Pharma Under Trump Administration

Discussion in 'Merck' started by anonymous, Jan 23, 2017 at 12:23 PM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Saw a news clip today. All the pharmacy CEO's were present. Ken was busy giving Trump a hand job in the clip I saw. Wonder if they shared any Obama love stories together.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You sound like a high school sophomore spouting some bullshit a moron social studies teacher told you.
    The politicians are the ones who put this country into the toilet. Stop the "racist" shit. It's not valid and gets used to brand and intimidate anyone who doesn't agree with minority views. Leaders of all races can be stupid; it has nothing to do with their race. There's plenty of stupid to go around.
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I'll take one Trump over any hundred candidates the idiot, crybaby, Dems could come up with.
    He's far from perfect, but sure beats any he did to get the nomination....hands down.
    Cruz may have come close, but at the end of the day, he's still a politician.
    Obama, Pelosi, Reid ran this country into the ground. Don't want any more self-serving politicians running this country.
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Cruz acted like a jackass and now he's Trumps bitch.....Get the fuck off the Pharma boards you lonely political board hacks. Get a fucking life too and straighten out that $3 bill son of yours.
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    you are a big tough guy. You talk s$&@ on a board. You are a punk. Come and get it
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Amen to that! All those huge, expensive, risky, but positive clinical outcomes trials (VASOTEC, ZOCOR, MEVACOR, etc.) all squandered when marketers tried to dismiss the reality that VIOXX wasn't cardio-protective.
    When Mgmt started urging clinical speakers to deliver "messages" instead of good science it was all downhill.
    Hard-earned, respected reputations can vanish overnight once trust is lost. Good luck regaining it. .
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Such manly men, fearing the ladies.
    Such silly males, so little to fear.
    Why are you so scared of girls?
    And why don't you like them?
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Listen dickhole, who is scared? You should thank trump. He was able to get that fat rumbling herd moving. Men are not protesting. There is nothing to protest about. Are you protesting because you will be treated equal to everyone else? Are you protesting because you don't want equal treatment? I am waiting to read "I am protesting because of ?.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    So true, he would make a good rep! Anyone else think Kellyanne Conway reminds you of Patti Drake?!
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    "I am protesting because I have low self-esteem and I feel a sense of belonging when I am amongst other protesters. I would not have the courage to protest by myself. I have finally found social acceptance among my new friends which is much better than my old imaginary friends".
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Let's hope Brady, Trump, Belichick, and Kraft win today. We already know Boston R&D keeps winning year after year after year with developing new molecules. It has to be something about our state that brings out the best in people.
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The best team ever. They need to change it to the Belichick Trophy.
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Where to start? Terrific Tom was vilified by the special needs idiots in NY/NJ/PA. There are some really big problems down there. Boston has the best scientists in the world and keeps the lights on for all of Merck. We pay your salaries. Why do the people down south of us not understand this? We never had layoffs or closures. Why is that? Because we are so much better than you. Don't take it personal. Facts are the facts. Same way with Americas team. You could write anything you want. The PATS won again. They are the best. The others are just not as good.

    Do you really think there will be any R&D in NJ in 3 years? The pilot plants are ran by idiots who know nothing of science. Do you think it really matters that we just put money in it down there? Once California is running NJ will just be a nightmare of unwanted people without the fortitude or intellect to create a drug. I am shocked when the so called scientists are cut or forced to out and surprised. Do you really not see it coming? Are you that stupid? Are you that oblivious to reality? Is that why your half retarded kids in special needs are thought to be intelligent until reality starts kicking in? Maybe if you spent time with them and not make it an other persons problem they would have been better off. Like the Pats, we are great and you suck. Go back in your cesspool homes were you belong.
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest