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NPC going to screw up launch of LZC

Discussion in 'Novartis' started by Anonymous, Aug 31, 2014 at 2:17 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Yep. NPC going to make is interview for our jobs. Wow! That shows that they really care about their people and retaining talent. They are going to screw this up. Just ran into one of my cardiologist and he mentioned he saw LCZ on GMA and asked if I would be launching it. Told him id have to apply for my job. He said that's horrible and if NPC screws me over he won't touch it. Let's see how well you launch this NPC.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    This is kinda strange. ABL and RD s will just hire their friends? And what about a rep in there 50 s? I guess there is no chance for the old white guy.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    If you are in your 50's and still doing this job, shame on you! What a total lack of ambition
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    2 words and take note novartis: LAW SUIT!!!!!!!!! You're better off cutting the bottom 10 percent and dealing with a 3rd party than letting friends hire friends.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Please tell me this is a joke. We are seriously going to have to apply for our jobs?!? What a joke. I hope law suits run rampant. And wouldn't they need more than one rep per territory to launch this "blockbuster"? If they don't launch it well it will never catch up.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    No need to worry about this launch, the same team that launched Amturnide is on it.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You are so naive! This is not a joke. Who do you think they hired for new Derm team? You outside Novartis. Some reps who interviewed got it but mostly no. This is a Cardiology drug not a PC drug. They will mostly hire from outside. They will go after CVAS reps and managers. You will most likely not get this role. May I suggest you look for a new job and cut your losses?
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Dude NOVARTIS has a poor history if product launches. Look at Gilenya. Utter failure even though this was a 5 billion dollar potential product. They will fuck this up trust me
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Oh yes, because our CV speciality sales force was so effective with the cardiologists before. ;) bahahahahahahaha. Good freakin luck NPC. The cardiologists don't even touch what the PCP high volume docs could do. But you would have let us all go and you'll have yourself to thank when the loyal docs lose their only novartis rep left And say Enough of dealing with novartis.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    LCZ will be an EPIC fail when it could have been something great. Without the main primary care and IM customers on board it will fall flat on its face. Novartis needs the PC sales force on board and taking care of the PC/IM docs with a supporting role in the cardiology offices. Then hire a cardiology specialty rep to cover a couple of territories. This makes the most sense. 1 specialty rep per territory ain't gonna hack it. Especially considering many offices won't let a new rep in the door. Novartis would be idiots to cut PC. But they'll have to learn the hard way. hQ, Basel and East Hanover are out of touch and don't have a clue what makes docs prescribe.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The epic fail is your brain. The days of waltzing into your IM's FP's along with their NP's & PA's & a few specialists tossing $10's of thousands of "speaker" honorariums is long gone.
    They require monkeys that can actually sell going forward in the new healthcare landscape.
    You are better served using those well honed skills into a more practical venue such as say dominos delivery or a teller & your local S&L
    For the record you morons sucked royally with EXP. just saying.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Just wait and see, my friend. Just wait and see.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Wait and see ? Decisions have been made already. November will be the announcement
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Wait and see how horrible the launch is
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The new "Derm" division is going to eff it up too....
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Obviously you must have just graduated from tech school. The comment you made just REEKS of typical Gen Y mentality: "I will work until I get pissed off because something isn't going my way! Then I will quit because I am entitled to and everybody owes me something!" What makes you think the poster doesn't have ambition? MAYBE their ambition is to provide for their family, enjoy a "work-life balance", and have a million+ in retirement options? Good luck with that shitty-selfish-uninformed-out-of-touch attitude you just displayed, Young Gun. Since you appear to have no solid work ethic, LUCK is your only hope.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Can you imagine! How laughable of a joke are you?
    Doctor DON'T prescribe a med that may save your patient
    from heart failure &/or hospitalization because I will no longer be
    schlepping the donuts & signing you up for bogus honorariums.
    YES please find 1 doctor on the planet that practices medicine this way.
    What a typical narcissistic rep AHole. The world revolves around your
    cushy overpaid underworked part time gig & eff the patient. You are
    a disgrace to actual healthcare professionals. Perhaps one of your kin will
    find just that type of doctor when it's their turn.
    Unbelievable ! Unemployment can't hit you in the arse fast enough!
    Good riddance to all you PC losers
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Oh screw you kAm or ABL who brags about your numbers while the rep is doing your damn job. You parasite, kool aid drinking, ass kissing, brown nosing POS! You're sorry and pathetic. Maybe you didn't have relationships but I do and believe me Einstein ass kisser, docs are sick of nov bull shit!!! Go kiss ass some more loser
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    you don't need a salesforce for LZC.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Based on the stellar job you morons did with EXP there aren't many numbers worth boasting about now are there ?
    Why don't you aspire to do something you're actually qualified for what with your crows feet & drooping post 40 parts that look like wax under a heat lamp
    Panera host, streetwalker or little caesars delivery grunt