
Discussion in 'Impax Labs/Global' started by anonymous, Aug 13, 2021 at 12:51 AM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    That is a big stretch! LF has had an attitude for a long time and was AD henchwomen. However, she shouldn’t have to deal with the abuse and immaturity of the current leadership. I am happy she is finding a new place. I hope it works out for her.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    They did not like LF because she wouldn’t be their “Yes” person. She stood up to all of them HK, KC, FA. Doing so makes you a problem child.
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    There are six who could file a suit even if they signed a severance document. Dismissed due to false pretenses when other factors were at play. They all share one common trait - age. HK has stated that younger employees have more energy. Energy to work or play hard as she loves to call it. She respects employees who play hard and can hold their liquor.
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    She obviously can’t hold hers
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    He was a great dude. Hilarious. I think he was a Field trainer too. They appear to be gutting that department as well
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    They didn’t like him because he would ask questions. He’s going to be much better off at a company who appreciates his knowledge and experience. He will be much happier!
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Inferior leaders like HK KCS do not like those that are smarter than them. Notice all that have been pushed out have experience.
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    If you are 40 and older you should be looking. Have you noticed the age range of new hires? HK wants fresh faced newbies. I would bet that she has even relayed her desire to our internal recruiter and HR. She may get her hand slapped by a fully qualified applicant who is passed over without a just explanation.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I guarantee that neurology specialists don't want "younger". They want experienced, knowledgeable, passionate, and mature reps calling on their offices, especially neurological disorders such as Parkinson's. Duh. The young, drunk, and dumb will bring Amneal down to its absolute lowest. Not a good look...guaranteed.
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I believe successful college graduates can converse with all specialists if they are adequately trained on the disease and drug used to treat it. What I differ with is HK’s plan to kick anyone she doesn’t like to the curb.
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    It has nothing to do with being able to "Converse". It's about how to maneuver with these specialists and their personalities. Neuros are much diff than endos. Access is also an issue so you have to be strategic on how you approach getting into some of the Neuro offices or even hospital groups. It's not the same. There are also skills that go well beyond clinical that you just possess as a seasoned field rep. You also have to have very good business acumen. That is quite honestly not something you can really teach. There are skills that can be learned then there are things that you possess innately.
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Totally agree with your last sentence. HK is only looking at age and apparently drinking ability. Your first sentence isnt entirely accurate if you are talking about fresh out of college grads. For Endocrinology absolutely. Definitely in a Primary Care setting. There are just some aspects of doing the job you have to learn by doing and experience. Neurology Oncology and a few others are different. Those providers won’t give you a chance unless you’ve been around awhile. Changing reps every quarter like we’ve done in several cases the last 12 months is what really hurts the numbers. (HK also doesn’t value Relationships so there’s that as well). Secondly for those few exceptional recent grads the ability of Amneal to both identify and recruit those folks would be slim and none. This place does not seek to acquire or retain top talent.
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I agree that calling on a neuro or psychiatrist is different than primary care, but if you have sales skills and a brain you can do the job and be successful. I transitioned into pharmaceutical sales with a sales background . Called on neuro’s and psych’s and won multiple awards. It’s not rocket science. You have to learn to navigate offices and know how to plan your days no matter what you are selling.
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The PD team is still in denial. You know and have seen transfers from Endo to Neuro. Some of these “new to the industry” reps. did quite well. JM is an example. Now they are looking to use contract reps. to backfield your positions. It’s time to wake up. Either do your job or find another one.
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Be sure and wish LF best wishes as Friday is her last day. She has been a great friend to the sales teams. Do you think it is a coincidence that L is leaving? Not a chance. Look for more in corporate to pack their bags.
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I don’t think you are making the point you think you are making. The post you responded to said that reps need to learn the ‘job’ and that Neuro isn’t a good fit for someone fresh out of college. In your response you make their point. Going to Neuro from Endo means they’ve had time to learn the job. It’s a completely different sell. If you don’t have the Basics down you will struggle
    More reps have crashed and burned going from Endo to Neuro than been successful. Those who have either walked into a self sustaining territory or have already left. The reason Endo hasn’t been replaced with Contract Reps is because it would cost more in salary to bring in a contract rep than what they currently pay
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    My point is this. Sales reps. can be trained to call on neurologists. I have heard so many of you say how difficult it is to talk with them and see them. That was not my experience. Undoubtedly, the company agrees because the PD openings are being replaced or will be replaced with contract reps. who have less experience and less salary costs.
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Your experience is unique. You said it yourself you’ve heard others have these issues and they do. You are correct that Reps can be trained to call on neurologists. The less experience you have the greater the learning curve. The current leadership has 0 to little experience either bring reps or in Neurology. They believe that experience does not matter. Their own inexperience shows in how they are making decisions. No one launches a cornerstone product with a slew of contract and/or inexperienced reps. That is the road we are on with IPX. There is more to managing a sales team and a group of people then numbers on a spread sheet. The Company has rolled the dice and we will see where they land. But every historical indicator points to the downfall of Specialty at Amneal. I’m happy you’ve found success. Many of us have had successful careers here. But the writing is on the wall and I along with many others are looking to move on. The ‘brain drain’ will be felt when/if IPX is launched
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    In what world are you living? LF was the person who wanted cameras in everyone's car, it was her project. We have no samples of anything....Fleet cars have been delayed or late. I wish her the best, and yes, many people from corporate are looking, just like the sales force.