
Discussion in 'Bristol-Myers Squibb' started by anonymous, Jan 5, 2016 at 6:19 PM.

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How do you feel about the arbitration agreement?

  1. I think it's fine. No big deal.

    0 vote(s)
  2. I oppose it and think it is immoral and draconian.

    0 vote(s)
  3. I have no real feelings and don't understand it.

    0 vote(s)
  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Arbitration Vacillation: Recently the company sent a Arbitration agreement to you which stated that if you do not agree to it then you will be terminated. How has this made you feel about your company?

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    A sign of the times. 20 years ago, most people would tell them to take this agreement and shoving it, quit, and move on to a new job in 30 days. Today, we have to eat shit to stay employed to feed our kids. Well all sign it and continue to be disengaged, unmotivated, and do only what's necessary, and collect our pay checks.
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Not shocking at all. Shitty leaders who bully employees have created a horrible culture.
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Leaders??? More like ass-kissing morons! Leaders motivate, our mgmt demotivates. That's why I work 15 to 20 hrs week, collect my check and run my side business on BMS's dime. Screw them all.
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    There are no leaders here. The arb agreement is just another step to kill off money spent on lawyers > which increases expenses > which lowers eps > which decreases executive compensation. So in the end it's all about increasing exec comp. Pretty simple.
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    In the UK, EAT is the Employment Appeals Tribunal. This is where unresolved employment cases end up. How ironic!!
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Yep, get a back-up side line business going or get some advanced ed thing going. Shop out other companies that take better care of their employees. Vote with your feet and take charge of your life. Don't depend on those lump/chumps in management to look out for you. They only care about covering their own asses. Don't get mad, get even. You'll feel better about yourself.

    "You boys have no fight left in ya! You're nutless! You've been pu$$ified!" -R. Lee Ermy
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Don't sign here's why:
    If you sign this , You are in effect being denied your right as a US Citizen to a fair trail in the courts. The reason why BMS wants you to sign the arbitration agreement is that arbitrators do not give the large awards that jury's do. The arbitrators want to please the companies because they are the repeat customer (not the employee). Similar to real estate appraisers trying to keep their lenders happy. It's a major difference. It's corrupt. You should never give up your right to a trail. If you do go to arbitration there's little benefit for you. An arbitrator can cost you around $15K. You still end up getting a lawyer to make your them. That's CRAZY! The only benefit for the employee may be that the case is settled fairly fast instead of drug out over years.
    Also a couple of notes that BMS does not want you to know:

    -The ability to force arbitration varies state by state.
    -In some states they cant really force you to arbitration if you don't want and in some states they do not consider an arbitration agreement to exist. If it isn't signed. This is true even if the agreement says that non signing is the same as agreeing to it. That means you will be in the driver seat and be able to chose between arbitration or a court.
    -Overall forced arbitration is becoming suspect with high courts and the trend is to favor the employee in a dispute. BMS is behind on this legal trend and it will backfire on them.

    The cards are stacked against the employee. The company can fire you for the way you part your hair and it's legal unless you can prove you were fired due to Age, Sex, Religion etc. And even if you were it's very difficult to prove. And when companies start forcing arbitration agreements to avoid paying for their lawbreaking , word gets out and it diminishes there ability to attract quality people.

    Don't Sign.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    As a past employee of BMS. I would not recommend going down the arbitration route. Certainly with regard to the UK, where there was corruption in the judicial process with regard to arbitration and subsequently in the employment tribunal. My advice, don't sign your rights away.
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    For those who are wondering. Yes, I speak through personal experience, and would I stand up in a court of law and repeat my accusations? Yes, I would.