Maybe those who support drug legalization should

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by I Love America, Jan 10, 2011 at 12:45 PM.

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  1. D_A_R_T_H

    D_A_R_T_H Guest

    Anyone can create a twitter account and say they knew someone the connection of marijuana and this shooting has not been established by the authorities.

  2. so you are saying that the "association" is tenuous at best and I should hold off making any rash judgements about his motives or political leanings?

    Is that what you are saying?
  3. Tim Peatardy

    Tim Peatardy Guest

    Man, the shit you people call a source is astounding, no wonder you're all so misguided. The marijuana made him do it. From the folks touting responsibility. Thanks for another gem cocksheath.

  4. And here I thought you were brighter than that. I guess I was wrong. My bad.

    The point of this thread was to shine the light on all those jumping to conclusions about "why" he did it. And all those saying we should "rethink" our gun laws.

    I guess it was too subtle for you. BTW, how are you coming with your blog?
  5. Huggy Bear

    Huggy Bear Guest

    how many times has pot killed people?
    how many times has guns killed people?
    every1 should smoke pot
  6. ThisIsYorCaptnSpkng

    ThisIsYorCaptnSpkng Active Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    You're really from the short buss, aren't you?

    ILA explained the trap he set for you prejudicial bigot hypocrites, and you -- the poster child for the libtard nation -- promptly stepped into it.
  7. Huggy Bear

    Huggy Bear Guest

    reasonable guns maybe ok but a 9 mm with and extended clip? this is ridiculous
  8. Huggy Bear

    Huggy Bear Guest

    u did? where?
  9. ThisIsYorCaptnSpkng

    ThisIsYorCaptnSpkng Active Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    Oh shit, why do you comment on topics you know nothing about?

    A 9mm is one of the most innocuous guns available. It's what you use if you just want to piss somebody off. The only reason he was successful with it is because he was firing at point blank range. It's about the same as a 38 special, but you don't know what that means either. Granted, some police departments have gone to 9mm as standard issue because of the increase of female police officers who can't handle the recoil of a 40 or 45. Most exchanges between cops and bad guys are done with 40 or 45cal handguns.

  10. Sorry Curly....If drugs are outlawed....then only outlaws will have drugs.
  11. Breakingnews

    Breakingnews Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2008
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    He probably drinks water too - Should we ban that?

    Don't even try to comment on a subject you know nothing about - pot is basically harmless - Booze and cigarettes contribute far more to the social ills that plague our society.

    You are suffering from a severe case of 'reefer madness'.
  12. ThisIsYorCaptnSpkng

    ThisIsYorCaptnSpkng Active Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    At first I was surprised that one of the libtards bit on your OP, but after you tipped them off on your trap (text above), they just keep stepping in it. Do these fool just not comprehend? Or can they just not read?
  13. You've been smoking that shit again...
  14. Liberals do it to themselves (in more than one way).

    They make it easy. RAB and Rock are the dumbest of the bunch, and they can always be counted on to leap before they look.
  15. Breakingnews

    Breakingnews Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2008
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    Maybe you should try some - It may help to minimize some of the side effects of your Aricept.
  16. Thanks for the Malkin thing. It's in my signature block now. Forever.
  17. Pale Horse

    Pale Horse Guest

    What do you consider a reliable source?
  18. Vagitarian

    Vagitarian Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2006
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    I wonder how many registered sex offenders were breast fed as infants?
  19. Huggy Bear

    Huggy Bear Guest

    pot doesnt kill people, people kill people!
    oh and 4 the record, i dont support legalizing 'drugs' just pot its an herb