company is cutting it's sales force, Frenchie hire more! He is just an idiot, but it protects our "3 hour workday asses" that's for sure!